explained variance
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R. J. L. Argamosa ◽  
A. C. Blanco ◽  
R. B. Reyes

Abstract. A large oil spill in Iloilo Straight that occurred on July 3, 2020, as well as a possible deliberate, small but frequent oil spill and surfactant contamination in Manila Bay, were mapped. The method employs the Sentinel 2-1C image, which is transformed into principal components to reveal the presence of oil spills and possibly surfactants. Additionally, a gradient boosting algorithm was trained to discriminate between pixels that were contaminated with oil and those that were not. The multi-band image with three principal components with a 99% cumulative explained variance ratio highlights the occurrence of an oil spill in Iloilo Straight. Further, the classified image produced by pixel-based classification clearly distinguishes between water and oil pixels in the said area. The methodology was applied to a Sentinel 2-1C image of Manila Bay, with pixels observed/identified as oil and classified as well. The highest density of supposedly oil-contaminated pixels (large or small but frequent) was observed on the eastern side of Manila Bay (Bataan). While there were no documented oil spills concurrent to the satellite image used, historical reports on the area indicate that the likelihood of an oil spill is extremely high due to the massive amount of shipping activity. Pixels supposedly contaminated by oil spills also occur in areas near ports where oil spills could occur as a result of ship operations. Pixels with the same properties as oil contamination are also visible in areas adjacent to fishponds and aquaculture, where phytoplankton and fish contribute to surfactant contamination.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-S6
Anton Aluja ◽  
Miguel Angel Sorrel ◽  
Luis F. García ◽  
Patricia Urieta ◽  
Oscar García ◽  

The authors analyze and compare the factor convergence and predictive power of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire (ZKA-PQ/SF) with respect to the Five-Factor Personality Inventory for ICD-11 (FFiCD). A total of 803 White Spanish subjects were analyzed. All the personality domains had significant predictive power with regard to the FFiCD except NEO Openness. The explained variance of the personality domains with respect to FFiCD Negative Affectivity (71% and 77%) and Detachment (56% and 56%) were similar for NEO-PI-R and ZKA-PQ/SF, respectively, but the NEO-PI-R accounted for greater variance for FFiCD Anankastia, Dissociality, and Disinhibition. The FFiCD facets of Rashness, Thrill-Seeking (Disinhibition), and Unassertiveness (Detachment) were located in factors other than those theoretically expected. The authors conclude that normal personality measured by the NEO-PI-R and the ZKA-PQ/SF contribute, in a differential but complementary way, to knowledge of the maladaptive personality measured by the FFiCD.

2022 ◽  
pp. 112067212110732
Ioanna Mylona ◽  
Mikes N. Glynatsis ◽  
Maria Dermenoudi ◽  
Nikolaos M. Glynatsis ◽  
Georgios D Floros

Introduction ‘Digital eye strain’ (DES) is a clinical syndrome with eyesight symptoms related to continuous engagement in front of a screen-enabled digital device. With use of these devices constantly on the rise, the related symptoms have become prominent, even in younger ages. This study describes the process of validating the Digital Eye Strain Questionnaire (DESQ), a thirteen-item self-report scale in a yes-no format designed to offer a measure of complaints related to digital eye strain syndrome (DES). Methods The validation process included 150 outpatients with no long-standing eye disease who were examined for various eye complaints and 50 outpatients who were diagnosed with gaming addiction according to WHO ICD-11 clinical criteria. All participants filled in a demographics questionnaire, the DESQ, the Computer Vision Syndrome Questionnaire (CVS-Q) and the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire-9 (PIUQ-9). Results Principal component analysis of categorical variables confirmed the proposed three-factor DES structure with a total of 61.02% of explained variance and Cronbach's alpha equal to.94. Concurrent validity was assessed by comparing the results of the DESQ to the CVS-Q while convergent validity was assessed by examining correlations of the DESQ with results from the PIUQ-9 questionnaire. In all cases the DESQ demonstrated excellent reliability and validity. Conclusions Results indicate that the DESQ questionnaire can be employed to reliably measure the symptomatology of digital eye strain in clinical populations who present either with eye issues or with excessive use of the gaming and screen-enabled devices in general.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
pp. 10-15
Rodolfo Cruz-López ◽  
Melissa García-Meraz

INTRODUCTION: The identification of violence inflicted by the intimate partner as a public health problem has shown a social, political and ideological advance. The aim of this paper was to investigate the relation between dating violence and gender roles in a male sample of Pachuca students. Literature has shown a strong relationship between gender roles at dating and violence inflicted by an intimate partner. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In order to find this association a correlational design was used. The scales used were: The Traditional Dating Roles Scale (alpha 0.96, 71.99% of explained variance) and the Dating Violence Instrument (alpha 0.90, 87% of explained variance) both created for Mexican population. The two scales were applied into a sample of 157 straight male participants (59 high school students and 98 university students). RESULTS: A high and negative association was found between Traditional Dating Roles (person, sexuality, active) and Dating Violence (verbal, blackmail, jealousy, control, social requirements, and humiliation). CONCLUSIONS: The stereotyped gender roles during dating have a positive aspect, for men, during dating relationships.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Baogui Liu ◽  
Chuanqiao Zhou ◽  
Lilin Zheng ◽  
Haixin Duan ◽  
Ying Chen ◽  

Flood pulse related physical variables (FLOOD) can affect zooplankton community structure through local factors directly and can also influence through regional dispersal factors of metacommunity concepts indirectly. Therefore, we infer that spatial patterns of zooplankton communities could be related to metacommunity concepts and their importance may depend on the size of the aquatic/terrestrial transition zone (ATTZ). Herein, we explored the relative importance of limnological (LIMNO) and FLOOD variables in zooplankton community by analyzing data from 272 sites across three floodplain lakes in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Our results showed that the variation in the zooplankton community can be well explained by the LIMNO and FLOOD variables in all of the lakes under the low water level season. However, during the high water level season, neither LIMNO nor FLOOD can explain the spatial variances of zooplankton. Therefore, our results indicated that testing biogeographical theories and macroecological laws using zooplankton should consider temporal aspects of flood pulse. Furthermore, we noted that the number of explained variance by local variables is negatively correlated with the size of the ATTZ. Metacommunity concepts provide complementary insights in explaining zooplankton spatial patterns within large floodplain systems, which also provide a theoretical basis for ATTZ protection in floodplain management.

2021 ◽  
pp. 106939712110621
Paul H. P. Hanel ◽  
Sara M. G. da Silva ◽  
Richard A. Inman

In the present research, we investigate whether cultural value orientations (CVOs) and aggregate personality traits (Big-5) predict actual levels of alcohol consumption, smoking, and obesity across 50 countries using averages derived from millions of data points. Aggregate traits explained variance above and beyond CVOs in obesity (particularly neuroticism and extraversion), while CVOs explained variance beyond aggregate traits in alcohol consumption (particularly harmony and hierarchy). Smoking was not linked to aggregated traits or CVOs. We conclude that an understanding of the cultural correlates of risky health behaviors may help inform important policies and interventions for meeting international sustainable development goals.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2760
Victoria Pop-Moldovan ◽  
Rodica Vârban ◽  
Larisa Corcoz ◽  
Anca Pleșa ◽  
Vlad Stoian ◽  

Excessive application of chemical fertilizers and other agrochemicals can cause large imbalances in soils and agricultural ecosystems. In this context, mycorrhizae represent a viable solution to mitigate these negative effects. Arbuscular mycorrhizae are vital symbionts due to the multiple benefits they bring to both crops and the entire agroecosystem. The main purpose of this study was to observe whether differentiated fertilization has an influence on mycorrhizal colonization patterns in corn. Observed frequencies and intensities of colonization varied widely between phenophases and treatments, with 20% variation for frequency and 14% for intensity, which implies the constant development of both partners during the vegetation period. Arbuscules and vesicles were present in all development stages, but the overall mean was lower than 4% for arbuscules and 1% for vesicles in the analyzed root fragments. Intensity was highly correlated with frequency of colonization compared with arbuscules, where the coefficient was 0.54, and vesicles, with a coefficient of 0.16. Both PCA and NMDS provided good graphical solutions, with a high resolution due to explained variance and good spatial position of vectors. The use of mycorrhizal maps permits the full exploration of colonization patterns and fungal strategy, and the assessment of mycorrhizae-free areas. For the untreated variant, the strategy was oriented toward a longitudinal colonization followed by an irregular development of hyphae with multiple non-colonized areas. Treatment acts to stimulate the appearance of mycorrhizal spots, which further develop radially.

2021 ◽  
Guozhang Chen ◽  
Franz Scherr ◽  
Wolfgang Maass

AbstractThe neocortex is a network of rather stereotypical cortical microcircuits that share an exquisite genetically encoded architecture: Neurons of a fairly large number of different types are distributed over several layers (laminae), with specific probabilities of synaptic connections that depend on the neuron types involved and their spatial locations. Most available knowledge about this structure has been compiled into a detailed model [Billeh et al., 2020] for a generic cortical microcircuit in the primary visual cortex, consisting of 51,978 neurons of 111 different types. We add a noise model to the network that is based on experimental data, and analyze the results of network computations that can be extracted by projection neurons on layer 5. We show that the resulting model acquires through alignment of its synaptic weights via gradient descent training the capability to carry out a number of demanding visual processing tasks. Furthermore, this weight-alignment induces specific neural coding features in the microcircuit model that match those found in the living brain: High dimensional neural codes with an arguably close to optimal power-law decay of explained variance of PCA components, specific relations between signal- and noise-coding dimensions, and network dynamics in a critical regime. Hence these important features of neural coding and dynamics of cortical microcircuits in the brain are likely to emerge from aspects of their genetically encoded architecture that are captured by this data-based model in combination with learning processes. In addition, the model throws new light on the relation between visual processing capabilities and details of neural coding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (S1) ◽  
Kylie H. Alm ◽  
Anja Soldan ◽  
Corinne Pettigrew ◽  
Andreia Faria ◽  
Xirui Hou ◽  

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