interdisciplinary journal
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10.28945/4901 ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. .i-iii
Geoffrey Z. Liu

Table of Contents for Volume 17, 2022, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Halle Singh

In this article, I report on a mapping project of the methods used in articles in Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal since its inception. By reviewing all articles published in this journal from June 2008 to December 2020, I investigate and visually map the methodological tools used in the production of knowledge with, for, and about girls and girlhood. Alongside visual representations of this data, I also seek to reinvigorate conversations about the importance of epistemological and methodological rigor in studies of girls and girlhood.

Saleh S. Baeesa

On behalf of the editorial board, I am pleased to announce the launch of the official journal of the Saudi Spine Society, the Journal of Spine Practice (JSP), an international peer-reviewed, open access, academic, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary journal that encompasses every aspect of spine care and research. Our goal is to see JSP grow into a space for multidisciplinary scholarly dialogue among spine practitioners to showcase their clinical research, basic science research, health services research, economic analysis, health professionals education, as well as evidence-based statements and guidelines. JSP aims to promote excellence in spine care and produce a significant academic contribution to the field. To read the full text, please download the PDF or view the article HTML.

Bunmi Omodan ◽  
Bekithemba Dube

As our inaugural statement, this article conceptualises sociality, which forms the focus of the "Interdisciplinary Journal of Sociality Studies". We reinvigorated its “scope and focus” for the cognisance of our potential authors. We also explicated, step by step, our fundamental editorial process, including the issue of originality, trustworthiness and misconduct, ethical considerations, citation and referencing style, disclosure and conflict of interest, permissions and acknowledgement, as part of our quality production process. The article also presents the academic background of all our inaugural editorial team to display the potential of IJSS towards the production of quality knowledge on sociality studies. Based on this exploration, we conclude that IJSS accommodates any scholarly articles that solve social-related problems with an iota of sociological and emancipatory tendency involving humans and their relationships with but not limited to environment, objects and subjects. Therefore, we recommend that all potential authors ensure that the author guidelines' instructions are strictly adhered to while preparing for submission.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Fidelia Ibekwe ◽  
Fernanda Bochi ◽  
Daniel Martínez-Ávila

The need to map the evolution of trends in any field of activity arises when a large amount of data is available on that activity, thus making impossible a manual exploration of the data in order to understand how the field or the activity is evolving. Topic and trend mapping is a mature field with hundreds of publications on approaches, methods and tools for data collection, analysis, feature extraction and reduction, clustering and visualisation tools and algorithms. Our study aims to map the evolution of topics published by the journal Education for Information. Interdisciplinary Journal on Information Studies (EFI henceforth) which has been in existence since 1983, in order to understand how this journal has evolved and how it is positioned with regard to the field of Library and Information Science to which it belongs. Our study is part of the body of work on topic detection and text mining. Our results showed that the journal displayed a remarkable stability in its editorial policy over more than three decades. With the arrival of its third Editor in Chief in 2018, a shift towards more technologically oriented topics and to specialties from other fields are perceptible such as health information, data science and digital humanities.

2021 ◽  
Bharat B. Aggarwal ◽  
Onur Bender ◽  
Tarun Belwal ◽  
Ihosvany Camps ◽  
Carlos L. Cespedes Acuña ◽  

Christine Daigle ◽  
Russell Kilbourn

In December 2015, a group of researchers at Brock University launched the Posthumanism Research Institute to provide an interdisciplinary networking hub for individuals interested in posthumanist theory. One of the goals of the founding group was to establish a peer-reviewed, international, open-access, online, bilingual, and interdisciplinary journal. We are proud to present you with the inaugural issue of Interconnections/Interconnexions.   En décembre 2015, un groupe de chercheurs de Brock University a mis sur pied le Posthumanism Research Instituteafin d’offrir une plateforme interdisciplinaire de réseautage à tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la théorie posthumaniste. Un des objectifs du groupe fondateur était de lancer une revue internationale, libre d’accès, bilingue, interdisciplinaire, avec évaluation par les pairs. Nous sommes fiers de vous présenter le numéro inaugural de Interconnections/Interconnexions.

BioChem ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-50
Buyong Ma

The advances of biological science have fundamentally changed our world and our understanding of human beings [...]

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. v-vi
Claudia Mitchell

This Special Issue of Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal represents another milestone in the history of the journal, coming, as it does, out of the second international conference of the International Girls’ Studies Association (IGSA) that was hosted by Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana, in 2019. As the guest editors, Angeletta Gourdine, Mary Celeste Kearney, and Shauna Pomerantz highlight in their introduction, the conference itself and the Special Issue set in motion the type of dialogue and conversation that is crucial to challenging and changing the world of inequities and disparities experienced by girls. For a relatively new area of study that has roots in feminism and social change, critical dialogue about inclusion and exclusion and about ongoing reflexivity and questioning must surely be at the heart of girls studies. The guest editors capture this admirably when they replace the question “What is girlhood studies?” with the provocative and generative question, “What can girlhood studies be?” The articles and book reviews in this Special Issue tackle what girls studies could be in so many different ways, ranging from broadening and deepening notions of intersectionality and interdisciplinarity to ensuring a place for the article, “Where are all the Girls and Indigenous People at IGSA@ND?” co-authored by the girls who belong to the Young Indigenous Women’s Utopia group. Such an account offers a meta-analysis of the field of girlhood studies, but so did the call for the Special Issue as a whole. It is commendable that this team of co-editors assembled and curated a series of articles that reveal the very essence of the problematic that girlhood studies seeks to address.

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