parental reports
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Bongkyoo Choi ◽  
Sol Seo Choi

Background: Relatively little is known and inconclusive about social inequality in human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among teenagers in the United States. This study aims to investigate whether there is a social disparity in HPV vaccination among teenagers and if so, whether it can differ by the source of teen vaccination information (parental reports and provider records). 
Methods: We used the data from the 2019 National Immunization Survey-Teen (NIS-Teen; 42,668 teenagers, aged 13-17) including parental reported vaccination status. Among them, 18,877 teenagers had adequate provider reported vaccination records. Two socioeconomic status (SES) measures were used: mother’s education and annual family income. Multivariate logistic analyses were conducted. 
Results: False negatives of parental reports against provider records were more than two times higher (p < 0.001) in low SES teens than in high SES teens. In both SES measures, the proportion of HPV unvaccinated teenagers were lowest in the highest SES level in analyses with parental reports. However, it was the opposite in analyses with provider records. Interestingly, regardless of vaccination information source, the HPV unvaccinated rate was highest in the middle SES teens (>12 years, non-college graduates; and above poverty level, but not > $75K). 
Conclusion: A significant social inequality in HPV vaccination among teenagers exists in the United States. The pattern of social inequality in HPV vaccination can be distorted when only parent reported vaccination information is used.

2021 ◽  
Vol 91 ◽  
pp. 136-151
Roma Jusienė ◽  
Rima Breidokienė ◽  
Ilona Laurinaitytė ◽  
Vilmantė Pakalniškienė

There has been a growing concern among researchers about the use of various information technologies with screens and the Internet by children and adolescents over the past decade. Researchers are concerned that such type of activities can have negative consequences for mental health. Recent studies reveal that Internet use and screen time increased due to the quarantine restrictions, lockdowns and therefore distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims: 1) based on parental reports, to find out the changes in screen time, the online activities and the compulsive Internet use (CIU) of 10-11 years old children during the quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic; 2) to determine the links between children’s CIU and the screen time, online activities, children’s gender and their parents’ education. The results of this study showed that screen time was longer and children’s CIU scores were significantly higher in Spring 2020 if to compare to Autumn 2019. Boys were reported to have higher CIU scores than girls. Children’s CIU was significantly predicted by overall screen time and online activities for entertainment, especially when during quarantine.

2021 ◽  
Elizabeth M. Anderson

Research on non-vaccination tends to be framed as a result of specific parenting cultures or as a result of disparities in healthcare access. This project proposes applying constrained choice theory for gender and health to understand non-vaccination to integrate these two fields of research. Using the National Immunization -Teen, 2012-2019 (N=145,945), this study classifies parental reports of the reasons for non-vaccination for three adolescent vaccines (human papillomavirus [HPV], meningitis, and tetanus booster) into similar categories that are associated with varying types of constraints and examines the socio-demographic and vaccine specific differences in reasons for non-vaccination. Results reveal important differences the role of constraint for parents of different socio-demographic backgrounds, as well as the usefulness of considering vaccine specific motivations. Furthermore, constrained choice theory provides a useful framework for both understanding non-vaccination at a national level as well as for encapsulating a broad spectrum of reasons for non-vaccination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Connor J. Haggarty ◽  
David J. Moore ◽  
Paula D. Trotter ◽  
Rachel Hagan ◽  
Francis P. McGlone ◽  

AbstractTactile sensitivities are common in Autism Spectrum Conditions (autism). Psychophysically, slow, gentle stroking touch is typically rated as more pleasant than faster or slower touch. Vicarious ratings of social touch results in a similar pattern of velocity dependent hedonic ratings as directly felt touch. Here we investigated whether adults and children’s vicarious ratings vary according to autism diagnosis and self-reported autistic traits. Adults’ scoring high on the AQ rated stroking touch on the palm as less pleasant than a Low AQ group. However, in contrast to our hypothesis, we did not find any effect of autism diagnosis on children’s touch ratings despite parental reports highlighting significant somatosensory sensitivities. These results are discussed in terms of underpinning sensory and cognitive factors.

Sören Kuitunen-Paul ◽  
Anna Eichler ◽  
Melina Wiedmann ◽  
Lukas A. Basedow ◽  
Veit Roessner ◽  

AbstractBoth internalizing and externalizing psychopathologies interfere with the treatment of substance use disorders (SUD) in adolescents. Self-reports of psychopathologies are likely biased and may be validated with parental reports. We compared N = 70 standardized self-reports of adolescents entering outpatient SUD treatment (13.2–18.6 years old, 43% female) to parental reports on the same psychopathologies, and explored biases due to gender, age, SUD diagnoses and SUD severity. Bivariate bootstrapped Pearson correlation coefficients revealed several small to moderate correlations between both reporting sources (r = 0.29–0.49, all pcorrected ≤ 0.039). A repeated measures MANOVA revealed moderately stronger parental reports of adolescent psychopathologies compared to adolescent self-reports for most externalizing problems (dissocial and aggressive behaviors, p ≤ 0.016, η2part = 0.09–0.12) and social/attention problems (p ≤ 0.012, η2part = 0.10), but no differences for most internalizing problems (p ≥ 0.073, η2part = 0.02–0.05). Differences were not associated with other patient or parental characteristics including age, gender, number of co-occurring diagnoses or presence/absence of a certain SUD (all puncorrected ≥ 0.088). We concluded that treatment-seeking German adolescents with SUD present with a multitude of extensive psychopathologies. The relevant deviation between self- and parental reports indicate that the combination of both reports might help to counteract dissimulation and other reporting biases. The generalizability of results to inpatients, psychiatry patients in general, or adolescents without SUD, as well as the validity of self- and parental reports in comparison to clinical judgements remain unknown.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 2888
Cara J. Westmark

This study evaluates the prevalence of autistic behaviors in fragile X syndrome as a function of infant diet. Retrospective survey data from the Fragile X Syndrome Nutrition Study, which included data on infant feeding and caregiver-reported developmental milestones for 190 children with fragile X syndrome enrolled in the Fragile X Online Registry with Accessible Database (FORWARD), were analyzed. Exploratory, sex-specific associations were found linking the use of soy-based infant formula with worse autistic behaviors related to language in females and self-injurious behavior in males. These findings prompt prospective evaluation of the effects of soy-based infant formula on disease comorbidities in fragile X syndrome, a rare disorder for which newborn screening could be implemented if there was an intervention. Gastrointestinal problems were the most common reason cited for switching to soy-based infant formula. Thus, these findings also support the study of early gastrointestinal problems in fragile X syndrome, which may underly the development and severity of disease comorbidities. In conjunction with comorbidity data from the previous analyses of the Fragile X Syndrome Nutrition Study, the findings indicate that premutation fragile X mothers should be encouraged to breastfeed.

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Alexis L. Johns ◽  
Daniela V. Luquetti ◽  
Carrie L. Heike ◽  
Amelia F. Drake ◽  
Milagros M. Dueñas Roque ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Irene Cadime ◽  
Ana Lúcia Santos ◽  
Iolanda Ribeiro ◽  
Fernanda Leopoldina Viana

This study presents the validation analysis of the European Portuguese version of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory III (CDI-III-PT). The CDI-III-PT is a parental report measure allowing researchers to assess expressive vocabulary and the syntactic abilities of children aged 2;6–4;0. In this study, we present a version comprising a lexical subscale which follows the Swedish adaptation and an original syntactic subscale allowing us to include language-specific structures. The reports of 739 children were collected; in addition, a standardized measure of language was also administered to a sub-sample of these children and the reports of preschool teachers were collected for another sub-sample. The results indicate a high internal consistency of the lexical and syntactic subscales. As for sociodemographic variables often found to be predictors of language development, as measured by this type of instrument, the results indicate that age and maternal education are significant predictors of the scores, and that first-born children attain higher scores in vocabulary than later born children, but no significant gender differences were found. The scores of the CDI-III-PT are positively correlated with the ones obtained in the standardized language measure, thus supporting their validity. A high agreement between the reports of parents and teachers was also found. These findings indicate that the CDI-III-PT has adequate psychometric properties and that it can be a useful tool for research and clinical practice. The age-based norms that are now provided can be used to evaluate whether a child is performing poorly compared to their peers.

2021 ◽  
Connor Haggarty ◽  
David Moore ◽  
Paula Trotter ◽  
Rachel Hagan ◽  
Francis McGlone ◽  

Abstract Tactile sensitivities are common in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Psychophysically, slow, gentle stroking touch is typically rated as more pleasant than faster or slower touch. Vicarious ratings of social touch results in a similar pattern of velocity dependent hedonic ratings as directly felt touch. Here we investigated whether adults and children’s vicarious ratings vary according to ASD diagnosis and self-reported autistic traits. Adults’ scoring high on the AQ rated stroking touch on the palm as less pleasant than a Low AQ group. However, in contrast to our hypothesis, we did not find any effect of ASD diagnosis on children’s touch ratings despite parental reports highlighting significant somatosensory sensitivities. These results are discussed in terms of underpinning sensory and cognitive factors.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Hedieh Hashemi Hosseinabad ◽  
Karla N. Washington ◽  
Suzanne E. Boyce ◽  
Noah Silbert ◽  
Ann W. Kummer

<b><i>Purpose:</i></b> The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical application of the Intelligibility in Context Scale (ICS) instrument in children with velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI). This study investigated the relationship between clinical speech outcomes and parental reports of speech intelligibility across various communicative partners. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> The ICS was completed by the parents of 20 English-speaking children aged 4–12 years diagnosed with VPI. The parents were asked to rate their children’s speech intelligibility across communication partners using a 5-point scale. Clinical metrics obtained using standard clinical transcription on the Picture-Cued SNAP-R Test were: (1) percentage of consonants correct (PCC), (2) percentage of vowels correct (PVC), and (3) percentage of phonemes correct (PPC). Nasalance from nasometer data was included as an indirect measure of nasality. Intelligibility scores obtained from naive listener’s transcriptions and speech-language pathologists’ (SLP) ratings were compared with the ICS results. <b><i>Result:</i></b> Greater PCC, PPC, PVC, and transcription-based intelligibility values were significantly associated with higher ICS values, respectively (<i>r</i>[20] = 0.84, 0.82, 0.51, and 0.70, respectively; <i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.05 in all cases). There was a negative and significant correlation between ICS mean scores and SLP ratings of intelligibility (<i>r</i> = –0.74; <i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.001). There was no significant correlation between ICS values and nasalance scores (<i>r</i>[20] = –0.28; <i>p</i> = 0.22). <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> The high correlations obtained between the ICS with PCC and PPC measures indicate that articulation accuracy has had a great impact on parents’ decision-making regarding intelligibility in this population. Significant agreement among ICS scores with naive listener transcriptions and clinical ratings supports use of the ICS in practice.

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