radioprotective properties
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Imanova Gunel ◽  
Abdullayev Asim ◽  
Shamilov Elshan ◽  
Farajov Mahir ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 146-149
Kh. I. Gasanov ◽  
S. I. Nurullayeva ◽  
Z. H. Babayev ◽  
Sh. H. Gasimov

New complex compounds of palladium (II) with biologically active ligand 2 - ethyl - 6 methyl - 3 - hydroxy-pyridine - mexidol in acidic medium (pH = 5,3) of the following composition have been synthesized – (C8H12O⊕N)2 [PdCl4]. In this case, the ligand is protonated and as a single-charged cation occupies an external coordination sphere. The structure of the complex is proved by X-ray structure analysis. It is shown that the structure is constructed of an isolated complex anion [PdCl4]2- and cation C8H12O⊕N. The square planar coordination of the palladium atom is formed from three chlorine atoms and the formed tetraacidoanion ligand forms a hydrogen bond. The average length of Pd-Cl bond is 2, 3030 Α°, there are no deviations from 900 valence angles of Cl-Pd-Cl. The palladium atom is not shifted from the plane coordination polyhedron (square) and therefore trance angles of Cl-Pd-Cl are 1800. Two different lengths -2,289 Α° and 2,713 Α° of hydrogen bonds are related to the geometric location of the ligand functional group. The obtained 2 – ethyl – 6 – methyl – 3 -hydroxypyridinetrachloro - palladium - mexidazole was tested for radioprotective properties. Toxicity of the preparation is LD50 - 240 mg/kg of animal weight. Toxicological studies of mexidazole in mice, rats and dogs did not reveal cardiotoxic, immunotoxic, embryonic, nephrotoxic, hematoxic and other types of side effects. Mexidazole is removed from the body with urine 5-8 hours after intravenous injection. The carried out biological test showed that the compound, along with radioprotective properties, has some antitumor activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 43-47
Kh.I. Gasanov ◽  
S.I. Nurullayeva ◽  
Z.H. Babayev

New complex compounds of palladium (II) with biologically active ligand 2 - ethyl - 6 methyl - 3 - hydroxy-pyridine - mexidol in acidic medium (pH = 5,3) of the following composition have been synthesized – . In this case, the ligand is protonated and as a single-charged cation occupies an external coordination sphere. The structure of the complex is proved by X-ray structure analysis. It is shown that the structure is constructed of an isolated complex anion – and cation . The square planar coordination of the palladium atom is formed from three chlorine atoms and the formed tetraacidoanion ligand forms a hydrogen bond. The average length of Pd-Cl bond is 2, 3030 , there are no deviations from 900 valence angles of Cl-Pd-Cl. The palladium atom is not shifted from the plane coordination polyhedron (square) and therefore trance angles of Cl-Pd-Cl are 1800. Two different lengths -2,289 and 2,713 of hydrogen bonds are related to the geometric location of the ligand functional group. The obtained 2 – ethyl – 6 – methyl – 3 -hydroxypyridinetrachloro - palladium - mexidazole was tested for radioprotective properties. Toxicity of the preparation is LD50 - 240 mg/kg of animal weight. Toxicological studies of mexidazole in mice, rats and dogs did not reveal cardiotoxic, immunotoxic, embryonic, nephrotoxic, hematoxic and other types of side effects. Mexidazole is removed from the body with urine 5-8 hours after intravenous injection. The carried out biological test showed that the compound, along with radioprotective properties, has some antitumor activity.

Vesna Benković ◽  
Nives Marčina ◽  
Anica Horvat Kneževic ◽  
Dunja Šikić ◽  
Vedran Rajevac ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 125-131
Alexey E. Tomson ◽  
Tamara V. Sokolova ◽  
Nataliya E. Sosnovskaya ◽  
Yulian Yu. Navosha ◽  
Tatiana Ya. Tsariuk ◽  

An enterosorption ferrocin-containing feed additive based on peat has been developed. The choice of peat as the basis for obtaining an enterosorption feed additive is has been substantiated. Modification of sphagnum peat with metal hexacyanoferrates was carried out. The sorption and spectral properties of the synthesized sorbents with relation to the Cs ion have been studied. The choice of a composite including sphagnum peat and iron hexacyanoferrate (ferrocin) as an enterosorption feed additive with radioprotective properties is justified. Preliminary tests of the radiological efficacy of the feed additive in the diet of gobies showed a multiplicity of decrease in the 137Cs content in meat products by about 6 times compared with the control.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 643-652
G. S. Ritter ◽  
V. P. Nikolin ◽  
N. A. Popova ◽  
A. S. Proskurina ◽  
P. E. Kisaretova ◽  

The paper describes some biological features of the radioprotective effect of double-stranded RNA preparation. It was found that yeast RNA preparation has a prolonged radioprotective effect after irradiation by a lethal dose of 9.4 Gy. 100 % of animals survive on the 70th day of observation when irradiated 1 hour or 4 days after 7 mg RNA preparation injection, 60 % animals survive when irradiated on day 8 or 12. Time parameters of repair of double-stranded breaks induced by gamma rays were estimated. It was found that the injection of the RNA preparation at the time of maximum number of double-stranded breaks, 1 hour after irradiation, reduces the efficacy of radioprotective action compared with the injection 1 hour before irradiation and 4 hours after irradiation. A comparison of the radioprotective effect of the standard radioprotector B-190 and the RNA preparation was made in one experiment. It has been established that the total RNA preparation is more efficacious than B-190. Survival on the 40th day after irradiation was 78 % for the group of mice treated with the RNA preparation and 67 % for those treated with B-190. In the course of analytical studies of the total yeast RNA preparation, it was found that the preparation is a mixture of single-stranded and double-stranded RNA. It was shown that only double-stranded RNA has radioprotective properties. Injection of 160 μg double-stranded RNA protects 100 % of the experimental animals from an absolutely lethal dose of gamma radiation, 9.4 Gy. It was established that the radioprotective effect of double-stranded RNA does not depend on sequence, but depends on its double-stranded form and the presence of “open” ends of the molecule. It is supposed that the radioprotective effect of double-stranded RNA is associated with the participation of RNA molecules in the correct repair of radiation-damaged chromatin in blood stem cells. The hematopoietic pluripotent cells that have survived migrate to the periphery, reach the spleen and actively proliferate. The newly formed cell population restores the hematopoietic and immune systems, which determines the survival of lethally irradiated animals.

Vladimir Gavrish ◽  
Natalya Cherkashina ◽  
Tatyana Chayka ◽  
Georgy Baranov

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 154-157
E. N. Shamilov ◽  
A. S. Abdullaev ◽  
M. M. Farajov ◽  
V. E. Shamilli ◽  
Sh. I. Gahramanova ◽  

Aim. In order to study the radioprotective activity were were obtained in the tryptophanates of cobalt (II), manganese (II), copper (II) and zinc. Methods. The composition and structure of the complexes were studied by elemental, thermogravimetric analyzes and IR infrared spectroscopy. To determine the presence of the Radioprotective Properties of the Co (II), Mn (II), Cu (II), Zn complexes with tryptophane, a test was conducted for the 30-day survival of irradiated animals. Results. The results of thermogravimetric studies have shown that the final product of the thermal decomposition of all compounds is metal oxide, respectively. The method of IR spectroscopy showed that the ligands in the composition of the metal (II) complexes enter the neutral form and coordinate with the complexing agent through the nitrogen atom. The results of experiments with complexes showed that they have noticeable radioprotective activity. The radioprotective activity of Co (II) complexes with tryptophan is 55%, Mn (II) with tryptophan 50%, Cu (II) with tryptophan 40%, and Zn 30%. They improve the survival and average life expectancy of lethally irradiated mice, not reaching the level of the known cystamine radioprotector, which is 80%. Conclusions. The data obtained by us testify to the prospects of using the complexes of Co (II), Mn (II), Cu (II), Zn with tryptophan for preventive purposes and in order to prevent local radiation injuries. Keywords: tryptophan-metal complexes, IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, complex compounds, radioprotective properties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-120
Nikolay Gaponov

The results of a study of the water-alcohol propolis emulsion on the body of young pigs are presented. According to the results of the studies, the positive effects of the preparation of the water-alcohol emulsion of the propolis on the costs of feed, nutrients, metabolic energy and radio-protective properties of the drug in the resulting pig products and offal were established. In recent years, a search has been conducted for new substances that do not cause side effects in conditions of chronic intake of radionuclides in small doses. As radioprotective agents, the most promising are those that, with moderate radioprotective effectiveness, do not cause side effects and increase the body's resistance. One of the promising tools in this regard may be propolis and preparations prepared on its basis. In this regard, the goal of research was; to study on young pigs radioprotective and growth-promoting properties of a water-alcohol emulsion of propolis. To achieve the goals, a scientific and economic experiment was conducted. Two groups of piglets nursery were formed, with an average live weight of 12.0 kg, with a period of setting the scientific and economic experience of 60 days. As a result of scientific and economic experiments, it was found that the growth rate of piglets during rearing in the experimental groups was higher, and the costs of feed units, metabolic energy and digestible protein were lower. In the slaughter products, a positive dynamics of the radioprotective properties of the propolis preparation was established.

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