visual scene
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Angela Mastropasqua ◽  
Gizem Vural ◽  
Paul C. J. Taylor

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1209-1218
Nagham Abdel Reda Abd Al-Hussein ◽  
Karrar Ali Jadoua Obaid Al Shammari

The current research sheds the light on: 1- Professional competence of special education teachers. 2- The differences in the professional competence of special education teachers according to the variable: gender (males - females) To achieve the aims of this research, the researchers followed the fundamental steps according to which the process of building educational and psychological standards goes, so the professional competence scale that consists of (45) items was built in its final form. After completing the construction of the research tool, the application was applied to a sample as members of the educational staff (teachers) of special education classes in government schools in Babylon Governorate in its various districts for the academic year (2020-2021). Statistical data were processed using the statistical package (SPSS) and the research reached the following results: 1- Watching artworks in a visual scene. 2- There are no statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) in occupational according to the gender variable. The research concluded with proposals in the Mediterranean.

Complexity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Yuezhong Wu ◽  
Xuehao Shen ◽  
Qiang Liu ◽  
Falong Xiao ◽  
Changyun Li

Garbage classification is a social issue related to people’s livelihood and sustainable development, so letting service robots autonomously perform intelligent garbage classification has important research significance. Aiming at the problems of complex systems with data source and cloud service center data transmission delay and untimely response, at the same time, in order to realize the perception, storage, and analysis of massive multisource heterogeneous data, a garbage detection and classification method based on visual scene understanding is proposed. This method uses knowledge graphs to store and model items in the scene in the form of images, videos, texts, and other multimodal forms. The ESA attention mechanism is added to the backbone network part of the YOLOv5 network, aiming to improve the feature extraction ability of the network, combining with the built multimodal knowledge graph to form the YOLOv5-Attention-KG model, and deploying it to the service robot to perform real-time perception on the items in the scene. Finally, collaborative training is carried out on the cloud server side and deployed to the edge device side to reason and analyze the data in real time. The test results show that, compared with the original YOLOv5 model, the detection and classification accuracy of the proposed model is higher, and the real-time performance can also meet the actual use requirements. The model proposed in this paper can realize the intelligent decision-making of garbage classification for big data in the scene in a complex system and has certain conditions for promotion and landing.

2021 ◽  
Arindam Bhakta

<p>Humans and many animals can selectively sample important parts of their visual surroundings to carry out their daily activities like foraging or finding prey or mates. Selective attention allows them to efficiently use the limited resources of the brain by deploying sensory apparatus to collect data believed to be pertinent to the organism's current task in hand.  Robots or other computational agents operating in dynamic environments are similarly exposed to a wide variety of stimuli, which they must process with limited sensory and computational resources. Developing computational models of visual attention has long been of interest as such models enable artificial systems to select necessary information from complex and cluttered visual environments, hence reducing the data-processing burden.  Biologically inspired computational saliency models have previously been used in selectively sampling a visual scene, but these have limited capacity to deal with dynamic environments and have no capacity to reason about uncertainty when planning their visual scene sampling strategy. These models typically select contrast in colour, shape or orientation as salient and sample locations of a visual scene in descending order of salience. After each observation, the area around the sampled location is blocked using inhibition of return mechanism to keep it from being re-visited.  This thesis generalises the traditional model of saliency by using an adaptive Kalman filter estimator to model an agent's understanding of the world and uses a utility function based approach to describe what the agent cares about in the visual scene. This allows the agents to adopt a richer set of perceptual strategies than is possible with the classical winner-take-all mechanism of the traditional saliency model. In contrast with the traditional approach, inhibition of return is achieved without implementing an extra mechanism on top of the underlying structure.  This thesis demonstrates the use of five utility functions that are used to encapsulate the perceptual state that is valued by the agent. Each utility function thereby produces a distinct perceptual behaviour that is matched to particular scenarios.  The resulting visual attention distribution of the five proposed utility functions is demonstrated on five real-life videos.  In most of the experiments, pixel intensity has been used as the source of the saliency map. As the proposed approach is independent of the saliency map used, it can be used with other existing more complex saliency map building models. Moreover, the underlying structure of the model is sufficiently general and flexible, hence it can be used as the base of a new range of more sophisticated gaze control systems.</p>

2021 ◽  
Arindam Bhakta

<p>Humans and many animals can selectively sample important parts of their visual surroundings to carry out their daily activities like foraging or finding prey or mates. Selective attention allows them to efficiently use the limited resources of the brain by deploying sensory apparatus to collect data believed to be pertinent to the organism's current task in hand.  Robots or other computational agents operating in dynamic environments are similarly exposed to a wide variety of stimuli, which they must process with limited sensory and computational resources. Developing computational models of visual attention has long been of interest as such models enable artificial systems to select necessary information from complex and cluttered visual environments, hence reducing the data-processing burden.  Biologically inspired computational saliency models have previously been used in selectively sampling a visual scene, but these have limited capacity to deal with dynamic environments and have no capacity to reason about uncertainty when planning their visual scene sampling strategy. These models typically select contrast in colour, shape or orientation as salient and sample locations of a visual scene in descending order of salience. After each observation, the area around the sampled location is blocked using inhibition of return mechanism to keep it from being re-visited.  This thesis generalises the traditional model of saliency by using an adaptive Kalman filter estimator to model an agent's understanding of the world and uses a utility function based approach to describe what the agent cares about in the visual scene. This allows the agents to adopt a richer set of perceptual strategies than is possible with the classical winner-take-all mechanism of the traditional saliency model. In contrast with the traditional approach, inhibition of return is achieved without implementing an extra mechanism on top of the underlying structure.  This thesis demonstrates the use of five utility functions that are used to encapsulate the perceptual state that is valued by the agent. Each utility function thereby produces a distinct perceptual behaviour that is matched to particular scenarios.  The resulting visual attention distribution of the five proposed utility functions is demonstrated on five real-life videos.  In most of the experiments, pixel intensity has been used as the source of the saliency map. As the proposed approach is independent of the saliency map used, it can be used with other existing more complex saliency map building models. Moreover, the underlying structure of the model is sufficiently general and flexible, hence it can be used as the base of a new range of more sophisticated gaze control systems.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
D. Farizon ◽  
P. F. Dominey ◽  
J. Ventre-Dominey

AbstractUsing a simple neuroscience-inspired procedure to beam human subjects into robots, we previously demonstrated by visuo-motor manipulations that embodiment into a robot can enhance the acceptability and closeness felt towards the robot. In that study, the feelings of likeability and closeness toward the robot were significantly related to the sense of agency, independently of the sensations of enfacement and location. Here, using the same paradigm we investigated the effect of a purely sensory manipulation on the sense of robotic embodiment associated to social cognition. Wearing a head-mounted display, participants saw the visual scene captured from the robot eyes. By positioning a mirror in front of the robot, subjects saw themselves as a robot. Tactile stimulation was provided by stroking synchronously or not with a paintbrush the same location of the subject and robot faces. In contrast to the previous motor induction of embodiment which particularly affected agency, tactile induction yields more generalized effects on the perception of ownership, location and agency. Interestingly, the links between positive social feelings towards the robot and the strength of the embodiment sensations were not observed. We conclude that the embodiment into a robot is not sufficient in itself to induce changes in social cognition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Amir Akbarian ◽  
Kelsey Clark ◽  
Behrad Noudoost ◽  
Neda Nategh

AbstractSaccadic eye movements (saccades) disrupt the continuous flow of visual information, yet our perception of the visual world remains uninterrupted. Here we assess the representation of the visual scene across saccades from single-trial spike trains of extrastriate visual areas, using a combined electrophysiology and statistical modeling approach. Using a model-based decoder we generate a high temporal resolution readout of visual information, and identify the specific changes in neurons’ spatiotemporal sensitivity that underly an integrated perisaccadic representation of visual space. Our results show that by maintaining a memory of the visual scene, extrastriate neurons produce an uninterrupted representation of the visual world. Extrastriate neurons exhibit a late response enhancement close to the time of saccade onset, which preserves the latest pre-saccadic information until the post-saccadic flow of retinal information resumes. These results show how our brain exploits available information to maintain a representation of the scene while visual inputs are disrupted.

eLife ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Carl D Holmgren ◽  
Paul Stahr ◽  
Damian J Wallace ◽  
Kay-Michael Voit ◽  
Emily J Matheson ◽  

Mice have a large visual field that is constantly stabilized by vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) driven eye rotations that counter head-rotations. While maintaining their extensive visual coverage is advantageous for predator detection, mice also track and capture prey using vision. However, in the freely moving animal quantifying object location in the field of view is challenging. Here, we developed a method to digitally reconstruct and quantify the visual scene of freely moving mice performing a visually based prey capture task. By isolating the visual sense and combining a mouse eye optic model with the head and eye rotations, the detailed reconstruction of the digital environment and retinal features were projected onto the corneal surface for comparison, and updated throughout the behavior. By quantifying the spatial location of objects in the visual scene and their motion throughout the behavior, we show that the prey image consistently falls within a small area of the VOR-stabilized visual field. This functional focus coincides with the region of minimal optic flow within the visual field and consequently area of minimal motion-induced image-blur, as during pursuit mice ran directly toward the prey. The functional focus lies in the upper-temporal part of the retina and coincides with the reported high density-region of Alpha-ON sustained retinal ganglion cells.

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