relative weight analysis
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Paradigm ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-193
Nitya Garg

Banking sector is the backbone of any economy, so it is necessary to focus on its performance which is largely affected by its non-performing assets (NPAs). In the year 2018–2019, NPA of scheduled banks was Rs 355,076 Crore which is 3.7% of net advances. The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants based on analysis from previous literatures, and majorly macroeconomic and bank specific factors which are affecting NPAs using the relative weight analysis and to frame a model to predict future NPAs using multiple regression model using SPSS. The study also attempts to focus on actions and remedies that banks should make to control future NPAs. Findings of the study will act as a scaffolding for financial analysts and policymakers to prevent the conversion of its performing assets into NPAs and also help in proper management of banks and also in the recovery of economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (42) ◽  
pp. 238-247
Mohd Nazrul Azizi ◽  
Zahari Ishak ◽  
Firdaus Hilmi

The holistic approach to education – that addresses students’ learning, social and emotional, and spiritual needs – is crucial, especially in times of crisis. University closures related to the current COVID-19 pandemic mean that students from diverse backgrounds who are more at risk of increased vulnerability are less likely to receive the support and extra services they need, and the gap between students that experience additional barriers and that do not might widen. The current study investigates the influence of religiosity and Emotional Intelligent on the attitude towards leadership in education during pandemic covid-19 in the Malaysian context. Data were collected from undergraduate students who constitute future leaders. Results from the regression analysis particularly the relative weight analysis revealed that leadership practices demonstrated significant incremental variance with attitude towards leadership beyond self-leadership. The implications of the findings for research and practice are discussed.

Aphasiology ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Charles Ellis ◽  
Richard K. Peach ◽  
Kathrin Rothermich

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-175
Michael S Garver ◽  
Zachary Williams

For customer satisfaction researchers, key driver analysis is a common practice to understand what product and service attributes are most important in driving the overall customer experience, typically measured by overall satisfaction or the Net Promoter question. To implement key driver analysis, market research practitioners often use statistical techniques such as bivariate correlation analysis or multiple regression, yet these statistical techniques have severe limitations for conducting key driver analysis. As a viable alternative, this article puts forth relative weight analysis (RWA) as an appropriate statistical technique for conducting key driver analysis. To empirically demonstrate this technique, key driver analysis was conducted using data from a B2B software provider. The analysis implemented RWA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression, and the results are compared and contrasted. RWA limitations and best practices are discussed as well as future research. Overall, this research advocates for more use of RWA in marketing research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (5) ◽  
pp. 1263-1271 ◽  
Marco Cacioppo ◽  
Daniela Barni ◽  
Cinzia Correale ◽  
Sonia Mangialavori ◽  
Francesca Danioni ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Barrata Ari Hepi Yanti Tri Rima Setyawati

Overfishing has been being the major problem for Leptobarbus melanopterus population in Danau Sentarum National Park. This activity was feared could affect the declining of L. melanopterus population in the future. This research aims to determine growth pattern of L. melanopterus through length-weight relationship and relative weight analysis. The total of 64 fishes were collected which consisted of 32 males and 32 females. The range of male total length was 146-248 mm with weight was 40-170 gram, whereas total length female was ranging 141-299 mm with weight was 40-350 gram. Based on the regression analysis of length-weight data, the b value of male and female were estimated 2,46 and 2,81 respectively. Moreover, the b value of all samples without distinguishing sex type was 2,69 with relative weight was 101,33. The results of this research confirms that either females or males has negative allometric growth pattern.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-92 ◽  
Francesca Danioni ◽  
Daniela Barni ◽  
Rosa Rosnati

The transmission of positive values between parents and children is generally considered to be the hallmark of successful socialization. As this issue has been widely discussed but surprisingly little researched - especially with reference to core sport values - in this study we aimed to: 1) analyze adolescent athletes’ acceptance of the sport values their parents want to transmit to them (i.e., parental socialization values) and 2) examine the relationship between parental involvement in children’s sportive activity and adolescents’ acceptance of their parents’ socialization values. One hundred and seventy-two Italian adolescents (48.3% male, 51.7% female) who regularly practice team sports were asked to fill out a questionnaire which included the Youth Sport Values Questionnaire – 2 and the Parental Involvement in Sport Questionnaire. The dyadic correlations revealed that young athletes are in general willing to accept their parents’ socialization values in regards to sport. Moreover, from the relative weight analysis (a relatively new data analysis strategy), it emerged that parental involvement characterized by praise and understanding is the most important predictor of adolescents’ willingness to accept their parents’ sport values. Implications of these results and further expansion of the study are discussed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-59 ◽  
Cara Thuynsma ◽  
Leon T de Beer

Burnout is considered an occupational health concern. The burnout–depression overlap is an important area of research as the foundations of burnout and its diagnostic value have come under increasing scrutiny, calling for burnout to not be classified as an independent disorder but rather as a subtype of depression. Furthermore, as burnout is defined as a work-specific syndrome, workplace factors have been argued to be the major indicators of burnout. Recent research however, calls this into question. This study seeks to establish the overlap between burnout and depressive symptoms and to determine if burnout is in fact a multi-domain phenomenon. A cross-sectional research design was used, a convenience sample of educators from the Gauteng province of South Africa was collected ( N = 399). Confirmatory factor analysis was applied in a structural equation modelling framework. Discriminant validity analysis was conducted by investigating the average variance extracted and the shared variance between constructs. Finally, relative weight analysis was conducted to ascertain the unique contribution explained by the work-specific and general life domain factors. Results showed that burnout could be distinguished from depressive symptoms. Job demands, depressive symptoms, and satisfaction with life all explained significant amounts of variance in the burnout construct. Relative weight analysis revealed that emotional load and depressive symptoms explained equal amounts of variance in burnout, but that the aggregated work-specific factors explained the most variance in burnout. This study indicates that burnout is a multi-domain phenomenon and not isolated to the domain of work. Further research is needed in this regard.

2012 ◽  
Vanessa M. Lammers ◽  
Deborah Lee ◽  
Jenna C. Cox ◽  
Kathleen Frye ◽  
Jeffrey R. Labrador ◽  

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