incremental backup
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2021 ◽  
pp. 19-26
Yana Chumburidze ◽  
Tatiana Omelchenko ◽  

Data loss as a result of threats or natural disasters can lead not only to huge financial losses, but also damage the reputation of the company. The most effective way to protect data from loss is backup. The purpose of the study is to select the most appropriate method of data backup and develop a software tool based on it. We discussed the main methods of data backup such as full backup, incremental backup, differential backup, reverse incremental backup and synthetic backup. We identified the following criteria to determine the most appropriate backup method: backup speed, restore speed, backup repository, reliability, network workload, redundancy. We performed a comparative analysis based on the selected criteria to reveal that the most appropriate method of data backup is reverse incremental backup. A functional model, architecture and interface of the software tool have been designed. The main purpose of the software tool is to implement the method of reverse incremental backup to prevent information loss. The conformity of the backup data obtained as a result of performing a reverse backup to the current state of the system is considered to be the achievement of the goal. We conducted a series of experiments that showed that the backup copy corresponds to the current state of the system.

Andi Rosano ◽  
Djadjat Sudaradjat

Data sistem informasi online pada PT Bank XYZ merupakan database yang tersimpan pada web/email server bank yang dapat diakses secara online oleh pemakai. Beberapa faktor internal telah menjadi penyebab kerusakan server dan berakibat tidak beroperasinya sistem. Salah satu cara untuk menyelamatkan data dari kehilangan atau kerusakan adalah melalui manajemen backup data yang pelaksanaanya dijalankan secara teratur. Solusi untuk masalah ini adalah penggabungan metode full backup dan incremental backup dalam manajemen backup data, dimana metode ini sangat mudah digunakan serta ekonomis. Langkah berikutnya setelah backup data adalah proses restore yang merupakan proses pengembalian atau recovery data yang sangat penting apabila terjadi kerusakan data. Pada tulisan ini akan dibahas metode backup data dalam upaya penyelamatan data online. Dalam pemilihan metode backup ini sangat tergantung pada keandalan sistem dan kinerja, sehingga proses penyelamatan data dilakukan dengan tepat dan aman   Kata Kunci; backup, database, incremental,  online, recovery, restore, server

Xing jianhua ◽  
Zhang tong ◽  
Zhang zhihai ◽  
Shi chungang ◽  
Zheng yuning

2013 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 316-338 ◽  
Quanqing Xu ◽  
Liang Zhao ◽  
Mingzhong Xiao ◽  
Anna Liu ◽  
Yafei Dai

2012 ◽  
Vol 566 ◽  
pp. 406-413
Si Han ◽  
Wen Bin Yao ◽  
Bo Shi Liu ◽  
Cong Wang

Continuous Data Protection is a data recovery method which can protect file systems against malicious attacks or users’ mistakes. This paper proposes BCFBS (BUPT Continuous File Backup System): a continuous data protection architecture at file level. Compared with other approaches, it uses caching technique to protect the consistence between file versions, thereby speeding up both the backup of file version and space recycling. Furthermore, BCFBS combines techniques of filter the type of file, adjusting the frequency of the backup of file with incremental backup to make up the storage waste default of traditional CDP. Experimental results demonstrate that BCFBS can save storage space by 50%.

2010 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
Cunhua Qian ◽  
Yingyan Huang ◽  
Xufeng Zhao ◽  
Toshio Nakagawa

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