computer system
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2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-290
Leonardo Nardy ◽  
Oberdan Pinheiro ◽  
Herman Lepikson

Electronics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Alberto Partida ◽  
Saki Gerassis ◽  
Regino Criado ◽  
Miguel Romance ◽  
Eduardo Giráldez ◽  

In this article, we model the two most market-capitalised public, open and permissionless blockchain implementations, Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), as a System of Systems (SoS) of public blockchains. We study the concepts of blockchain, BTC, ETH, complex networks, SoS Engineering and intentional risk. We analyse BTC and ETH from an open SoS perspective through the main properties that seminal System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) references propose. This article demonstrates that these public blockchain implementations create networks that grow in complexity and connect with each other. We propose a methodology based on a complexity management lever such as SoSE to better understand public blockchains such as BTC and ETH and manage their evolution. Our ultimate objective is to improve the resilience of public blockchains against intentional risk: a key requirement for their mass adoption. We conclude with specific measures, based on this novel systems engineering approach, to effectively improve the resilience against intentional risk of the open SoS of public blockchains, composed of a non-inflationary money system, “sound money”, such as BTC, and of a world financial computer system, “a financial conduit”, such as ETH. The goal of this paper is to formulate a SoS that transfers digital value and aspires to position itself as a distributed alternative to the fiat currency-based financial system.

2022 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-41
Carolinne Roque e Faria ◽  
Cinthyan S. C. Barbosa

The presence of technologies in the agronomic field has the purpose of proposing the best solutions to the challenges found in agriculture, especially to the problems that affect cultivars. One of the obstacles found is to apply the use of your own language in applications that interact with the user in Brazilian Agribusiness. Therefore, this work uses Natural Language Processing techniques for the development of an automatic and effective computer system to interact with the user and assist in the identification of pests and diseases in soybean crop, stored in a non-relational database repository to provide accurate diagnostics to simplify the work of the farmer and the agricultural stakeholders who deal with a lot of information. In order to build dialogues and provide rich consultations, from agriculture manuals, a data structure with 108 pests and diseases with their information on the soybean cultivar and through the spaCy tool, it was possible to pre-process the texts, recognize the entities and support the requirements for the development of the conversacional system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (19) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Yamira Medel Viltres ◽  
Fidel Enrique Castro Dieguez ◽  
Angel Enrique Figueredo León ◽  
Alberto Rubén Leyva Polo ◽  
Adrián Almaguel Guerra

The distribution of school uniforms in the province of Granma is a process that is carried out in the different study centers of the province. The current research paper is aimed at developing a computer system that allows the control of the distribution of school uniforms in the province of Granma. It proposes a new algorithm based on Q-Learning to optimize the scheduling of the process of making school uniforms in clothing workshops. The Q-Learning algorithm of Reinforced Learning is a solution to the problem of sequencing tasks with a Flow Shop environment in a real context. The development of the computer system is based on free and multiplatform technologies. The technologies are HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery and CodeIgniter. Extreme Programming was used as an agile methodology of development of software and the Model-View-Controller as an architectural pattern. A comparison of the results obtained from the execution of the algorithm with real data of the entity is performed. After analysis of the tests carried out, usefulness and reliability of the software developed are checked, which contributes to the improvement of the distribution of school uniforms in the province of Granma.

Anatoliy Borysenko ◽  
Oleksandr Yenikieiev ◽  
Dmitry Zakharenkov ◽  
Ihor Zykov

The idea of monitoring the identity of the cylinder capacities of an internal combustion engine under conditions of incomplete information is proposed and a computer system is built on its basis. The signal of the instantaneous rotation speed of the crankshaft of the power unit was used as input information. In the development of the hardware architecture, injectors with piezoelectric actuators, the principle of direct digital control, and the principle of control with feedback on the state of fluctuations of the crankshaft rotation speed were used. The Laplace transform was used as a mathematical apparatus for analyzing the structural diagram of a computer system for programmed control of the processes of supplying fuel and air to the cylinders of the power unit. Mathematical models of the components of the hardware for controlling the processes of supplying the fuel-air mixture were constructed, and as a result of the analysis of the structural diagram of the computer system, the transfer function was obtained. Using the capabilities of the Matlab software environment, the transient and impulse transient characteristics of the system are obtained, the Nyquist hodograph is constructed, and the logarithmic amplitude-frequency characteristics of the hardware are established. It was found that the frequency characteristics of the mathematical model of a computer system have the necessary dynamic characteristics. Using the method of expansion into simple fractions, an expression is obtained for a discrete transfer function, the coefficients of the power polynomials of which are established using the method of determinants and computational capabilities of the Mathcad software environment. On the basis of a discrete transfer function, a scheme for computer modeling of the process of processing the signal of the instantaneous speed of rotation of the crankshaft by hardware is constructed. The output signal was obtained by computer simulation, as a result of the analysis of which the speed of the hardware for processing the input information was established.

E-psychologie ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 69-78
Jindřiška Kotrlová ◽  
Šárka Dobiášová ◽  
Veronika A. Polišenská

In July 2021, one of the most important professional events took place, organized by the Czech psychological community, respectively the Czech-Moravian Psychological Society, together with other partners, especially Computer System Group a.s. as the PCO, and with universities and research institutes in the Czech Republic. The International Congress of Psychology under the auspices of the International Union of Psychological Science was postponed from 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, even in 2021, the situation did not allow organizing such a large international event in the usual way. ICP 2020+ was therefore held online with a virtually seamless implementation, for which the CSG technology team is truly grateful. [Congress report].

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 944-949
Zafer Sadîc

The article analyzes the legal framework for regulating the crime of illegal access to a computer system in the Romanian legal system, with a brief foray into the history of criminalization of unauthorized access to a computer system, continues with the indication of the normative text in force, after which it describes the structure and legal content of the crime, with specific references to recent relevant criminal jurisprudence.

2021 ◽  
S Balovsyak ◽  
Alexander Derevyanchuk ◽  
H Kravchenko ◽  
O Kroitor ◽  
V Tomash

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