computing simulation
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Andrés García ◽  
José Ranilla ◽  
Raul Alonso Alvarez ◽  
Luis Meijueiro

The shortage of quantum computers, and their current state of development, constraints research in many fields that could benefit from quantum computing. Although the work of a quantum computer can be simulated with classical computing, personal computers take so long to run quantum experiments that they are not very useful for the progress of research. This manuscript presents an open quantum computing simulation platform that enables quantum computing researchers to have access to high performance simulations. This platform, called QUTE, relies on a supercomputer powerful enough to simulate general purpose quantum circuits of up to 38 qubits, and even more under particular simulations. This manuscript describes in-depth the characteristics of the QUTE platform and the results achieved in certain classical experiments in this field, which would give readers an accurate idea of the system capabilities.

2021 ◽  
Sergio Sanchez-Ramirez ◽  
Javier Conejero ◽  
Francesc Lordan ◽  
Anna Queralt ◽  
Toni Cortes ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Stivani Ayuning Suwarlan

Abstract: Visual comfort through adequate lighting in the room is important in designing a sustainable building. In the classroom, the lighting layout and light source are very important for the comfort of student vision because they can provide the maximum distribution of lighting. Good lighting conditions are very important for students, especially at night where there is no natural sun light, while poor lighting conditions often affect the quality of learning and cause visual disturbances. As many as 90% of universities in Batam City implement night classes according to the student portfolio owned by Batam City, the same thing is also carried out by Batam International University as the largest university in Batam City which carries out 95% of lectures at night. Therefore, designing classroom lighting in accordance with the assessment of visual comfort becomes an important issue. This study will analyze visual comfort through analysis of the lighting in the Batam International University classroom using a digital architectural computing simulation. The purpose of this study is to obtain the right lighting design in the classroom in order to get the best light distribution so as to provide visual comfort for students at night using the Relux digital computing simulation.Keyword: Lighting, Visual comfort, ReluxAbstrak: Kenyaman visual melalui pencahayaan yang cukup pada ruangan merupakan hal penting pada perancangan sebuah bangunan yang berkelanjutan. Pada ruang kelas, tata letak pencahayaan dan pemilihan sumber cahaya yang tepat sangat penting untuk kenyamanan penglihatan mahasiswa karena dapat memberikan sebaran pencahayaan secara maksimal. Kondisi pencahayaan yang baik sangat penting bagi mahasiswa yang berada di kelas khususnya pada malam hari dimana tidak mendapatkan sumber pencahayaan alami dari matahari, sementara kondisi pencahayaan yang buruk sering kali memengaruhi kualitas pembelajaran dan menyebabkan gangguan penglihatan. Sebanyak 90% perguruan tinggi di Kota Batam menerapkan kelas malam sesuai dengan portfolio mahasiswa yang dimiliki Kota Batam, hal serupa juga dilaksanakan oleh Universitas Internasional Batam sebagai Universitas terbesar di Kota Batam yang melaksanakan 95% perkulihaan di malam hari. Oleh sebab itu, perancangan pencahayaan ruang kelas yang sesuai dengan penilaian kenyamanan visual menjadi isu yang penting. Penelitian ini akan menganalisis kenyamanan visual melalui analisis pencahayaan yang dimiliki pada ruangan kelas Universitas Internasional Batam menggunakan simulasi komputansi arsitektur digital. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh perancangan pencahayaan yang tepat pada ruang kelas dalam mendapatkan penyebaran cahaya terbaik sehingga memberikan kenyamanan visual bagi mahasiswa pada malam hari dengan menggunakan simulasi komputansi digital Relux. 

Rahmat Zolfaghari ◽  
Amir Sahafi ◽  
Amir Masoud Rahmani ◽  
Reza Rezaei

2021 ◽  
Thiago Goldoni Thomé ◽  
Victor Ströele ◽  
Mario A. R Dantas ◽  
Hélady Pinheiro

In the Covid-19 pandemic, it was already possible to obtain recommendations to assist in the control of contamination. In this study, we considered the implementation science concept in a simulation effort based on changes in prevention behaviors. We also considered the use of an information system and wearable IoT devices for monitoring people in environments where social isolation is complex. We conceived four scenarios with different approaches, where health data of the simulated agents were collected for monitoring and providing predictions. Agents with more preventive habits got contamination rates of 12.11% against the worst scenario, with 77.00%.

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