english abstract
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Nordlit ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Anne Oterholm

(No English abstract available.)

2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 02007
Edward Shuryak

Exclusive processes are traditionally described by perturbative hard blocks and “distribution amplitudes" (DAs), matrix elements of operators of various chiral structure and twist. One paper (with I.Zahed) calculate instanton contribution to hard blocks, which is found comparable to perturbative one in few-GeV2 Q2 region of interest. Another paper aims at comprehensive wave functions of mesons, baryons and pentaquarks. The last ones are also included as 5-quark component of the baryons. The calculation, using ’t Hooft operator, gives x-dependence and magnitude of the antiquark PDF. It explains long standing issue of strong flavor asymmetry of antiquark sea. The third paper (also with I.Zahed) is semi-review on the instanton-sphaleron processes in QCD and electroweak theories, with emphasis on their possible experimental observation via double diffractive events at LHC and RHIC. Insert your english abstract here.


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English ; abstract also in Chinese. 新興的人類胚胎研究技術中,14天限制是一個避免公眾爭議的政治決定。伊爾蒂斯(Ana S. Iltis)、馬修斯(Kirstin R.W. Matthews) 和洛伊(Sam Lowe)質疑國際幹細胞學會(ISSCR) 2021年新推的指引取消14天限制。這更改既未得到廣泛公眾支持,又未能顯示對人類胚胎研究各方觀點的尊重。故其政治合法性成疑。本評論反駁,新推的指引開設了若干會議和討論會,尊重各持分者的觀點。更重要的是,從儒家的賢能政治的觀點而言,廣泛公眾支持不等同於民主管治中的強共識,故伊爾蒂斯等人受限於民主原則,對廣泛公眾支持的定義過嚴。

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 183
Tira Nur Fitria

QuillBot is an online application to paraphrase writing, avoid plagiarism, summarize long sentences and improve grammar to be more precise and look professional. The objective of this research is to review the QuillBot as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool system for students’ in paraphrasing and rewriting English writing both in the free and premium versions. This research applies descriptive qualitative. The data used is an English abstract article. The results show that QuillBot paraphrasing tools use several ways to paraphrase the text: 1) paraphrasing by using equations or synonyms, 2) paraphrasing by changing the form of the word, 3) paraphrasing by using active or passive sentences, and 4) paraphrasing by changing the order of words in sentences. This paraphrasing uses Standard Mode, which serves to balance changes to the text when users input them but still keeps them from changing the actual (original) meaning of the text, also making the result look more original. QuillBot is one of the paraphrasings and summarizing tools that can be used by students for rewriting any content based on a state-of-the-art AI system. This tool can be the students’ alternative which provides a solution by helping paraphrase when students do not have the idea to paraphrase English writing manually. However, a good knowledge of vocabulary and understanding of English grammar, of course, will help students or other users (s) both in using online or manual paraphrasing to be better or the best quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Zhiding Hu ◽  
Victor Konrad

English Abstract: Formerly localized, restricted border interaction between China and Southeast Asia has shifted to extensive cross-border engagement along regulated borders with a hierarchy of crossings and expansive borderlands. This expanded security system reveals rescaled and repositioned border security infrastructure and practice into a point and corridor system with vanguard crossings at Hekou, Mohan and Ruili. Fundamental shifts are concurrent focus on primary crossings and spatially extensive borderlands that encompass diminished attention to lesser crossings, beyond the border implementation of security checkpoints, mobile security, and compromise, to enable effective management of expansive borderlands. These borderlands mediate space and enable spatial reapportionment of security to accommodate greatly enhanced cross-border flows of people, goods, and information, thus shaping extensive spaces of exclusion and integration and focused places of exception.Spanish Abstract: La anteriormente restringida interacción fronteriza China–Sudeste Asiático, cambió a un extenso compromiso de fronteras reguladas con una jerarquía de cruces y zonas transfronterizas expansivas. Este sistema ampliado de seguridad, revela la infraestructura y prácticas transfronterizas reescaladas y reubicadas como puntos y sistemas de corredores con cruces de vanguardia en Hekou, Mohan y Ruili. Los cambios se enfocan en los cruces primarios y extensión de fronteras, disminuyendo la atención a los cruces menores —después de la implementación de puntos de control de seguridad—, la seguridad móvil y el compromiso a una gestión fronteriza eficaz. Estas zonas permiten la redistribución espacial de la seguridad acomodando los intensificados flujos transfronterizos de personas, bienes e información, conformando espacios de exclusión e integración, así como lugares de excepción focalizados. French Abstract: L’interaction frontalière entre la Chine et l’Asie du Sud-Est, autrefois localisée et limitée, s’est transformée en un engagement transfrontalier réglementé avec une hiérarchie de passages et des zones frontalières étendues. Ce système de sécurité élargi révèle une infrastructure et une pratique de sécurité frontalière redimensionnées et repositionnées dans un système de points et de corridors avec des passages d’avant-garde à Hekou, Mohan et Ruili. Les changements fondamentaux se concentrent sur les principaux points de passage, les zones frontalières étendues, la mise en œuvre de points de contrôle de sécurité, la sécurité mobile et le compromis, pour permettre une gestion effi cace des zones frontalières étendues. Ces dernières permettre ent la médiation de l’espace et la réaffectation spatiale de la sécurité afin d’accueillir des fl ux transfrontaliers de personnes, de biens et d’informations considérablement accrus, façonnant ainsi de vastes espaces d’exclusion et d’intégration et des lieux d’exception ciblés.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-110
Sandy A. Medina-Valdivia ◽  
Carmen Maganda-Ramírez ◽  
R. Carlos Almazán-Núñez ◽  
América L. Rodríguez-Herrera ◽  
Columba Rodríguez-Alviso ◽  

English Abstract: How do societies value and interact with ecosystem services (ES) to favor their long-term conservation? Under the premise that sociocultural assessment of ES offers an expanded perspective for potential societal nature contributions, we present here the empirical results of a participative assessment of ES in the Laguna de Nuxco coastal wetland in 2019. The methodological design includes the combination of applied qualitative tools on site and quantitative methods for analysis of information. The results emphasize that the ES of the wetland support socioeconomic needs and important socio-cultural community traits, such as cultural heritage and identity as fishing communities. We identify emerging socio-ecological conflicts that promote the decrease of ES. We suggest conceptual and methodological adaptations for the participative assessment of ES on the local scaleSpanish Abstract: ¿Cómo las sociedades valoran e interactúan con los servicios ecosistémicos (SE) que les rodean para favorecer su conservación a largo plazo? Bajo la premisa que la valoración sociocultural de SE ofrece una perspectiva ampliada para potenciales contribuciones sociedad-naturaleza, presentamos aquí los resultados empíricos de una valoración participativa de SE del humedal costero Laguna de Nuxco en 2019. El diseño metodológico incluyó la combinación de herramientas cualitativas aplicadas en sitio y cuantitativas para el análisis de información. Los resultados enfatizan que los SE del humedal sustentan necesidades socioeconómicas e importantes aspectos socioculturales como patrimonio cultural e identidad como comunidades pesqueras. Identificamos conflictos socioecológicos emergentes que promueven la disminución de SE. Sugerimos adecuaciones conceptuales y metodológicas para la valoración participativa de SE en la escala local.French Abstract: Comment les sociétés valorisent-elles et interagissent-elles avec les services écosystémiques (SE) pour favoriser leur conservation à long terme? Le principe de l’évaluation socioculturelle des SE off re une perspective élargie des contributions potentielles société-nature, et est utilisé pour présenter les résultats empiriques d’une évaluation participative des SE réalisée en 2019 dans la zone humide côtière de Laguna de Nuxco, au Mexique. La méthodologie comprenait la combinaison d’outils qualitatifs sur site et d’outils quantitatifs pour l’analyse de l’information. Les résultats soulignent que les SE de la zone humide répondent aux besoins socio-économiques et à des aspects socioculturels tels que le patrimoine culturel et l’identité en tant que communautés de pêcheurs. Nous identifions les conflits socio-écologiques émergents qui favorisent la diminution des SE. Nous suggérons des adaptations conceptuelles et méthodologiques pour l’évaluation participative des SE à l’échelle locale.

2021 ◽  
pp. 89-98
Peter La Cour ◽  
Heidi Frølund Pedersen

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the first COVID-19 lockdown, public health officials and political decision makers were aware that the lockdown would have some sort of psychological repercussion, but it was totally unknown what reactions the disease would evoke. This article investigates how the physical and mental health (well-being) were affected. Data from the COVID-19 survey indicate that negative consequences were uneven distributed in the population with especially young women, but also young men reporting alarming degrees of low well-being. DANSK RESUMÉ: Gennem første COVID-19 nedlukning i foråret 2020 var det endnu helt ukendt, hvilke reaktioner sygdommen ville fremkalde. Denne artikel undersøger, hvordan det fysiske og psykiske helbred (trivslen) blev påvirket. Den fremhæver, hvordan især de negative påvirkninger ramte befolkningen skævt, og at særligt de unge kvinder, men også unge mænd rapporterede mistrivsel i alarmerende omfang.  

Hans Böker

AbstractComparative biological morphology, incorporating the study of active reaction, is contrasted with genetics as the study of passive mutation. Geneticists investigate anatomical characters, never anatomical constructions, which are capable of reorganization when the biological-morphological equilibrium of the organism has been disturbed. The anatomy of Opisthocomus cristatus and Stringops habroptilus demonstrate that three successive disturbances in the bio-morphological equilibrium are reacted to purposively by anatomical reconstruction. These reactions are no accidental mutations, but are anatomical reactions, related to, and affecting, the organism as a whole. In sharp contrast to such anatomical reaction, resulting, during phylogeny, in reorganization, are the “technics” [i.e., mechanistic bases] of individual development. The hereditary process is, like every physiological or embryological process, a fixed mechanism, which remains constant until an active reaction leads to reconstruction and at the same time an appropriate change of the mechanisms. The remolding of species is therefore no passive, “technical” process, but a creative act of the organisms themselves. [Original English abstract; not translated.]

2021 ◽  
Ronaldo Mangueira Lima Jr ◽  
Guilherme Duarte Garcia

[PORTUGUESE ABSTRACT] Neste estudo, demonstramos como significância estatística pode variar a partir da comparação de quatro métodos distintos: teste t, ANOVA (seguida de Tukey HSD), modelo linear simples, e modelo linear de efeitos mistos. Em nossa demonstração, modelamos tempos de reação em função de diferentes afixos em dinamarquês, e mostramos como nossas conclusões a respeito do efeito de certos afixos podem mudar categoricamente dependendo de qual dos métodos mencionados acima decidimos utilizar. Por fim, reiteramos o que dizem estudos recentes, e sugerimos que modelos de efeitos mistos devam ser a norma sempre que dados agrupados forem analisados. Esperamos, com este estudo, alertar pesquisadores da área para a importância de decisões analíticas bem informadas e éticas em estudos linguísticos.[ENGLISH ABSTRACT] In this study, we illustrate the potential variability of statistical significance by comparing four different methods, namely, t-test, ANOVA (followed by Tukey HSD), simple linear regression, and mixed effects linear regression. In our demonstration, we model reaction times as a function of different affixes in Danish, and show how our conclusions regarding the effect of certain affixes can change categorically depending on which of the aforementioned methods we choose to use. Finally, we echo recent studies and suggest that mixed effects models be the norm whenever grouped data is analyzed. With our comparison, we hope to raise researchers’ awareness to the need for well-informed and ethical analytical decisions in linguistic studies.

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