theobroma cocoa
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Ismi Mayangsari ◽  
Anwar Efendi Harahap ◽  
Zumarni Zumarni

One alternative in reducing feed production costs is by utilizing the waste of cocoa pods (Theobroma cocoa L). This study aims to determine the cocoa fruit silage fraction by adding different levels of corn flour and fermentation time. The method used in this study is an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern consisting of 2 factors with 3 replications namely Factor A = Level of Corn Flour, A1 = 0% without Corn Flour, A2 = 7% Corn Flour, A3 = 14% Corn Flour. Factor B = Length of fermentation, B1 = Fermentation 0 days, B2 = Fermentation 14 days, B3 = Storage 28 days. The results showed that the duration of fermentation had a significant effect(P<0,05)on the content of NDF, ADF, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin of cocoa peel. The conclusion of this study that the treatment of 14% corn flour and 28 days fermentation time is the best treatment because it can reduce NDF%, ADF% and Lignin% silage of cocoa pods

Masiswo ◽  
A Haerudin ◽  
Isnaini ◽  
D W Lestari ◽  
G B Mandegani ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
I Ketut Suwitra ◽  
Muhammad Afif Juradi ◽  
Irwan Suluk Padang ◽  
Saidah Saidah ◽  
Hamka Biolan

Kakao merupakan komoditas perkebunan yang memegang peranan penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia namun produktivitasnya akhir-akhir ini mengalami penurunan akibat tanaman kakao yang diusahakan umurnya rata-rata lebih dari 30 tahun. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan inovasi teknologi terkait rehabilitasi tanaman melalui perbanyakan generatif bibit kakao. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan daya tumbuh dan pertumbuhan bibit kakao yang optimal. Perlakuan yang diujikan adalah penggunaan sungkup plastik setelah tanam benih selama 1 bulan dibandingkan dengan tanpa penggunaan sungkup yang di laksanakan di rumah bibit Kebun Percobaan Sidondo BPTP Sulawesi Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan sungkup setelah tanam benih selama satu bulan memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap daya tumbuh, tinggi tanaman, diameter batang dan jumlah daun yang terbentuk pada bibit kakao. Penggunaan sungkup dapat mempertahankan tingkat kelembaban udara yang tinggi sehingga dapat menghemat penggunaan air untuk penyiraman dibandingkan tanpa menggunakan sungkup.

Biomedika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-71
Chintya Mei Desia Hutasoit ◽  
Yuni Setyaningsih ◽  
Andri Pramono

ABSTRACTTrichophyton rubrum is the most common dermatophytosis etiology. The antifungal agent has several problems such as fungal resistance and therapy side effects. Cacao (Theobroma cocoa L.) bean shells extract contained flavonoids, alkaloids, and saponins which have an antifungal effect. This study aimed to test the in vitro cacao bean shells extract antifungal (especially: Trichophyton rubrum) effectiveness by agar well diffusion method. This was an experimental study with a post-test only control group design. This study used cacao bean shells extract concentration 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%, ketokonazol as positive control, and aquadest as negative control. The average inhibition diameter of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% cacao bean shells extract concentration were 10.65 mm, 18 mm, 26.92 mm, and 37.22 mm, respectively, while the ketoconazole inhibition diameter was 51.52 mm. Data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and post hoc with Mann-Whitney. The results showed significant differences between each treatment group (p0.05). Cacao bean shells extract had an antifungal effect in inhibiting the growth of Tricophyton rubrum invitro.Keywords: Trichophyton rubrum, Cacao Bean Shells, Antifungal, Agar Well Diffusion Method,  ABSTRAKTrichophyton rubrum adalah penyebab paling umum dermatofitosis. Obat dermatofitosis (antijamur) memiliki beberapa masalah seperti resistensi dan efek samping terapi. Ekstrak cangkang biji kakao (Theobroma cocoa L.) mengandung flavonoid, alkaloid, dan saponin yang memiliki efek antijamur. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji efektivitas antijamur (khususnya Trichophyton rubrum) ekstrak cangkang biji kakao secara in vitro dengan metode difusi agar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan post-test only control group design. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsentrasi ekstrak cankang biji kakao 25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100%, ketokonazol sebagai kontrol positif, dan aquadest sebagai kontrol negatif. Rata-rata diameter hambat konsentrasi 25%, 50%, 75% dan 100%  secara berturut-turut yaitu: 10,65 mm, 18 mm, 26,92 mm, dan 37,22 mm, sedangkan daya hambat ketoconazole adalah 51,52 mm. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan post hoc dengan Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan antara masing-masing kelompok perlakuan (p 0,05). Ekstrak cangkang biji kakao memiliki efek antijamur dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Tricophyton rubrum invitro.Kata kunci: Trichophyton rubrum, Anti-jamur, Cangkang Biji Kaka, Metode Difusi Sumuran Agar

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Engkus Ainul Yakin ◽  
Sri Sukaryani ◽  
Abbas Ummami

The study were aimed to determine the lignin degradation in fermentation of cocoa pod with Pleurotus ostreatus. The research methods was using three treatments and four replications. T0 = fermentation of cocoa pod in 10 days, T1 = fermentation of cocoa pod in 15 days, and T2 = fermentation of cocoa pod in 20 days. The mixture was put into a container aerobically. The variables observed were dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), crude fat (CFt), ash and lignin content. This study was designed using the completely randomized research design with a unidirectional pattern analysis of variance (oneway ANOVA). Significant variables went through Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The result showed that the lower lignin content was T2 = fermentation of cocoa pod in 20 days = 6.40 ± 0.12%. It could be concluded that the addition of fungus Pleurotus ostreatus on cocoa pod fermented during 20 days was the lower lignin content in fermentation of cocoa pod.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 172

<p>ABSTRAK</p><p>Pemuliaan untuk menghasilkan klon yang toleran terhadap penyakitbusuk buah kakao sudah lama dilakukan di Indonesia. Pengendalian yangefektif dan efisien terhadap penyakit ini adalah dengan menggunakanbahan tanaman yang tahan. Tetapi untuk mendapatkan atau merakit bahantanaman yang tahan memerlukan waktu yang lama, juga ketersediaanplasma nutfah yang memiliki keragaman genetik yang tinggi. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengevaluasi respon koleksi kakao terhadap infeksipenyakit busuk buah P. palmivora. Kegiatan yang telah dilakukan adalahpengujian ketahanan 35 klon kakao terhadap infeksi P. palmivoraberdasarkan uji detached pod, dan menentukan ada tidaknya hubunganantara tipe kakao dan bentuk buahnya dengan sifat ketahanan terhadapinfeksi P. palmivora, serta kerentanan klon kakao terhadap infeksiP. palmivora pada koleksi plasma nutfah kakao. Penelitian dilakukan diLaboratorium Penyakit Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia Jemberpada Tahun 2008. Penelitian ini menggunakan buah kakao dari 35 klonbuah 4 bulan setelah antesis. Buah yang dipetik dari pohon diinokulasidengan miselia P. palmivora di laboratorium. Pengamatan dilakukan ter-hadap panjang dan lebar bercak yang diakibatkan oleh infeksi P. palmi-vora terhadap buah kakao yang diuji. Berdasarkan hasil penelitiandiketahui bahwa klon kakao yang tahan terhadap penyakit busuk buah(P. palmivora) adalah klon ICCRI 1, PA 300, ICCRI 3, UIT 1, NIC 4, DR38, ICS 13, Sca 6, TSH 858 dan ICS 60 merupakan 10 klon kakao yangmempunyai tingkat resistensi tinggi terhadap infeksi P. palmivora dari 35plasma nutfah klon kakao yang diuji. Klon kakao yang sangat rentanadalah RCC 73, KKM 22, NIC 7, DRC 16, RCC 71, BL 300, BL 301,KEE 2, TSH 908 dan DRC 15. Klon kakao yang dapat digunakan sebagaitetua untuk proses seleksi lebih lanjut adalah: ICCRI 1, PA 300, ICCRI 3,UIT 1, TSH 858, NIC 4, DR 38, ICS 13, dan Sca 6.Kata kunci : Theobroma cocoa, kakao, busuk buah, evaluasi, plasmanutfah, uji ketahanan</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Resistance of 35 Cocoa Clones against Phytophthorapalmivora Butl. Infection Based on Detached PODAssays</p><p>Breeding to produce clones tolerant to black pod disease of cocoahas long been done in Indonesia. Effective and efficient control of thisdisease is by using resistant planting material. But to obtain or assembleresistant planting materials require long period of time, also theavailability of germplasm with high genetic diversity. This researchactivities were conducted to evaluate the response of cocoa collectionagainst infection of black pod disease caused by Phytophthora palmivora.The objectives of this experiment were (i) to evaluate the respone of 35cocoa clones against infection of P. palmivora using detached pod assay,(ii) to determine the most resistance cocoa clones, and (iii) the mostsusceptible cocoa clones among evaluated cocoa germplasm collectionagainst infection of P. palmivora. The research was conducted at theDisease Laboratory of Indonesian Center for Coffee and Cocoa ResearchInstitute in 2008. In the experiment, pods of 35 cocoa clones (at 4-5months after anthesis) were harvested and inoculated with mycelia of P.palmivora in the laboratory. Observations were conducted on length andwidth of necrosed symptoms because of P. palmivora infection on thesurface of the tested pods. The experiment showed that ICRI 1, PA 300,ICRI 3, UIT 1, NIC 4, DR 38, ICS 13, TSH 858, SCA 6, and ICS 60 werethe ten most resistant cocoa clones. On the other hand, cocoa clones ofRCC 73, KKM 22, NIC 7, DRC 16, RCC71, BL 300, BL 301, KEE 2,TSH 908, and DRC 15 were the ten most susceptible cocoa clones.Genotypes used as the parental clones for future selection process wereclones: ICCRI 1, ICCRI 3, ICS 13, TSH 858, UIT 1, PA 300, NIC 4, DR38, and Sca 6.</p><p>Key words: Theobroma cocoa, cocoa, black pods, germplasm evaluation,resistance tests</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Tiwit Widowati ◽  
Tirta Kumala Dewi ◽  
Sylvia Josephine Ruth Lekatompessy ◽  
Sarjiya Antonius

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