abstract class
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-7
P. A. Trunin ◽  
L. S. Prokhorenko ◽  
D. S. Mishchenkov ◽  
D. D. Klimov ◽  

The protocol-independent architecture for three axis force sensor data processing is considered. The force sensor is based on a MLX90393 triaxial magnetic sensor, capable of transmitting data via SPI protocol or I2C protocol, depending on the force sensor modification. The data generated by the MLX90393 requires additional processing before usage. To address this issue a software library is developed. Such a library shall provide means for protocol selection based on the force sensor modification. Three alternative architectural library implementations are consid­ered: the two independent program modules for both SPI and I2C protocol data transmission and processing, the two dependent program modules for SPI and I2C data transmission and one template-based module for the data processing, the two dependent program modules for SPI and I2C data transmission based on a single abstract class and the data processing module working with a pointer to the abstract class implementation. Three experimental library implementations are developed, nine experiments are performed with varying library usage setups, supplemented with one experiment with no data processing for the reference. Various criteria are considered, both quantitative and qualitative, including, but not limited to the compiled program size and the ease of library integration. The experimental results are analysed with the help of stated criteria, conclusions and practical recommendations are made.

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-34
Vaskaran Sarcar

Oksana Bezushchak ◽  
Bogdana Oliynyk

We study an abstract class of Hamming spaces (known also as measure algebras) that generalizes standard Hamming spaces [Formula: see text]. We classify countable locally standard Hamming spaces and show that each of them can be realized as the Boolean algebra of idempotents of a Cartan subalgebra of a locally matrix algebra.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-191 ◽  
Sara Dexter ◽  
Davis Clement ◽  
Daniel Moraguez ◽  
Ginger S. Watson

This article presents three types of (inter)active learning pedagogical tools to better prepare future administrators for complex, real-world tasks. We propose a framework of narrative linearity and responsiveness to examine digital cases, digital simulations, and clinical simulations as bridging pedagogies from abstract class-based methods to fully immersive internships. We illustrate how these characteristics influence learner interaction with the rich, hypothetical contexts these tools offer. A specific example is presented for each tool, and their cognitive demands on the learner are discussed. We raise implications for their use at the course and program levels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Nurul Hidayah

Abstract Class management refers to activities that create and maintain optimal conditions for the occurrence of the teaching-learning process that requires the effectiveness of learning, this is because it can affect the learning achievement of students to be achieved by the students themselves. Thus class management has an important role in increasing the learning effectiveness of students that is trying as much as possible so that students have a high learning motivation for all teaching. Classroom management has an important role in increasing the learning effectiveness of students and school facilities which is trying as much as possible so that students have a high learning motivation for all teaching and effort to meet the needs of students well. The method used is a description of the analysis with a qualitative approach. This study aims to determine the Application of Class Management Skills in Learning Islamic Education in MI Masyarikul Anwar 4 Bandar Lampung. It can be concluded that the results of the application of classroom management skills in PAI learning at MI Masyarikul Anwar 4 Bandar Lampung that the skills in managing the class have been implemented well but need to be improved in the regulation of students because there are still some indicators that have not been implemented in accordance with school goals. Abstrak Manajemen kelas merujuk kepada kegiatan-kegiatan yang menciptakan dan mempertahankan kondisi yang optimal bagi terjadinya proses belajar-mengajar dibutuhkan adanya efektivitas pembelajaran, hal ini dikarenakan dapat mempengaruhi prestasi belajar peserta didik yang akan dicapai oleh peserta didik itu sendiri. Dengan demikian manajemen kelas memiliki peranan penting dalam meningkatkan efektivitas belajar peserta didik yaitu berusaha semaksimal mungkin agar peserta didik memiliki motivasi belajar yang tinggi terhadap semua pengajaran. Pengelolaan kelas memiliki peranan penting dalam meningkatkan efektifitas belajar peserta didik dan fasilitas sekolah yaitu berusaha semaksimal mungkin agar peserta didik memiliki motivasi belajar yang tinggi terhadap semua pengajaran dan usaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan peserta didik dengan baik. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Deskripsi Analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Penerapan Keterampilan Manajemen Kelas Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Di MI Masyarikul Anwar 4 Bandar Lampung. Dapat disimpulkan hasil penelitian penerapan keterampilan manajemen kelas dalam pembelajaran PAI di MI Masyarikul Anwar 4 Bandar Lampung bahwa keterampilan dalam memanajemen kelas sudah terlaksana dengan baik tetapi perlu ditingkatkan lagi pada pengaturan peserta didiknya karena masih terdapat beberapa indikator yang belum berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan sekolah. Kata kunci: Manajemen Kelas, Pembelajaran, Pendidikan Agama Islam.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 25
Elmar Diederichs

Reinforcement learning provides a cognitive science perspective to behavior and sequential decision making provided that RL-algorithms introduce a computational concept of agency to the learning problem. Hence it addresses an abstract class of problems that can be characterized as follows: An algorithm confronted with information from an unknown environment is supposed to find stepwise an optimal way to behave based only on some sparse, delayed or noisy feedback from some environment, that changes according to the algorithm's behavior. Hence reinforcement learning offers an abstraction to the problem of goal-directed learning from interaction. The paper offers an opintionated introduction in the algorithmic advantages and drawbacks of several algorithmic approaches such that one can understand recent developments and open problems in reinforcement learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
I Gusti Ngurah Anom Cahyadi Putra ◽  
Agus Tommy Adi Prawira Kusuma

ABSTRACT Class is an important inventory in lectures. A comfortable class will make the lecture atmosphere run well and effectively. In the classroom there are several facilities that support lectures, namely chairs, tables, LCDs, projectors, air conditioners, lights, LCD cables, whiteboards, erasers and wall clocks. If one of the facilities is damaged, it will disturb the comfort of the lecture. At present there has been a needs analysis and design of a class inventory inventory information system that produces a prototype system.From these problems, it is necessary to proceed to the next stage, namely the implementation and testing stages. The implementation stage is an advanced stage after analysis and design. At this stage will be analyzed the hardware and software requirements to determine the system requirements that will be applied to the internet. This research was conducted with methods of observation, interviews, design analysis, design design, implementation and system testing. This study produced a class inventory information system that had been applied to the internet and could be used by lecturers to report class conditions. The system can be used to accommodate complaints about class facilities and infrastructure and provide class inventory information. Keywords: inventory, information systems, implementation<br />ABSTRAK<br />Kelas merupakan salah satu inventaris penting dalam perkuliahan. Kelas yang nyaman akan membuat suasana perkuliahan berjalan baik dan efektif. Di dalam kelas terdapat beberapa sarana yang mendukung perkuliahan yaitu kursi, meja, lcd, proyektor, ac, lampu, kabel lcd, papan tulis, penghapus dan jam dinding. Apabila salah satu sarana rusak maka akan mengganggu kenyamanan perkuliahan. Saat ini telah dilakukan analisis kebutuhan dan perancangan sistem informasi pengaduan inventaris kelas yang menghasilkan sebuah purwarupa sistem. Dari permasalahan tersebut sehingga perlu dilanjutkan ke tahapan berikutnya yaitu tahapan implementasi dan pengujian. Tahapan implementasi merupakan tahapan lanjutan setelah analisis dan perancangan. Pada tahapan ini akan di analisis kebutuhan hardware dan software untuk mengetahui kebutuhan sistem yang akan diterapkan ke internet. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, analisis desain, perancangan desain, implementasi dan pengujian sistem. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi inventaris kelas yang telah diterapkan ke internet dan bisa digunakan oleh dosen untuk melaporkan kondisi kelas. Sistem dapat digunakan untuk menampung pengaduan tentang sarana dan prasarana kelas dan menyediakan informasi inventaris kelas.<br />Kata kunci : inventaris, sistem informasi, implementasi

2019 ◽  
Vol 71 (4) ◽  
pp. 891-935 ◽  
Tomoki Mihara

AbstractWe establish class field theory for three-dimensional manifolds and knots. For this purpose, we formulate analogues of the multiplicative group, the idèle class group, and ray class groups in a cocycle-theoretic way. Following the arguments in abstract class field theory, we construct reciprocity maps and verify the existence theorems.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (12) ◽  
pp. 312-315
Stanisław Bocian

In this article it is presented that the characteristic semi – group of the direct sum and direct product “G” and “AG” of the asynchronous automatons of the strongly connected and determined analogs of their extensions are isomorphism. Taking into account that the characteristic semi – group determines the ability to process the information then the direct sum and direct product can be consider as realization – the sequence and parallel calculation accordingly. The obtained results mean that this ability doesn’t depend on the sequence and parallel realization (the same number of abstract class of the suitable characteristic semi- groups).

Nunzio Pernicone ◽  
Fraser M. Ottanelli

Bombings are traditionally associated with anarchism. Through a brief comparative survey, Chapter 3 explains that while this was a lethal weapon of struggle used by anarchists in Spain and France, the same was not the case for the bombings perpetrated by their Italian comrades. Spanish and French anarchists bombed activities and locations that attracted large numbers of people, especially members of the bourgeoisie. In contrast, instead of an abstract class enemy, Italian anarchists (in whatever country they struck) bombed buildings or targeted specific personalities along with tangible symbols of state power and repressive policies. The determination to strike those held responsible for repressive policies led to two attentats: Paolo Lega’s attempt on Prime Minister Francesco Crispi’s life followed by Sante Caserio’s assassination of the president of France, Marie Francois Sadi Carnot.

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