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2022 ◽  
Urmil Bharti ◽  
Anita Goel ◽  
S. C. Gupta

Abstract Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is an event-based reactive programming model where functions run in ephemeral stateless containers for short duration. For building complex serverless applications, function composition is crucial to coordinate and synchronize the workflow of an application. Some serverless orchestration systems exist, but they are in their primitive state and do not provide inherent support for non-trivial workflows like, Fork-Join. To address this gap, we propose a fully serverless and scalable design model ReactiveFnJ for Fork-Join workflow. The intent of this work is to illustrate a design which is completely choreographed, reactive, asynchronous, and represents a dynamic composition model for serverless applications. Our design uses two innovative patterns, namely, Relay Composition and Master-Worker Composition to solve execution time-out challenges. As a Proof-of-Concept (PoC), the prototypical implementation of Split-Sort-Merge use case, based on Fork-Join workflow is discussed and evaluated. The ReactiveFnJ handles embarrassingly parallel computations, and its design does not depend on any external orchestration services, messaging services, and queue services. ReactiveFnJ facilitates in designing fully automated pipelines for distributed data processing systems, satisfying the Serverless Trilemma in true essence. A file of any size can be processed using our effective and extensible design without facing execution time-out challenges. The proposed model is generic and can be applied to a wide range of serverless applications that are based on the Fork-Join workflow pattern. It fosters the choreographed serverless composition for complex workflows. The proposed design model is useful for software engineers and developers in industry and commercial organizations, total solution vendors and academic researchers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (14) ◽  
pp. 1170-1190
Bárbara Dan Dara da Silva Justino ◽  
Verônica Santos de Melo ◽  
Caroline Almeida Felix ◽  
Kathiane Magalhães Mendes ◽  
Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes ◽  
Time Out ◽  

Introdução: O ascendente quantitativo de complicações e mortes advindas pelos erros naassistência à saúde contribuiu para um movimento mundial capaz de politizar e substanciar asegurança do paciente para minimizar os danos vinculados aos cuidados à saúde. Objetivo:avaliar o grau de implementação do instrumento de check-list perioperatório de cirurgia seguraem um hospital público do Distrito Federal. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo de avaliaçãoda implementação de atividades relacionadas ao check-list perioperatório, com abordagemquantitativa. A população constituiu-se de profissionais da enfermagem de centro cirúrgico –36 enfermeiros e 09 técnicos de enfermagem. A coleta e análise dos dados ocorrerá por meioda Matriz de Avaliação adaptada ao “Check-list da Organização Mundial da Saúde.Resultados: predominaram os profissionais do sexo feminino, maiores de 40 anos e a maioriaentre 10 a 20 anos atuação na área (60%). Sobre o grau de implementação, o sing in alcançou92,7%, time out (89,4%) e sing out (85,5%). Conclusão: No geral, o serviço avaliado obtevegrau de 90% de implementação das atividades do check-list. Observou-se a necessidade demelhorias na etapa de check in, como a verificação do risco de broncoaspiração e risco desangramento. Já na etapa time out, os profissionais devem melhorar a confirmação de seusnomes e profissão antes de iniciar a cirurgia.

2022 ◽  
Fahime Naghibi ◽  
Seyed Mohsen Miresmaili ◽  
Amaneh Javid

Abstract The present study was carried, for the first time, out to evaluate the association of rs2268458 polymorphism, biochemical and environmental factors on hypothyroid and hyperthyroid disorders in thyroid patients and healthy individuals in Yazd province, Iran. In this study, blood samples were collected from a total of 100 cases, including 60 hypothyroid, 20 hyperthyroidism individual cases and 20 normal individuals. DNA was extracted from blood samples and the rs2268458 single neucleotide intronic polymorphism was evaluated using RFLP-PCR. The results have shown that 59 cases were homozygote (TT), 40 cases heterozygote (TC) with one homozygote (CC) case, as follows; A total of 25 (TT) homozygote cases were observed to be hypothyroid females, 20 (TC) heterozygote cases of hypothyroid females, 7 (TT) homozygote male hypothyroid cases and 7 (TC) heterozygote male hypothyroid cases and 1 (CC) homozygote male hypothyroid patient. While, 7 (TT) homozygote hyperthyroid female cases, 8 (TC) heterozygote hyperthyroid female cases,were also observed. According to our study, heterozygote cases (TC) showed less severe symptoms, while homozygote cases (TT) showed no serious symptoms and the (CC) homozygote case (CC) showed severe thyroid abnormality symptoms. So, it can be concluded that the TSHR-related rs2268458 polymorphism is associated with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in the male and female polulations of Yazd Province, Iran and C allele can be a risk factor for some physio-biochemical and hormonal imbalance in the thyroid disorder patients.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (14) ◽  
pp. 589-609
Ana Cláudia Valentim Santana Pereira ◽  
Ruth Silva Matos ◽  
Marcelo Moreira Corgozinho ◽  
Gleyce Mikaelle Costa Quirino ◽  
Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes ◽  
Time Out ◽  

Introdução: A Organização Mundial de Saúde lançou em 2009 o Programa Cirurgias Seguras Salvam Vidas. Para alcançar os dez objetos essenciais propostos pela Organização Mundial de Saúde é necessária a utilização do Checklist de Cirurgia Segura. Objetivo: avaliar o grau da implantação do instrumento de checklist perioperatório de cirurgia segura em um Hospital Público do Distrito Federal. Método: trata-se de um estudo exploratório que avaliou a implantação de atividades relacionadas à aplicação do checklist no período Perioperatório, a partir da abordagem qualitativa. Resultados: participaram deste estudo 31 profissionais da Enfermagem que atuam no Centro Cirúrgico. A partir da matriz de avaliação foram pontuados os itens do checklist nos tempos Sing In, Time Out e Sing Out e para cada item da checagem foi estabelecida a pontuação de 10 pontos, totalizando 250 pontos (100%). A pontuação obtida após análise dos questionários foi de 215 pontos (86%). Conclusão: o checklist de segurança cirurgia segura realizado no Hospital Materno-Infantil de Brasília é considerado implantado. O preenchimento completo e correto do instrumento do checklist é o melhor meio existente para alcançar a real segurança do paciente cirúrgico.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (14) ◽  
pp. 369-390
Juscilene Barbosa Ferreira ◽  
Lauane Rocha Itacarambi ◽  
Raquel Elisa De Almeida ◽  
Dayanny Nogueira Rodrigues Ulhôa ◽  
Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes ◽  
Time Out ◽  

Introdução:  A Organização Mundial da Saúde instituiu a Lista de Verificação de Segurança Cirúrgica, uma ferramenta composta por itens de segurança que devem ser checados em três momentos da cirurgia. Objetivo: Analisar a completude do preenchimento da LVSC em um hospital público do Distrito Federal. Metodologia: Estudo transversal, retrospectivo, descritivo e com abordagem quantitativa.A amostra contou com 607 checklist utilizados pela instituição do estudo composto por quatro fases.Resultados: Todas as etapas foram preenchidas em 306 procedimentos (50,4%). A entrada foi preenchida integralmente em 600 cirurgias (98,8%), o sign in teve seus itens checados completamente em 408 procedimentos (67,2%), o time out apresentou totalidade de completude em 407 cirurgias (67,5%) e o sign out mostrou-se completo em 543 procedimentos operatórios (89,4%). Quanto a adesão aos itens de cada etapa, na entrada os elementos tiveram adesão de 99,4%, no sign in, a adesão foi de 96,1%, no time out foi de 92,7% e no sign out de 96,1%. Conclusão: Apesar da boa adesão a todos os itens de segurança, a adesão do instrumento mostrou-se insatisfatória. Sugere-se a avaliação constante do procedimento para promover uma cultura institucional voltada para a segurança dos paciente.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e001370
Joseph Christopher Arbizo ◽  
Kajal Dalal ◽  
Veronia Lao ◽  
Frank Rosinia ◽  
Temiloluwa Adejuyigbe

BackgroundProcedural time-outs and checklists are proven to be an effective means of improving teamwork and preventing wrong-sided procedures. The main objective of this study was to ensure that all regional nerve blocks being performed in the preoperative area at our hospital were executed with a proper time-out. The goal of this project was to increase integration of a safe preoperative block process including a time-out checklist to ensure; complete consents, correct patient and laterality were marked prior to each procedure. We focused on recognising events that took place before, during and after the nerve block including non-compliance with the checklist and deviations from protocol.MethodsA safe preoperative block process current and future state flowchart, revised time-out checklist and action/implementation plan as part of our Plan–Do–Study–Act model was constructed using a multidisciplinary approach. Pre-implementation and post- implementation data were collected by medical students acting anonymously via direct observation noting the presence of an anaesthesiologist, resident, nurse, time-out for procedure, checklist completed and procedure start and sedation time representing a complete time-out.ResultsThe direct observations in the pre-implementation group showed a 20% (3/15) compliance with a correct time-out. The direct observations in the post implementation group showed 85% (12/14) compliance. This revealed a 65% increase in all portions of the time-out checklist completed. Comparative analysis confirmed decrease in non-compliance and deviations from protocol as displayed by 65% increase in all portions of time-out checklist completed.ConclusionWe aimed to improve safety, communication and compliance for preoperative nerve blocks through development and implementation of a safe preoperative block process using a multidisciplinary model. We conclude that creation of a safe nerve block was achieved by integration of a preoperative nerve block process which included increased compliance to the time-out checklist, verifying patients and laterality with marking of patient prior to each procedure, identifying proper consents were completed and ensuring each regional nerve block was executed with a proper time-out.

In robotic industry, today, interactions between human and machine usually consists of programming and maintaining machine using human operator. Using a robotic system in any industry for work provides precision and a certain level of accuracy. A robotic entity such as a robotic arm will not ask for time out and can work efficiently day and night which will in turn increase efficiency in workplace. In this paper, we have explained about an arm created, which works in such a way that while the robotic arm is working, camera is able to identify any object it sees which is taken care by the worker looking over the arm. The major outcome and result is the increased efficiency in workplace, precision and accuracy in low cost which can also be used for house hold chores too.

Jared S. Bee ◽  
Yu (Zoe) Zhang ◽  
Megan Kuhn Phillippi ◽  
Sheyla Finkner ◽  
Tesfu Mezghebe ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 4-9
Anne Sophie HM van Dalen ◽  
Jan A Swinkels ◽  
Stan Coolen ◽  
Robert Hackett ◽  
Marlies P Schijven

Objective One of the steps of the Surgical Safety Checklist is for the team members to introduce themselves. The objective of this study was to implement a tool to help remember and use each other’s names and roles in the operating theatre. Methods This study was part of a pilot study in which a video and medical data recorder was implemented in one operating theatre and used as a tool for postoperative multidisciplinary debriefings. During these debriefings, name recall was evaluated. Following the implementation of the medical data recorder, this study was started by introducing the theatre cap challenge, meaning the use of name (including role) stickers on the surgical cap in the operating theatre. Findings In total, 41% (n = 40 out of 98) of the operating theatre members were able to recall all the names of their team at the team briefings. On average 44.8% (n = 103) was wearing the name sticker. Conclusions The time-out stage of the Surgical Safety Checklist might be inadequate for correctly remembering and using your operating theatre team members’ names. For this, the theatre cap challenge may help.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Tongyi Zheng ◽  
Lei Ning ◽  
Qingsong Ye ◽  
Fan Jin

Massive machine-type communications (mMTCs) for Internet of things are being developed thanks to the fifth-generation (5G) wireless systems. Narrowband Internet of things (NB-IoT) is an important communication technology for machine-type communications. It supports many different protocols for communication. The reliability and performance of application layer communication protocols are greatly affected by the retransmission time-out (RTO) algorithm. In order to improve the reliability and performance of machine-type communications, this study proposes a novel RTO algorithm UDP-XGB based on the user datagram protocol (UDP) and NB-IoT. It combines traditional algorithms with machine learning. The simulation results show that real round-trip time (RTT) is close to the RTO, which is obtained by this algorithm, and the reliability and performance of machine-type communications have improved.

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