body tissue
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2021 ◽  
Koji Noguchi ◽  
Kyosuke Yokozeki ◽  
Yuko Tanaka ◽  
Yasuhiro Suzuki ◽  
Kazuki Nakajima ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2948-2955
Sukalyan Ray ◽  
Apala Sengupta ◽  
Abichal Chattopadhyaya

Introduction: Agni (digestive and metabolic energy) is the main factor for digestion and metabolism. Meda (a type of body tissue i.e., fats) is formed from the Mamsa (a type of body tissue i.e., muscle) with its own Ushma (heat) in addition to the Snigdhatva (unctuousness) & Dravadtva Guna (liquidity) of Apa Mahabhuta (one of the fundamental components of this universe i.e., water). Due to impairment of Dhatvagni (metabolic energy), Medadusti (impair- ment of fats) takes place and in turn may result in Prameha (diabetes mellitus), Sthaulya (obesity) etc. Prameha is one of the leading diseases in the present era. The aggravated Kapha afflicts Meda, Mamsa and Kleda (moisture elements of the body) and in due course of time, Kaphaja Meha (a type of Prameha) is converted into Pittaja Meha (a type of Prameha), followed by Vataja Meha (another type of Prameha) if not treated properly. Aim: The present study was carried out to evaluate the concept of Meda and the role of Medadusti in the pathogenesis of Prameha along with the efficacy of the selected drug Mustak (Cyperus rotundus Linn.) to combat the situation. Material & Methods: In selected 35 patients of Prameha having the Medadusti Lakshan based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, Mustak (Cyprus rotundus Linn.) was administered in stipulated dose (12 grams in two divided doses with plain warm water) for two months. Result: The subjective parameters for Medadusti is clinically present in a max- imum number of Prameha patients. The result also reveals the significant efficacy of Mustak on relevant subjective and objective parameters with a 'p-value <0.001 in all subjective and objective parameters. Conclusion: The Nidan (aetiology) of Medadusti has a definite role to cause Prameha. In all the patients of Prameha, Medadusti Lakshan (features of impaired fatty tissue) is clinically present. The patients suffering from Prameha can be treated with the drug response to arrest the Medadusti like Mustak. Keywords: Medadusti, Mustak, Prameha

2021 ◽  
Hazel Godfrey

<p>This thesis extends current understanding of cognitive deficits in people with chronic pain, specifically those related to attention. Researchers have proposed that attentional capacity is allocated to pain sensation, and away from current tasks and goals, leading to broad cognitive deficits (deficit-view). However, an attentional bias to pain-related information has also been observed in people with chronic pain, suggesting that attention is motivated towards information in the environment that is pain-related, and away from information that is not. Such an attentional bias away from information not related to pain may contribute to the cognitive deficits observed on tasks using neutral stimuli (motivated attention hypothesis). In testing the deficit-view and motivated attention accounts of cognitive deficits in chronic pain, I focused on how people attend to rapidly presented information (temporal attention) and the ability to control attention in the face of distraction.  To assess how chronic pain affects temporal attention, I used a phenomenon known as the attentional blink, which is a failure to detect a second target that appears soon after a first. Participants viewed a stream of briefly displayed words in which two target words (indicated by their colour) were embedded, with a manipulation of the time between the first and second target. They were required to report the two targets. In one experiment the first target was either pain-related or neutral (to assess how pain-relatedness affects the induction of the blink), and in other experiments this manipulation was applied to the second target (to assess how pain-relatedness affects how targets overcome the blink).   In undergraduate participants, both induction and overcoming of the attentional blink was modulated by pain-relatedness. I then compared the effects of manipulating the second target in people with and without chronic pain. If people with chronic pain have general deficits in temporal attention, a deeper attentional blink (relative to control participants) for both kinds of targets should be observed. If motivated attention describes processing in people with chronic pain, a shallower attentional blink for pain related targets than neutral targets (an attentional bias) should be observed. Critically, this bias should be larger in participants with chronic pain. Contrary to both the deficit and motivated attention views, the attentional blink in participants with chronic pain did not differ from that in controls for either pain-related or neutral targets. Furthermore, neither group showed an attentional bias for pain-related targets, and a follow-up experiment failed to replicate the attentional bias observed in undergraduate students as well. Collectively, these findings suggested that attentional bias, as assessed by modulation of the attentional blink, was not reliable. A stronger test of the deficit-view and motivated attention hypothesis was needed. I shifted focus to another attentional domain, the control of distraction.  To assess how chronic pain affects attentional control, I used an emotional distraction task, in which participants identified a target letter in an array that flanked irrelevant distractor images that were either intact or scrambled. Intact images depicted either extreme threat to body-tissue, or benign scenes. Distraction is indicated by slowing on intact relative to scrambled distractor trials. If people with chronic pain have general deficits in attentional control, they should show greater distraction from both kinds of images (relative to controls). If motivated attention describes processing in people with chronic pain, greater distraction from body-threat images than neutral images (relative to controls) should be observed. While all participants were more distracted by images depicting extreme threat to body-tissue, people with chronic pain were not more distracted than control participants for either image type. Findings fail to support either a deficit or motivated attention view of attentional control in chronic pain.  Although these experiments do not provide evidence that chronic pain affects attentional processing, across experiments people with chronic pain reported that they experience deficits in attention, and they showed behavioural evidence of psychomotor slowing. These findings suggest that, as is repeatedly reported in the literature, people in chronic pain feel like they have attentional deficits, and that some aspects of cognitive and/or motor processing are impacted. Careful consideration is given to what specific cognitive functions might be impaired in chronic pain. The outcome of this discussion suggests pertinent research directions to further understanding of cognition in chronic pain experience.</p>

2021 ◽  
Hazel Godfrey

<p>This thesis extends current understanding of cognitive deficits in people with chronic pain, specifically those related to attention. Researchers have proposed that attentional capacity is allocated to pain sensation, and away from current tasks and goals, leading to broad cognitive deficits (deficit-view). However, an attentional bias to pain-related information has also been observed in people with chronic pain, suggesting that attention is motivated towards information in the environment that is pain-related, and away from information that is not. Such an attentional bias away from information not related to pain may contribute to the cognitive deficits observed on tasks using neutral stimuli (motivated attention hypothesis). In testing the deficit-view and motivated attention accounts of cognitive deficits in chronic pain, I focused on how people attend to rapidly presented information (temporal attention) and the ability to control attention in the face of distraction.  To assess how chronic pain affects temporal attention, I used a phenomenon known as the attentional blink, which is a failure to detect a second target that appears soon after a first. Participants viewed a stream of briefly displayed words in which two target words (indicated by their colour) were embedded, with a manipulation of the time between the first and second target. They were required to report the two targets. In one experiment the first target was either pain-related or neutral (to assess how pain-relatedness affects the induction of the blink), and in other experiments this manipulation was applied to the second target (to assess how pain-relatedness affects how targets overcome the blink).   In undergraduate participants, both induction and overcoming of the attentional blink was modulated by pain-relatedness. I then compared the effects of manipulating the second target in people with and without chronic pain. If people with chronic pain have general deficits in temporal attention, a deeper attentional blink (relative to control participants) for both kinds of targets should be observed. If motivated attention describes processing in people with chronic pain, a shallower attentional blink for pain related targets than neutral targets (an attentional bias) should be observed. Critically, this bias should be larger in participants with chronic pain. Contrary to both the deficit and motivated attention views, the attentional blink in participants with chronic pain did not differ from that in controls for either pain-related or neutral targets. Furthermore, neither group showed an attentional bias for pain-related targets, and a follow-up experiment failed to replicate the attentional bias observed in undergraduate students as well. Collectively, these findings suggested that attentional bias, as assessed by modulation of the attentional blink, was not reliable. A stronger test of the deficit-view and motivated attention hypothesis was needed. I shifted focus to another attentional domain, the control of distraction.  To assess how chronic pain affects attentional control, I used an emotional distraction task, in which participants identified a target letter in an array that flanked irrelevant distractor images that were either intact or scrambled. Intact images depicted either extreme threat to body-tissue, or benign scenes. Distraction is indicated by slowing on intact relative to scrambled distractor trials. If people with chronic pain have general deficits in attentional control, they should show greater distraction from both kinds of images (relative to controls). If motivated attention describes processing in people with chronic pain, greater distraction from body-threat images than neutral images (relative to controls) should be observed. While all participants were more distracted by images depicting extreme threat to body-tissue, people with chronic pain were not more distracted than control participants for either image type. Findings fail to support either a deficit or motivated attention view of attentional control in chronic pain.  Although these experiments do not provide evidence that chronic pain affects attentional processing, across experiments people with chronic pain reported that they experience deficits in attention, and they showed behavioural evidence of psychomotor slowing. These findings suggest that, as is repeatedly reported in the literature, people in chronic pain feel like they have attentional deficits, and that some aspects of cognitive and/or motor processing are impacted. Careful consideration is given to what specific cognitive functions might be impaired in chronic pain. The outcome of this discussion suggests pertinent research directions to further understanding of cognition in chronic pain experience.</p>

Nurhasniza Edward ◽  
Lavanya Paramasivam ◽  
Zahriladha Zakaria ◽  
Amyrul Azuan Mohd Bahar

The small-sized wideband antenna is one of the antennas used in the medical field to detect body tissue. The antenna's direct contact with the human body causes reflected signal due to the high body coupling, and the narrower bandwidth tends to reduce the data transfer rate in transmission. Therefore, this paper aims to design a wideband antenna with wearable properties operated in the frequency range of 3 GHz to 6 GHz. The antenna is designed with a rectangular-shaped patch with notches and the t-slot shaped partial slot ground. The connected speech test (CST) studio suite software is used to design and optimize the miniature antenna, which measures 24 mm (W) x 38 mm (L) x 0.168 mm (H). The antenna is then embedded with polydimethylsilixane (PDMS) at the top half of the antenna with the dimension 24 mm (W) x 19 mm (L) x 1 mm (H) and also fully occupied. The antenna is configured with the bending capabilities to adapt the human body surface at an angle of 30º. The antenna is having the benefits of small size, cost-effective, and easy to fabricate. The antenna design can effectively detect unusual body tissue, and it safe to be used.

Achmad Mauludiyanto ◽  
Gamantyo Hendrantoro ◽  
Muhammad Fachry Nova

The Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) refers to a communication network between sensors placed on the inside, on the surface, or around the body wirelessly. WBAN system cannot be separated from body tissues. Body tissues also have electrical properties depending on frequency. Therefore, body tissue can affect the phenomena occurring in radio wave propagation in the WBAN channel. One of the phenomena is attenuation. This study investigates the impacts of body tissue on the WBAN channel and the effects of frequency on the attenuation of body tissue in the WBAN channel. The measurement of magnitude response was carried out with the human body as the measurement object by utilizing the S21 parameter measurement with a vector network analyzer. In NLOS conditions, a human body was located between two coplanar Vivaldi antenna. Measurements were conducted on the head, chest, and abdomen. The frequency used was in the range of 2 GHz to 6 GHz. The body tissue attenuation was obtained by finding the difference between the magnitude measurement response on the LOS and NLOS conditions. The attenuation data were analyzed using statistical and numerical analysis to determine the effect of frequency on the attenuation of the human body tissues. Based on the analysis results, it was identified that the frequency affected the human body tissue attenuation. The enhancement attenuation of the human body tissues occurred when the frequency was higher. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the body tissue attenuation in different parts of the body.Keywords: attenuation, body tissues, s-parameters, wireless body area network.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 029-036
Igor Smirnov

The viral RNA (ribonucleic acid) was found in virtually every organ in the body, which means the spike proteins as well. There are antibodies (like the “vaccine” is supposed to create) but they’re irrelevant because, based on a study from Japan, we now know that the spike S1 protein is what does the damage. That means the spike proteins created by the mRNA will be in every organ as well, and we now know it is the spike proteins that do the damage. Another significant mRNA jab side effect was found by Israeli researchers. They discovered a link between Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and a rare blood disease called thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). Any formation of proteins depends on Van der Waals interactions. The Van der Waals forces depend in its turn on dielectric property of the protein molecules and water since all biochemistry needs water environment. It is practically impossible to change dielectric property/electrical charge of the proteins, but it is quite easy to modify dielectric property of water. There are research data indicating relation between dielectric constant of the human body tissue (TDC) and temperature: 35° C - 74.9 F/m (TDC) and 40° C - 73.2 F/m (TDC). It shows that normal homeostasis of the human body is allowed at certain range of electrodynamic van der Walls interactions following the small range of tissue dielectric property about 75 - 73 F/m. It allows us to suggest that dielectric property of human body tissue is very important physiological parameter. Considering mentioned above ideas, it allows us to hypothesize that most of biochemical proteins building mechanisms in a healthy human body require certain physiological range “window” of van der Waals interactions and hydrogen bonding between proteins molecules and water - salt medium. In theory, this physiological “window” of van der Waals weak electromagnetic forces may be significantly different from the range of electrodynamic van der Waals interactions required for life sustains formations of DNA/RNA proteins of viruses. Thus, modification of water - based medium electrodynamic parameters of the human tissues that are favorable for the homeostasis of the body (in the range of physiological “window”) can lead to significant change of van der Walls interactions and hydrogen bonding that may result in the inhibition and interruption of proper formation of spike proteins chains. Such scenario obviously disables coronavirus life sequence of attachment and fusion with human cell membranes. We suggest such agent which can interrupt pathogenic microorganism’s life sequence is MRET (Molecular Resonance Effect technology) water with anomalous electrodynamic characteristics. MRET water can be consumed on the regular basis by human subjects to prevent infections of pathogenic microorganisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (08) ◽  
pp. 860-880
Ankur ◽  
Anjali ◽  
Ajit Singh ◽  
Abhiranjan ◽  

This article presents about various Polyherbal formulations utilized in arthritis Treatment. Rheumatoid arthritis being a progressive disease causes inflammation in joints and resulting in painful Deformity and immobility especially within the finger, wrist, feet and ankles. It belongs to Non -Organ specific class of Auto immune diseases. Autoimmune disorder is an illness that happens when body tissue is attacked by its own system. Consistent with Ayurvedic principles, PHF is that the one which contains two or more herbs within the formulation which acts synergistically. The herbal plants having ethno-medicinal values are currently being screened for their therapeutic activities. Further the article represents various RA based PHF and thus the Marketed formulation available for it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (07) ◽  
pp. 408-415
Ngazi Chaari Gabriel ◽  
Lucy Kabuage ◽  
Purity Nguhiu ◽  
Charles Gachuiri ◽  

Guanidinoacetic acid (GAA) is a natural organic acid in the body that acts as a precursor of creatine which plays the role of energy carrier in the cell This study was conducted to determine the effects of supplementing broiler chicken feed with GAA on carcass characteristics. Two hundred-and forty, day old Cornish breeds were kept under a deep litter system. Six treatments with four replicates of 10 birds per replica were used. The experimental diets comprised of six treatments with varying levels of feed additive (GAA) supplemented in the diets D1 (control) with no GAA, D2 was supplemented with (0.003% GAA/kg), D3 (0.006% GAA/kg), D4 (0.009% GAA/kg), D5 (0.012% GAA/kg), and D6 (0.015% GAA/kg). The treatments were laid down in a complete randomized design (CRD) with four replicates. Carcass characteristics were determined in the laboratory by analyzing the (abdominal fat, tissue protein, tissue fat and pH). There were statistically significant effects observed on abdominal fat, body tissue protein and body tissue fat of the carcass. The study concluded that GAA supplementation increased carcass characteristics, and provided better economic returns. The study recommends utilization of GAA supplementation at level of 0.12% GAA/Kg for rapid growth of broiler, enhanced abdominal fat, body tissue protein, body tissue fat, and utilization of GAA for better economic returns to the farmers.

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