path planning problem
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Huan Zhou ◽  
Hao-Yu Cheng ◽  
Zheng-Lei Wei ◽  
Xin Zhao ◽  
An-Di Tang ◽  

The butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA) is a swarm-based metaheuristic algorithm inspired by the foraging behaviour and information sharing of butterflies. BOA has been applied to various fields of optimization problems due to its performance. However, BOA also suffers from drawbacks such as diminished population diversity and the tendency to get trapped in local optimum. In this paper, a hybrid butterfly optimization algorithm based on a Gaussian distribution estimation strategy, called GDEBOA, is proposed. A Gaussian distribution estimation strategy is used to sample dominant population information and thus modify the evolutionary direction of butterfly populations, improving the exploitation and exploration capabilities of the algorithm. To evaluate the superiority of the proposed algorithm, GDEBOA was compared with six state-of-the-art algorithms in CEC2017. In addition, GDEBOA was employed to solve the UAV path planning problem. The simulation results show that GDEBOA is highly competitive.

R Fışkın ◽  
H Kişi ◽  
E Nasibov

The development of soft computing techniques in recent years has encouraged researchers to study on the path planning problem in ship collision avoidance. These techniques have widely been implemented in marine industry and technology-oriented novel solutions have been introduced. Various models, methods and techniques have been proposed to solve the mentioned path planning problem with the aim of preventing reoccurrence of the problem and thus strengthening marine safety as well as providing fuel consumption efficiency. The purpose of this study is to scrutinize the models, methods and technologies proposed to settle the path planning issue in ship collision avoidance. The study also aims to provide certain bibliometric information which develops a literature map of the related field. For this purpose, a thorough literature review has been carried out. The results of the study have pointedly showed that the artificial intelligence methods, fuzzy logic and heuristic algorithms have greatly been used by the researchers who are interested in the related field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2128 (1) ◽  
pp. 012018
Mohammed M S Ibrahim ◽  
Mostafa Rostom Atia ◽  
MW Fakhr

Abstract Path planning is vital in autonomous vehicle technology, from robots to self-driving cars and driverless trucks, it is impossible to navigate without a proper path planning algorithm, various algorithms exist Q-learning being one of them. Q-learning is used extensively in discrete applications as it is effective in finding solutions to these problems. This research investigates the possibility of using Q-learning for solving the local path planning problem with obstacle avoidance. Q-learning is split into two phases, the first being the training phase, and the second being the application phase. During training, Q-learning requires exponentially increasing training time based on the system’s state space. However, when Q-learning is applied it becomes as simple as a lookup table which allows it to run on even the simplest microcontrollers. Two simulations are conducted with varying environments. One to showcase the ability to learn the optimal path, the other to showcase the ability for learning navigation in variable environments. The first simulation was run on a static environment with one obstacle, with enough training episodes, Q-learning could solve the path planning problem with minimal movement steps. The second simulation focuses on a randomized environment, obstacles and the agent’s starting position are randomly chosen at the start of every episode. During testing, Q-learning was able to find a path to the target when a path did exist, as It was possible in certain configurations for the vehicle to be stuck in between obstacles with no feasible path or solution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 10445
Javier Maldonado-Romo ◽  
Mario Aldape-Pérez

Path planning is a fundamental issue in robotic systems because it requires coordination between the environment and an agent. The path-planning generator is composed of two modules: perception and planning. The first module scans the environment to determine the location, detect obstacles, estimate objects in motion, and build the planner module’s restrictions. On the other hand, the second module controls the flight of the system. This process is computationally expensive and requires adequate performance to avoid accidents. For this reason, we propose a novel solution to improve conventional robotic systems’ functions, such as systems having a small-capacity battery, a restricted size, and a limited number of sensors, using fewer elements. A navigation dataset was generated through a virtual simulator and a generative adversarial network to connect the virtual and real environments under an end-to-end approach. Furthermore, three path generators were analyzed using deep-learning solutions: a deep convolutional neural network, hierarchical clustering, and an auto-encoder. Since the path generators share a characteristic vector, transfer learning approaches complex problems by using solutions with fewer features, minimizing the costs and optimizing the resources of conventional system architectures, thus improving the limitations with respect to the implementation in embedded devices. Finally, a visualizer applying augmented reality was used to display the path generated by the proposed system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2113 (1) ◽  
pp. 012002
Zhuokai Wu

Abstract The multi-robot path planning aims to explore a set of non-colliding paths with the shortest sum of lengths for multiple robots. The most popular approach is to artificially decompose the map into discrete small grids before applying heuristic algorithms. To solve the path planning in continuous environments, we propose a decentralized two-stage algorithm to solve the path-planning problem, where the obstacle and inter-robot collisions are both considered. In the first stage, an obstacle- avoidance path-planning problem is mathematically developed by minimizing the travel length of each robot. Specifically, the obstacle-avoidance trajectories are generated by approximating the obstacles as convex-concave constraints. In the second stage, with the given trajectories, we formulate a quadratic programming (QP) problem for velocity control using the control barrier and Lyapunov function (CBF-CLF). In this way, the multi-robot collision avoidance as well as time efficiency are satisfied by adapting the velocities of robots. In sharp contrast to the conventional heuristic methods, path length, smoothness and safety are fully considered by mathematically formulating the optimization problems in continuous environments. Extensive experiments as well as computer simulations are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed path-planning algorithm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 132 ◽  
pp. 103360
Yuchen Song ◽  
Dawei Li ◽  
Qi Cao ◽  
Min Yang ◽  
Gang Ren

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