school preparation
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2021 ◽  
Kylie J. Hardgrave

<p>The Encouragement of Academic Skills in Young Children (EASYC) is a new measure, used to investigate the benefits of parents using in-home educational activities with their young children. The overall goals of this study were to 1) validate the EASYC as a reliable instrument for measuring parents’ at-home education practices, and 2) demonstrate the importance of providing a stimulating home educational environment for young children. In general, the EASYC was demonstrated as applicable to 4 year old children and the US sample, with future development possible for other populations. Key findings illustrated 1) the fast development of children’s learning, 2) the co-dependence of literacy and numeracy in young children, 3) that formal activities are more influential than informal activities, 4) that parental involvement is maintained across time, and 5) that culture influences how parents teach their children. The EASYC was established as a measure of parent involvement in pre-school education with a scope not previously achieved and the potential to benefit learning outcomes and school preparation in pre-school children.</p>

2021 ◽  
Kylie J. Hardgrave

<p>The Encouragement of Academic Skills in Young Children (EASYC) is a new measure, used to investigate the benefits of parents using in-home educational activities with their young children. The overall goals of this study were to 1) validate the EASYC as a reliable instrument for measuring parents’ at-home education practices, and 2) demonstrate the importance of providing a stimulating home educational environment for young children. In general, the EASYC was demonstrated as applicable to 4 year old children and the US sample, with future development possible for other populations. Key findings illustrated 1) the fast development of children’s learning, 2) the co-dependence of literacy and numeracy in young children, 3) that formal activities are more influential than informal activities, 4) that parental involvement is maintained across time, and 5) that culture influences how parents teach their children. The EASYC was established as a measure of parent involvement in pre-school education with a scope not previously achieved and the potential to benefit learning outcomes and school preparation in pre-school children.</p>

Restu Yulia Hidayatul Umah

This study aims to describe the background and experience of parents, as well as perform a typology on the views of parents in sending their children to school at an early age. Lately, there has been a lot of discussion about the pros and cons of enrolling early childhood children into PAUD (KB) level schools. Pro parents argue that at school, children can socialize with their friends, can learn by playing, can be independent, and much more. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that parents who send their children to school at an early age are motivated by the fact that children do not have friends, for the sake of children's independence, lack of educational games at home, children's desires, for children's growth and development, basic Islamic education, and reasons for adequate school facilities. Then, the experience felt by parents in sending their children to school at an early age is the number of positive changes in children. While the view of parents in sending their children to school at an early age is the need for optimizing children's growth and development; school preparation in the next stage; educational playground; and familiarity with the rules.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003465432110127
Martha Cecilia Bottia ◽  
Roslyn Arlin Mickelson ◽  
Cayce Jamil ◽  
Kyleigh Moniz ◽  
Leanne Barry

Racially minoritized students in the United States constitute 30% of the U.S. population, but students from these populations represent a smaller proportion of those who earn science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) undergraduate degrees. This disproportionality contributes to race/ethnic income, status, and power inequalities linked to STEM careers. Using a combination of vote counting and narrative approaches, the authors synthesize 50 recent articles about the factors related to college students’ STEM participation. Consistent with cumulative disadvantage and critical race theories, findings reveal that the disproportionality of racially minoritized students in STEM is related to their inferior secondary school preparation; the presence of racialized lower quality educational contexts; reduced levels of psychosocial factors associated with STEM success; less exposure to inclusive and appealing curricula and instruction; lower levels of family social, cultural, and financial capital that foster academic outcomes; and fewer prospects for supplemental STEM learning opportunities. Policy implications of findings are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Tuva Schanke

Norwegian kindergartens organize school-preparation activities for five- and six-year-old children. Prior studies have mainly focused on the distribution and content of preparatory activities, whereas there is less research about children’s perspectives and contributions. Video data was collected in a Norwegian kindergarten over a seven-month period, and the paper analyses how children cooperate and use verbal, non-verbal and material resources in an outdoor activity focused on numbers and counting. The children share knowledge about numbers and the rules of the activity, and they show strong willingness to include each other in the activity. The main implication for practice is that children at this age are in possession of quite advanced cooperative skills and capable of managing a number activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Hilmawan Wibawanto ◽  
Roemintoyo Roemintoyo ◽  
Triana Rejekiningsih

Vocational high school comprehensively relates technology studies, the development of acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, and life skills. In this context, teachers play important role in forming and producing competent graduates’ need toward Society 5.0. This study aims to analyze teachers’ perceptions about vocational high school readiness toward Society 5.0. This study used a descriptive quantitative with survey method. The respondents were vocational high school teachers that have been selected using a random sampling method. The result indicated teachers’ understanding of Society 5.0 is low. The school’s readiness to facilitate learning also quite low. The assessments still generalized requirements for student achievement. On the other hand, teachers still have the motivation to learn to use technology. The majority of teachers often attend training to improve instructional media skills. Based on these results, school preparation needs to be improved in terms of teacher competence and learning support facilities for Society 5.0.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-23
Luana Nunes de Souza ◽  
Priscila Barros ◽  
Luciana Venâncio ◽  
Luiz Sanches-Neto

The objective of this article is to describe educational practices between students in teacher education and professors as practicum supervisors. The study is methodologically based on (auto)biographical narratives from the practicums at a military school and a municipal school in Fortaleza, in northeastern Brazil. The participants are two physical education undergraduates at the Federal University of Ceará – who followed through classes in early childhood and elementary education – and two university professors as practicum supervisors. The content analysis of themes from the narratives was dialogical, using a virtual learning environment. The narratives were compiled from field records, shared readings and nine meetings during one semester. The mediation of reflections took place weekly through the Google Docs platform. The results pointed out some problems and challenges, such as the context, structure and accessibility of each school, preparation of classes, school teachers’ educational practices, as well as the specificity of physical education. We consider that educational practices between the students and supervisors were close to the positions taken by one teacher; however, there was a distance from the dispositions of other teachers at both schools. We conclude that narratives situated ways of coping with adversity, contributing to the students’ process of self-study.

Олена Бєлова ◽  

The aim of the study is to carry out a theoretical analysis of the term “readiness” and to reveal the essence of related concepts: “readiness to study”, “readiness for school”, “preparation for school”, “school maturity”. The main research method is theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature. The analysis of the research materials proved that the term “readiness” has a single key position, namely – a directed action, the desire to do something. From the content of the problem of studying the concept of “readiness” arise different interpretations: from a medical point of view it is the state, tone, mobilization of all psychophysical systems; from pedagogical – positive attitude to activity, awareness of educational motive, needs; setting for a certain behavior; from the psychological – the focus on the implementation of a particular action in the presence of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities; formation of psychological properties, without which it is impossible to successfully master the activity. Also, it is determined that there is no single position on the concept of “readiness” of the child for school. There are different and common views on this issue. The concept of “readiness to learn” is considered from two positions: the influence of general qualities and patterns on the development of the individual as a whole; selection of components (functional, cognitive, emotional, motivational, personal and social) that indicate readiness for school. “Readiness for school” is determined by the degree of formation of physical, physiological and mental qualities of the child, is determined by a complex structural entity of the individual – his new qualities: his own position, the need for significance. “School preparation” is based on general and special training. Their interaction determines the components of readiness (mental, intellectual, emotional, volitional, social, personal, moral, physical) of a child of older preschool age to acquire new school knowledge, Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 2020, № 7 (101) 156 skills and abilities and to gain new knowledge, skills and abilities at school. The “school maturity” of a preschooler is a psychophysiological aspect of organic maturation, namely the formation of the morphological-physiological and mental system (intellectual, emotional and socio-personal). In the future it is planned to consider the psychological and pedagogical components of the readiness of older preschool children for school

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