finite strains
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Dennis Wingender ◽  
Daniel Balzani

AbstractIn this paper, a framework for the simulation of crack propagation in brittle and ductile materials is proposed. The framework is derived by extending the eigenerosion approach of Pandolfi and Ortiz (Int J Numer Methods Eng 92(8):694–714, 2012. 10.1002/nme.4352) to finite strains and by connecting it with a generalized energy-based, Griffith-type failure criterion for ductile fracture. To model the elasto-plastic response, a classical finite strain formulation is extended by viscous regularization to account for the shear band localization prior to fracture. The compression–tension asymmetry, which becomes particularly important during crack propagation under cyclic loading, is incorporated by splitting the strain energy density into a tensile and compression part. In a comparative study based on benchmark problems, it is shown that the unified approach is indeed able to represent brittle and ductile fracture at finite strains and to ensure converging, mesh-independent solutions. Furthermore, the proposed approach is analyzed for cyclic loading, and it is shown that classical Wöhler curves can be represented.

Oksana Andriivna Tatarinova ◽  
Dmytro Vasylovych Breslavsky

The paper presents the formulation of a two-dimensional problem of the creep theory for the case of finite strains. A description of the foundations of the calculation method presents. The method is based on the use of the generalized Lagrange-Euler (ALE) approach, in which the boundary value problem in the current solid configuration is solved by using FEM. A triangular element is involved in the numerical modeling. At each stage of creep calculations in the current configuration, the initial problem is solved numerically using the finite difference method. The preprocessing data preparation is carried out in the homemade RD program, in which two-dimensional model is surrounded by a mesh of special elements. This feature implements the ALE algorithm for the motion of material elements along the model. The examples of preprocessing as well as of the mesh rebuilding in the case of finite elements transition are given. Creep calculations are performed in the developed program, which is based on the use of the FEM Creep software package in the case of finite strains. The regular mesh is used for calculations, which allow us to use the efficient algorithm for transition between current configurations. The numerical results of the creep of specimens made from aluminum alloys are compared with the experimental and calculated ones obtained by integrating the constitutive equations. It was concluded that for material with ductile type of fracture the presented method and software allow to obtain results very close to experimental only by use of creep rate equation. Creep simulations of material with mixed brittle-ductile fracture type demand use the additional equation for damage variable.

PAMM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Maximilian Köhler ◽  
Timo Neumeier ◽  
Daniel Peterseim ◽  
Malte A. Peter ◽  
Daniel Balzani

2021 ◽  
Vol 147 (11) ◽  
pp. 04021093
Siva Poornan Vasudevan ◽  
Phanisri Pradeep Pratapa

S. Felder ◽  
N. Kopic-Osmanovic ◽  
H. Holthusen ◽  
T. Brepols ◽  
S. Reese

2021 ◽  
pp. 597-624
Philipp Gebhart ◽  
Abdolhamid Attaran ◽  
Thomas Wallmersperger

Igor A. Rodrigues Lopes ◽  
Pedro P. Camanho ◽  
Francisco M. Andrade Pires ◽  
Albertino Arteiro

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