spatiotemporal relations
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S3) ◽  
Landysh N. Yuzmukhametova ◽  
Venera R. Amineva ◽  
Leysan G. Ibragimova ◽  
Rosalia M. Svetlova ◽  
Safina F. Gulnara

On the material of the works of R. Gabdulkhakova, the internal measure of the "small" genres of modern Tatar prose is revealed: in the brocade it is determined by the nature of the relationship of the narrative plot and its generalizing "ending." Genre varieties of brocade in the work of R. Gabdulhakova are described, which correspond to two directions of the plot movement: from external to internal or from single to universal and two types of narrative - from the 1st or from the 3rd person. It was concluded that the internal measure of the genre determines the nature of the relationship of the narrative plot and its generalizing "ending." Spatiotemporal relations and principles of organization of subject sphere characteristic of this genre are described.

2021 ◽  
pp. 85-121
Marco Bernini

When we speak of an “inner world,” we are trying to capture something that is to some extent more than metaphorical. We allude to the phenomenologically rich (and worldlike) sensation of being situated in the perspectival unfolding of spatiotemporal relations with inner sounds, images, past or imagined experiential settings. On the other hand, our inner experience has an elusive, underdetermined, and vaporous quality (Hurlburt and Schwitzgebel 2007). How can we build on the similarities between outer and inner worlds so that the latter can be enactively navigated as the former? This chapter argues that narrative, as a mean of extended introspection (see chapter 1.3), can have a role in stabilizing perceptual elements in inner experience into a worldlike ecology. The scope of this chapter is to provide a theory of Beckett’s narrative terraforming engineering, which transforms the mind into a perceptual, embodied, multisensory ecology or what the author terms an enactive innerscape. Once transformed into a world, however, Beckett’s mental kingdom acquires its own natural laws, such as the cross-sensory synaesthetic activation of sounds and voices. A reading of Beckett’s innerscapes as the result of introspective modeling terraforming might cast some additional light on this perceptual principle. The chapter begins by introducing the scientific debate about the use of spatial or geographical mind metaphors: on their possibilities or limitations in capturing the nature of mind and inner experience.

Axiomathes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Lorenzo Lorenzetti

Abstract It has been argued that Humean Supervenience (HS) is threatened by the existence of quantum entanglement relations. The most conservative strategy for defending HS is to add the problematic entanglement relations to the supervenience basis, alongside spatiotemporal relations. In this paper, I’m going to argue against this strategy by showing how certain particular cases of tripartite entanglement states – i.e. GHZ states – posit some crucial problems for this amended version of HS. Moreover, I will show that the principle of free recombination – which is strictly linked to HS – is severely undermined if we add entanglement relations to the supervenience basis. I conclude that the conservative move is very unappealing, and therefore the defender of HS should pursue other, more controversial, strategies (e.g. committing to the nomological interpretation of the wave function).

På Spissen ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-63
Marie-Louise Crawley ◽  
Rosemary Kostic Cisneros

This article responds to the interdisciplinary developments that choreography has undergone in the twenty-first century, in terms of a focus on relationships between dance, architecture, site and cultural heritage. It makes a claim for how choreography within the city manifests itself in the form of a public bodily act, as artistic boundary-crosser and socio-political agent. We explore this through the lens of a central case study: artist Anton Mirto’s Scaffolding (2019), a workshop-performance event for seven dancers sited within The Chapel of Many, an architectural installation by architect Sebastian Hicks and set inside the ruins of Coventry Cathedral (UK) as part of the Coventry Welcomes Festival’s Refugee Week. Grounded in an exploration of dance and architecture in terms of spatiotemporal relations following Rachel Sara’s (2015) framework of a transontology of architecture and dance and Rachel Hann’s (2019) concept of fast architecture, we argue for how the choreographic process of making Scaffolding speaks back to both the architectural space and the urban heritage site in which it is located and addresses a certain experience of temporality, history and memory. In turn, the potential political agency of such a performed conversation between architecture and choreography in the twenty-first century city is revealed.

2020 ◽  
pp. 233-254
Christian Wüthrich

Approaches to quantum gravity often involve the disappearance of space and time at the fundamental level. The metaphysical consequences of this disappearance are profound, as is illustrated with David Lewis’s analysis of modality. As Lewis’s possible worlds are unified by the spatiotemporal relations among their parts, the non-fundamentality of spacetime—if borne out—suggests a serious problem for his analysis: his pluriverse, for all its ontological abundance, does not contain our world. Although the mere existence—as opposed to the fundamentality—of spacetime must be recovered from the fundamental structure in order to guarantee the empirical coherence of the non-spatiotemporal fundamental theory, it does not suffice to salvage Lewis’s theory of modality from the charge of rendering our actual world impossible.

2020 ◽  
Domingos Castro ◽  
Vanessa Nunes ◽  
Joana T. Lima ◽  
Jorge G. Ferreira ◽  
Paulo Aguiar

AbstractDuring the initial stages of mitosis, multiple mechanisms drive centrosome separation and positioning. How they are functionally coordinated to promote centrosome migration to opposite sides of the nucleus remains unclear. Imaging analysis software has been used to quantitatively study centrosome dynamics at this stage. However, available tracking tools are generic and not fine-tuned for the constrains and motion dynamics of centrosome pairs. Such generality limits the tracking performance and may require exhaustive optimization of parameters. Here, we present Trackosome, a freely available open-source computational tool to track the centrosomes and reconstruct the nuclear and cellular membranes, based on volumetric live-imaging data. The toolbox runs in MATLAB and provides a graphical user interface for easy and efficient access to the tracking and analysis algorithms. It outputs key metrics describing the spatiotemporal relations between centrosomes, nucleus and cellular membrane. Trackosome can also be used to measure the dynamic fluctuations of the nuclear envelope. A fine description of these fluctuations is important because they are correlated with the mechanical forces exerted on the nucleus by its adjacent cytoskeletal structures. Unlike previous algorithms based on circular/elliptical approximations of the nucleus, Trackosome measures membrane movement in a model-free condition, making it viable for irregularly shaped nuclei. Using Trackosome, we demonstrate significant correlations between the movements of the two centrosomes, and identify specific modes of oscillation of the nuclear envelope. Overall, Trackosome is a powerful tool to help unravel new elements in the spatiotemporal dynamics of subcellular structures.

Donald C. Williams

This chapter begins with a systematic presentation of the doctrine of actualism. According to actualism, all that exists is actual, determinate, and of one way of being. There are no possible objects, nor is there any indeterminacy in the world. In addition, there are no ways of being. It is proposed that actual entities stand in three fundamental relations: mereological, spatiotemporal, and resemblance relations. These relations govern the fundamental entities. Each fundamental entity stands in parthood relations, spatiotemporal relations, and resemblance relations to other entities. The resulting picture is one that represents the world as a four-dimensional manifold of actual ‘qualitied contents’—upon which all else supervenes. It is then explained how actualism accounts for classes, quantity, number, causation, laws, a priori knowledge, necessity, and induction.

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