service interface
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Jose Adrian Macias Zambrano ◽  
Leticia Azucena Vaca Cárdenas

Esta investigación pretende dar una visión detallada del panorama actual de las redes Hibridas Fibra Coaxial (HFC) en Ecuador, a través de una estadística descriptiva y un análisis comparativo de los datos de los últimos años; se presentan además las investigaciones más recientes sobre redes HFC con sus distintas versiones de Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS), considerando principalmente las versiones 3.0 y 3.1 que están vigentes en Ecuador. Este artículo expone las nuevas técnicas, herramientas y propuestas para emigrar redes DOCSIS 3.0 o 3.1 a los nuevos estándares DOCSIS 3.1 FDX o DOCSIS 4.0; para lo cual, se detalla el uso de redes HFC sin amplificadores en la etapa de distribución conocido como el Nodo+0 y las ventajas que presenta realizar esta práctica, así como las nuevas propuestas de redes fibra hasta un dispositivo  Fiber To The X (FTTX) que para su caso particular son redes Fiber To The Tap (FTTT) con estándar DOCSIS 4.0 llegando a un ancho de bandas de 25 GHz y tasas de transmisión superiores a 40 Gbps.  Palabras clave: Hibrida fibra Coaxial (HFC), dúplex completo (FDX), Fibra hasta el Tap (FTTT).

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11643
Cristina Paniagua

Interoperability plays an important role in Industry 4.0. Interoperability in the engineering process allows the automation of the engineering phase, reducing the human effort involved and the associated engineering costs. It improves the quality of the engineering process and its overall efficiency. Nevertheless, the diversity of available standards, devices, and systems leads to great levels of heterogeneity and makes it difficult to achieve the aforementioned interoperability. As the lack of interoperability increases, a generic solution to the problem is increasingly demanded by the industry. This paper approaches the interoperability problem from a service interface perspective. A novel approach is presented to address service interface heterogeneity. The proposed solution is based on service interface translation, which is achieved via the generation of service interfaces. A new system, the consumer interface generator system, has been designed and implemented to generate interface instances to solve the interoperability mismatches between service consumers and providers at runtime. In this paper, the autonomous consumer interface generation process, the system architecture, and the generated interface instance are described. The proposed approach has been validated through practical experimentation, including the implementation of a system prototype and a testbed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-53
Norziana Yahya ◽  
Mohd Azahani Md Taib

One of the major issues in system integration is to deal with interoperability of legacy systems which use traditional System Integration Patterns (SIP). Information are unable to exchange effectively when the systems involved comes from developer that tended to not interoperate and this leads to the interoperability problem in heterogeneous system integration. To address the interoperability issues, interfacing processes need to be made more easily by defining components, processes, and interfaces that affect the system integration architecture at the initial design stage. This paper includes a basic concept on types of traditional SIP covering File-Based, Common Database, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Distributed Objects, and Messaging. An overview of three Service Interface Design (SID) approaches for systems interoperability is discussed. The discussions on these approaches serve as a basis for the solution of interoperability of heterogeneous systems which use traditional SIP.

2021 ◽  
Cristina Paniagua ◽  
Jerker Delsing

Abstract The new Industry 4.0 approach contributes to addressing evolving industrial requirements, which are continuously fueled by changing market demands. This situation leads to growing complexity and considerable increases in development and maintenance costs. A significant portion of engineering time is dedicated to the integration and interconnection of heterogeneous components. The solution for interoperability issues and the reduction in the associated engineering time are thus key tasks for increasing productivity and efficiency. Therefore, this paper provides an engineering approach to create interoperability among heterogeneous systems in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based environments by means of generating an autonomous consumer interface code at runtime. This paper aims to present a novel interoperability solution. The proposed approach makes use of service interface descriptions to dynamically instantiate a new autonomously generated interface that solves service mismatches between a provider and a consumer. This paper includes the definition of the consumer interface generator system, as well as the benefits and challenges associated with the autonomous generation and deployment of a consumer interface code at runtime. To illustrate the potential of this approach, a prototype of the system, which shows positive results, is implemented and tested.

2021 ◽  
Dániel Görög ◽  
Mátyás Rényi

The presentation is an overview of the Mikes Kelemen Program - running since 2013 under the auspices of various public entities including the National Széchényi Library - in terms of its processes, results and future potential. Since its launch the Program has processed and offered into public use 250,000 documents collected from eight countries on four continents. The 90,000 documents so far placed offer us insight into the document needs of the domestic library system and those of Hungarian minorities abroad. After two years of development the initial HTML-based service interface listing the documents on offer was replaced by a new SQL database-based one in 2020. The implementation was driven by knowledge gained in the first years of the Program, including document processing experience, utilization statistics for the documents on offer, and feedback from partner institutions that joined the Program. The operation of the new database-based interface implements the management of duplicates exchange differently from the Hungarian practice. The Mikes Kelemen Program website is characterized by serviceoriented operation and integrated processing and recommendation process management. The operation enables accurate, reliable, automated and trackable document management, which may provide a blueprint for the overhaul of the national duplicates exchange system, replacing “digital paper-based” records such as Excel or Word.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 837
Dimov Stojce Ilcev

This article is introducing the development and emerging network architecture of the newest ultrafast fixed broadband (BB) technologies and solutions in the terrestrial telecommunication industries right across the globe. The modern ultrafast networks and access technologies are known as, Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification 3.1 (DOCSIS 3.1), and Gigabit Passive Optical Networks (GPON). The basic concepts associated with broadband communication network technologies with emphasis on the provision of multipurpose service focused on the evolution and challenging fields of the broadband communication techniques from the traditional architecture to the incorporation of virtualization services here are also discussed. 

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