pressure relief valve
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2021 ◽  
Franc Majdič

Water hydraulics is increasingly becoming a viable alternative to oil hydraulics due to its environmental sustainability. The leakage of water hydraulic components is one of the reasons why water hydraulics is not more widely used. One of the missing water hydraulic components is also the two- stage pressure relief valve. Various valve designs have been investigated. FEM and CFD analyses of the relief valve were performed. Some prototypes were made and tested in the pressure range of 50 to 200 bar at a maximum flow rate of 30 lpm. The functional characteristics of the valve were studied, and the influence of each component was determined. It was found that the manufacture of a two-stage water valve is technologically feasible with appropriate design adjustments.

Manoj Sorade

Abstract: The problem of over speeding vehicles in highway transportation is one of major problem faced in the current scenario of Indian traffic. The issue of over speeding not only damages the vehicle but the serious consequence of this is there due to loss of precious life. In real life scenario accidents in are totally unavoidable we can only have counter measures to prevent them and avoid the fatalitiesinvolved. Safety impact guard is one of the real-time counter measures which reduce the impact when the vehicle is involved in high speed impact. The proposed design which is being discussed in detail throughout this paper is for design of a re-usable safety impact damper with pressure relief valve. This design discusses the force of energy or impact that is dampened due to the action of the impact damper with the pressure relief valve. The entire objective of the project is to reduce the fatalities by designing an impact damper which provides safety against the front and rear end collisions. Keywords: Impact, Pressure relief valve, Damper

2021 ◽  
Vol 148 ◽  
pp. 664-675
Jilai Cao ◽  
Jian Zhang ◽  
Xinhai Yu ◽  
Shan-Tung Tu

2021 ◽  
Vol 371 ◽  
pp. 110937
Hu Zhang ◽  
Lei Zhao ◽  
Shao-En Peng ◽  
Qiang Ru ◽  
Ping Liu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1043 (4) ◽  
pp. 042017
Zhang guojin ◽  
Cheng yonghang ◽  
Zhao wenjing ◽  
Ding min

2020 ◽  
Vol 143 (1) ◽  
John Bossard ◽  
Alton Reich ◽  
Alex DiMeo

Abstract In nuclear power plants, power actuated pressure relief valves serve several purposes. They act as safety valves and open automatically in response to unusually high pressures in the primary system. They also act as power-operated valves and are used to relieve steam in response to automatic or manually initiated control signals. These valves are required to lift completely over a short duration from the time that they receive an actuation signal, or the system pressure exceeds the set point. This short lift time results in the valve disk moving at high velocities, and can result in high impact forces on the piston and stem when the valve fully opens. To quantitatively evaluate the dynamic performance of the Target Rock Pressure Relief Valve, an analysis effort was undertaken which would accommodate both the fluid dynamic features of the valve operation, as well as the kinematic characteristics of the valve, during pressure relief valve operation. To execute the analysis, the Generalized Fluid System Simulation Program (GFSSP) was used. GFSSP is a network flow solver computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code developed by NASA that has the ability to analyze transient, multiphase flows, and conjugate heat transfer, along with the inclusion of custom user subroutines developed by the user which can accommodate other simulation requirements. In this paper, we present the GFSSP model developed, and the computed results that could be compared with corresponding parameters as measured from experimental testing for the pressure relief valve. Adjustments to GFSSP input parameters allow the anchoring of the GFSSP valve model to test data. This makes it possible to use the GFSSP model as a predictive tool for understanding valve dynamics, as well as evaluating proposed pressure relief valve modifications for performance improvements.

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