media relations
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-38
Maria João Ferreira ◽  
Fernando Moreira ◽  
Isabel Seruca

Digitalization is changing business and organizations. In the organizational context, the potential that can be realized through digitalization is manifest, namely the expenditure reduction and higher innovative power. However, it is not enough to integrate digitalization; a change of culture and behavior is necessary. To this extent, social media relations have the potential to create communication capabilities that can be turned into useful resources, which in turn will result in more significant competitive advantage and performance. Taking advantage of social tools within social business contexts requires an exercise in how to demonstrate usefulness regarding the creation, access, and sharing of content securely. To this end, this chapter will provide a comprehensive view of a new context of labor (i.e., social business supported by mobile IST-m_CSDIT2) to improve the organizational well-being through the collective intelligence and agility dimensions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-271
Nayla Erzani ◽  
Renata Anisa

Media relations penting bagi berbagai jenis perusahaan guna dapat memperoleh publisitas positif melalui media massa, utamanya bagi perusahaan yang baru merintis. Walau peran Public Relations merupakan aspek penting dalam pertumbuhan perusahaan yang baru merintis (startup), penelitian holistik tentang bagaimana startup dapat memanfaatkan Public Relations masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas secara lebih rinci tentang bagaimana konsultan Public Relations Kennedy, Voice Berliner (KVB) dapat berperan dalam aktivitas media relations sebuah startup properti-teknologi bernama Cove. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan merujuk pada konsep ilmiah media relations yang meliputi pengelolaan relasi, pengembangan strategi, serta pengembangan jaringan. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui hasil observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsultan Public Relations KVB berperan untuk melakukan follow-up rutin terhadap jurnalis dalam rangka mengelola relasi. Konsultan juga melakukan pengembangan strategi dengan menyusun pedoman komunikasi serta taktik berupa pemetaan media, siaran pers, konferensi pers, serta pemantauan media. Selain itu, konsultan juga turut memanfaatkan jaringan di organisasi usaha dan kehumasan internasional dalam menjalankan aktivitas media relations Cove. Media relations are essential for various companies to gain positive publicity through the mass media, especially for startups. Although the role of Public Relations is a crucial aspect amidst the growth of startups, holistic research on how startups can optimize the use of Public Relations remains limited. This study aims to discuss how Public Relations consultants from KVB (Kennedy, Voice Berliner) can manage the media relations activities of a property-technology startup called Cove. The research uses the qualitative method, referring to the three concepts of media relations; relationship management, strategy development, and network expansion. All data were obtained through observations, interviews, and document studies which were also descriptively analyzed. The study results indicate that the Public Relations consultants of KVB have a role in carrying out the routine follow-up of journalists to manage relations. The consultants also develop strategies by initiating communication guidelines and tactics. Moreover, consultants utilize KVB’s networks in business and international public relations organizations to implement Cove’s media relations activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-46
Nevrettia Christantyawati ◽  
Aswin Tangdiesak

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana khalayak baik dalam memberikan dan menyebarkan informasi lalu lintas dan pengalaman lingkungan perkotaan. Meskipun saat ini terdapat banyak aplikasi lalu lintas berbasis smartphone, penelitian ini menjelaskan teori persamaan media masih berfungsi untuk mengetahui khalayak dan hubungan media. Pada dasarnya, proses informasi sangat konvensional melalui tim Gatekeeper. Pembedanya adalah proses tambahan untuk disiarkan di media sosial multiplatform seperti Facebook dan Twitter. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam antara audiens, tim gatekeeper Suara Surabaya FM untuk mengumpulkan data dan mengamati kerja penyebaran informasi di media sosial. Menggunakan teori Media Equation untuk menganalisis empat hal yaitu, manners; personality; emotions dan social role. Kesimpulannya bahwa audiens dan media relations dalam berbagi dan menyebarkan informasi Program “Kelana Kota” di Radio Suara Surabaya FM berlangsung setiap hari dan audiens juga berpartisipasi dalam memberikan informasi yang mereka terima di sekitar Surabaya dan wilayah pinggiran kota. Temuan krusial utama mengapa program dalam menyebarkan informasi lalu lintas perkotaan memang ada di tengah-tengah gempuran aplikasi mobile smartphone adalah bahwa radio memiliki kekuatan untuk berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi sebagai teman manusia. Sambil mendengarkan beberapa informasi serta memutar musik favorit, penonton dapat menikmati hiburan dengan baik. Dibandingkan dengan aplikasi lalu lintas smartphone, audiens lebih memilih sebagai informasi tambahan.

2021 ◽  
pp. 308-309
Argyro Elisavet Manoli

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-128
Yulia Segarwati ◽  
Almadina Rakhmaniar

Public Relations has an important role in solving crisis problems. In the midst of the crisis caused by Covid-19, Public Relations of the Bandung City government needs to carry out its roles, duties and functions to carry out the strategy for handling the Covid-19 crisis. This research uses a literature study approach by collecting data or sources related to the topic raised in the research, as well as reviewing various literatures, both in the form of note and book. The data that has been obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The result shows that the Bandung City Government Public Relations crisis communication strategy in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, in the early stages of the crisis, is to form knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in the organization's internal environment through various communication media used by organizational members or in this case ASN and employees of the Bandung City Government. The next stage is to shape the perception of the people of Bandung City by providing message, information, and education about Covid-19, as well as socializing the policies and steps taken by the Bandung City Government in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic crisis to the people of Bandung. Then the last strategy is to restore image and reputation through improving the quality of communication between the government and the community, as well as carrying out media relations activities to publish positive news about COVID-19 handlers in the Bandung City.

Afifatur Rohimah ◽  
Yunita Ardilla ◽  
Moh. Khoirul Anam

Tourism becomes a wealth that will not run out otherwise tourism will continue to grow if the management is getting better. Media relations becomes one of the alternatives in helping the promotion process of a tourist destination. This study aims to analyze the media relations strategy in promoting tourist destinations that focus on the Kutang beach district Lamongan. This research applies a qualitative naturalistic method where there is no manipulation of an event (background) of research. The result of this research is the use of media relations to be one of the main components in improving the development of coastal tourism destinations. Use of media relations applied: 1) Press Release Activity, 2) Conference Press, 3) Event, 4) Press Message. Some of these activities carried out by involving the community, managers, government, and tourists, so that the implementation of media relations activities can be maximized. Some media relations activities that have been carried out are press release activities, press conferences, special events. One of which dominating is a special event because it is considered by the speaker as a simple activity that is able to have a tremendous impact, with the event, media partners from themselves will involve themselves in the event activities. Besides conducting media relations, it is also necessary to establish segmentation and clear segmenting. It is also necessary to do tourism differentiation to create sustainable tourism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 411-422

This study attempts to describe the communication strategies used and various kinds of activities carried out by UIN Ar-Raniry public relations in establishing relationships with the press media. The research method used in this study is the qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data sources of this study were obtained from respondents as the primary data source through several stages in the form of observations records, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis was performed by using descriptive qualitative analysis techniques through three flows of activities that were carried out simultaneously, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The result of the study revealed that the role of public relations of UIN Ar-Raniry in establishing relations with the press media has been going well. It can be seen from the communication strategies used and the various forms of activities that is organized by UIN Ar-Raniry public relation in developing relations with the press media. The communication strategy used is a two-way symmetrical and Reciprocity communication strategy that conforms to the principles of media relations. Several kinds of activities carried out by UIN Ar-Raniry public relations in developing relationships with the press media are Press Coverage, Press Conference, Press Release, Press Statement, Press Interview, and Electronics Communications. Meanwhile, the informal activities are Press Reception and Morning Coffee.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 109-116
Melaty Anggraini ◽  
Sika Nur Indah

This study examines the role of an epistemic community, namely the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) which focuses on energy and the environment in encouraging the transformation towards a sustainable energy system in Indonesia by analyzing the public policy advocacy efforts IESR has carried out. Indonesia has set a Renewable Energy transition target in every national energy regulation. Still, it has not been focused and has become a top priority in supporting the renewable energy transition sector, so it is necessary to involve IESR in helping to pursue a renewable energy transition roadmap in the future and be included in the draft energy bill academic paper. In its action to create an energy transition roadmap, IESR collaborates with the media to accelerate the renewable energy transition and push for legislation on its legal policies. The purpose of this study is to identify the efforts made by IESR in accelerating the change of renewable energy through collaboration with the media (media relations). The method used is a literature study focusing on examining the role of IESR in framing renewable energy issues through the media. From the analysis results, it was found that IESR data-based policy advocacy research published in the media has contributed to crafting knowledge to change a transformation of norms in social society, especially in the field of renewable energy issues.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Aang Kunaifi ◽  
Lailatul Qomariyah

Public Relations is the company's functional organ in building an image aimed at gaining public trust as a potential market. Through this trust the value of a company has increased, both in aspects of customer loyalty and corporate profits. The ability to increase the value of the company will be the strength to win the competition, so the company is able to maintain sustainability and experience growth. Based on that, a strategy to build and maintain an image is needed. So it is very interesting to examine how the strategy of building a corporate image in the situation of intense business competition and dynamic social change. Therefore, the author tries to conduct studies and research in the field of spiritual public relations. This research was conducted at the Cahaya Berlian Pamekasan Hotel in East Java, with a focus on how the implementation of the public relations strategy at the sharia hotel and what was done by the management in building and maintaining the company's image. The uniqueness as the only sharia hotel at Pamekasan requires management to display spiritual differentiation, this is where the points to be obtained by researchers. Besides other facts, the company's ability to survive in a pandemic condition is an interesting plus point to be investigated. To get comprehensive information, researchers interviewed informants directly from the owner, manager, employees, customers, and the community around the hotel. The results showed that the application of the public relations strategy was done through a human relations approach, and the media relations strategy was implemented according to their respective goals. Human relations approach, aimed at maintaining internal and external relations of the company environment. So that good relations between fellow employees, stake holders, customers, the community and regulators are harmoniously established. As for media relations, it is intended to build and maintain a general corporate image through social media and direct communications. In another aspect, this study also found the importance of the owner's spiritual character. This spiritual character has created public sympathy that is relevant to the general purpose of the company. The above proves that there are three things that must be considered in building the company's image through the spiritual strategy of public relations, namely the value of public relations itself, human relations and media relations, and the third is the personal character of the owner. So that the target of public relations activities to be effective for improving the company's image

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