north qaidam
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Jiaopeng Sun ◽  
Yunpeng Dong ◽  
Licheng Ma ◽  
Shiyue Chen ◽  
Wan Jiang

The late Paleozoic to Triassic was an important interval for the East Kunlun−Qaidam area, northern Tibet, as it witnessed prolonged subduction of the South Kunlun Ocean, a major branch of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean whose closure led to the formation of Pangea. However, the geologic history of this stage is poorly constrained due to the paucity of tectonothermal signatures preserved during a magmatic lull. This article presents a set of new provenance data incorporating stratigraphic correlation, sandstone petrology, and zircon U−Pb dating to depict changes in provenance that record multiple stages of topographic and tectonic transition in the East Kunlun−Qaidam area over time in response to the evolution of the South Kunlun Ocean. Devonian intra-arc rifting is recorded by bimodal volcanism and rapid alluvial-lacustrine sedimentation in the North Qaidam Ultra High/High Pressure Belt, whose sources include the Olongbuluke Terrane and southern North Qaidam Ultra High/High Pressure Belt. Southward transgression submerged the East Kunlun−Qaidam area during the Carboniferous prior to the rapid uplift of the Kunlun arc, which changed the provenance during the Early Permian. This shift in provenance for the western Olongbuluke Terrane and thick carbonate deposition throughout the North Qaidam Ultra High/High Pressure Belt in the late Early Carboniferous indicate that the North Qaidam Ultra High/High Pressure Belt should have been inundated, terminating an ∼95 m.y. erosion history. The closure of the South Kunlun Ocean in the late Triassic generated a retroarc foreland along the Zongwulong Tectonic Belt, which is represented by the development of a deep-water, northward-tapering flysch deposystem that was supplied by the widely elevated Kunlun−Qaidam−Olongbuluke Terrane highland. This new scenario allows us to evaluate current models concerning the assembly of northern Tibet and the tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Pengju He ◽  
Chunhui Song ◽  
Yadong Wang ◽  
Yihu Zhang ◽  
Wenqi Chen ◽  

The Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the North Qaidam-Qilian Shan fold-thrust belt in the northern Tibetan Plateau is important to understanding the tectonic rejuvenation of orogeny and growth of the plateau. However, the deformation processes in this region remain controversial. This study presents new apatite fission track (AFT) data from Paleogene strata in the northern Qaidam Basin to investigate the time of deformation in this site. Thermal modeling of these partially annealed detrital AFT ages shows a thermal history with a noticeable transition from heating to cooling after ∼10 Ma. This transition is attributed to the intensified thrusting and folding of the northern Qaidam Basin since ∼10 Ma. Integrated with published tectonics and thermochronology results, we suggest the North Qaidam-Qilian Shan fold-thrust belt experienced prevailing tectonism since the late Miocene.

Changlei Fu ◽  
Zhen Yan ◽  
Jonathan C. Aitchison ◽  
Wenjiao Xiao ◽  
Solomon Buckman ◽  

Recognition of any intra-oceanic arc-trench system (IOAS) could provide invaluable information on the tectonic framework and geodynamic evolution of the vanished ocean basin. The Tanjianshan Complex and mafic-ultramafic rocks along the North Qaidam ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt in NW China record the subduction process of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean. Four lithotectonic units, including island arc, ophiolite, forearc basin, and accretionary complex, are recognized based on detailed field investigation. They rest on the northern margin of the Qaidam block and occur as allochthons in fault contact with underlying high-grade metamorphic rocks. The ophiolite unit mainly consists of ultramafic rocks, 527−506 Ma gabbro, 515−506 Ma plagiogranite, dolerite, and massive lava. High-Cr spinels in serpentinite, dolerite with forearc basalt affinity, and boninitic lava collectively indicate a forearc setting. The accretionary complex, exposed to the south of the ophiolite complex and island arc, is highly disrupted and contains repeated slices of basalt, 495−486 Ma tuff, chert, limestone, and mélange. Tuffs with positive zircon εHf(t) values indicate derivation from a nearby juvenile island arc. These lithotectonic units, as well as the back-arc basin, are interpreted to constitute a Cambrian IOAS that formed during the northward subduction of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean. Combined with regional geology, we propose a new geodynamic model involving short-lived Mariana-type subduction and prolonged Andean-type subduction to account for the complex evolution of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean. The reconstruction of a relatively complete IOAS from the North Qaidam belt not only reveals a systematic evolution of intra-oceanic subduction but also advances our understanding of the subduction and accretion history of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean.

2021 ◽  
Changlei Fu ◽  
et al.

Table S1: Spinel compositions of serpentinites from the Saibagou ophiolite complex; Table S2: Whole-rock major (wt%) and trace elements (ppm) compositions for the Luofengpo ophiolitic rocks; Table S3: LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb data for various rocks from the ophiolite complex and ocean plate stratigraphy within the North Qaidam belt; Table S4: Zircon Lu-Hf isotopic compositions for various rocks from the ophiolite complex and ocean plate stratigraphy within the North Qaidam belt; Table S5: Whole-rock Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions for the Luofengpo ophiolitic rocks.

2021 ◽  
Changlei Fu ◽  
et al.

Table S1: Spinel compositions of serpentinites from the Saibagou ophiolite complex; Table S2: Whole-rock major (wt%) and trace elements (ppm) compositions for the Luofengpo ophiolitic rocks; Table S3: LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb data for various rocks from the ophiolite complex and ocean plate stratigraphy within the North Qaidam belt; Table S4: Zircon Lu-Hf isotopic compositions for various rocks from the ophiolite complex and ocean plate stratigraphy within the North Qaidam belt; Table S5: Whole-rock Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions for the Luofengpo ophiolitic rocks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Xiaolong Yuan ◽  
Fanwei Meng ◽  
Xiying Zhang ◽  
Jinchang Sheng ◽  
A. R. Galamay ◽  

Polyhalite occurrence in the Kunteyi Playa in the Qaidam Basin has been known for many years. However, the genetic mechanism of this deposit remains unclear. In this study, a typical section in the playa depocenter is selected to study the polyhalite mineralogy combined with the homogenization temperature and composition of halite fluid inclusions in shallow evaporitic strata. The results show that 1) the main evaporite minerals in the strata are halite and polyhalite; no common gypsum is found; 2) analyses of homogenization temperatures of halite fluid inclusions indicate that a higher temperature is needed for polyhalite generation compared with other saline minerals; and 3) the fluid inclusion chemical analysis shows that they are sulfate-type minerals with a shortage of Ca. Thus, it can be concluded that the formation of polyhalite is not related to gypsum replacement, and deep oilfield brines may provide a Ca source and a higher temperature for polyhalite formation, where the mixing and interaction occurred between K- and Mg-enriched sulfate brines and deep Ca-enriched brines under the control of climate and tectonics in the study area. While most polyhalite was generated natively, some formed during secondary generation, which was potentially related to replacement with carnallites or sylvites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 101170
Yunfei Ren ◽  
Danling Chen ◽  
Haijie Wang ◽  
Xiaohui Zhu ◽  
Bowen Bai

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