random regret minimization
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Álvaro A. Gutiérrez-Vargas ◽  
Michel Meulders ◽  
Martina Vandebroek

In this article, we describe the randregret command, which implements a variety of random regret minimization (RRM) models. The command allows the user to apply the classic RRM model introduced in Chorus (2010, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 10: 181–196), the generalized RRM model introduced in Chorus (2014, Transportation Research, Part B 68: 224–238), and also the µRRM and pure RRM models, both introduced in van Cranenburgh, Guevara, and Chorus (2015, Transportation Research, Part A 74: 91–109). We illustrate the use of the randregret command by using stated choice data on route preferences. The command offers robust and cluster standarderror correction using analytical expressions of the score functions. It also offers likelihood-ratio tests that can be used to assess the relevance of a given model specification. Finally, users can obtain the predicted probabilities from each model by using the randregretpred command.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 6831
Rosa Marina González ◽  
Concepción Román ◽  
Ángel Simón Marrero

In this study, discrete choice models that combine different behavioural rules are estimated to study the visitors’ preferences in relation to their travel mode choices to access a national park. Using a revealed preference survey conducted on visitors of Teide National Park (Tenerife, Spain), we present a hybrid model specification—with random parameters—in which we assume that some attributes are evaluated by the individuals under conventional random utility maximization (RUM) rules, whereas others are evaluated under random regret minimization (RRM) rules. We then compare the results obtained using exclusively a conventional RUM approach to those obtained using both RUM and RRM approaches, derive monetary valuations of the different components of travel time and calculate direct elasticity measures. Our results provide useful instruments to evaluate policies that promote the use of more sustainable modes of transport in natural sites. Such policies should be considered as priorities in many national parks, where negative transport externalities such as traffic congestion, pollution, noise and accidents are causing problems that jeopardize not only the sustainability of the sites, but also the quality of the visit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-50

Los modelos económicos ortodoxos, proponen que el ser humano es racional, egoísta y maximizador para hacer sus elecciones de consumo. Evidencia desde la economía del comportamiento reta estos supuestos planteando nuevos modelos para estudiar la elección humana. Estudiando el proceso de elección de productos de cuidado de cultivo en productores de tomate en Colombia, la presente investigación busco comparar estadística y conceptualmente los modelos RUM (Random Utility Maximization) y RRM (Random Regret Minimization) construidos vía modelamiento de elección discreta concluyendo que los modelos RRM logran mejor bondad de ajuste para describir el comportamiento de elección y compra de nematicidas en muestras de productores de tomate colombianos por lo que constituyen una alternativa viable para diseñar nuevos productos, estimar su participación potencial en el mercado y fijarles precio. Palabras clave: Modelamiento de elección discreta, RUM (Random Utility Maximization), RRM (Random Regret Minimization), Economía del comportamiento, Comportamiento de elección.

IEEE Access ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 163646-163659
Mengjie Li ◽  
Fujian Chen ◽  
Qinze Lin

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (20) ◽  
pp. 4210
Wang ◽  
Yao ◽  

Generally, metro emergencies could lead to delays and seriously affect passengers’ trips. The dynamic congestion propagation process under metro emergency-caused delays could be regarded as the aggregation of passengers’ individual travel choices. This paper aims to simulate the congestion propagation process without intervention measures under the metro emergency-caused delays, which is integrated with passengers’ route choice behaviors. First, using a stated preference survey data collected from Guangzhou Metro (GZM) passengers, route choice models are developed based on random regret minimization (RRM) theory under metro emergency conditions. Then, a simulation environment is established using graph cellular automata (graph-CA) with augmented GZM network structure, where an ASEIR (advanced susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered) model with time delay is proposed as the evolution rule in graph-CA. Furthermore, considering passengers’ routing preferences, a quantified method for the congestion propagation rate is proposed, and the congestion propagation process on a subnetwork of the GZM network is simulated. The simulation results show that metro congestion during peak periods has a secondary increase after the end of the emergency-caused delays, while the congestion during nonpeak hours has a shorter duration and a smaller influence range. The proposed simulation model could clearly reflect the dynamic process of congestion propagation under metro emergencies.

Tho V. Le ◽  
Satish V. Ukkusuri

The objective of this study is to understand how senders choose shipping services for different products, given the availability of both emerging crowd-shipping ( CS) and traditional carriers in a logistics market. Using data collected from a United States (U.S.) survey, Random Utility Maximization (RUM) and Random Regret Minimization (RRM) models have been employed to reveal factors that influence the diversity of decisions made by senders. Shipping costs, along with additional real-time services such as courier reputations, tracking info, e-notifications, and customized delivery time and location, have been found to have remarkable impacts on senders’ choices. Interestingly, potential senders were willing to pay more to ship grocery items such as food, beverages, and medicines by CS services. Moreover, the real-time services have low elasticities, meaning that only a slight change in those services will lead to a change in sender behavior. Finally, data-science techniques were used to assess the performance of the RUM and RRM models and found to have similar accuracies. The findings from this research will help logistics firms address potential market segments, prepare service configurations to fulfill senders’ expectations, and develop effective business operations strategies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 97-109 ◽  
Beatrice Biondi ◽  
Ivo A. Van der Lans ◽  
Mario Mazzocchi ◽  
Arnout R.H. Fischer ◽  
Hans C.M. Van Trijp ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-95 ◽  
Prawira F. Belgiawan ◽  
Anugrah Ilahi ◽  
Kay W. Axhausen

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