porous matrices
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Biomeditsina ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3E) ◽  
pp. 42-47
O. R. Kulikova ◽  
E. A. Khramtsova ◽  
K. G. Antipova ◽  
T. D. Patsaev ◽  
E. S. Morokov ◽  

Regenerative medicine is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary field of science. Of primary interest are new materials and mechanisms of their interaction with living organisms. Investigation methods should provide 3D visualization and analysis of quantitative characteristics, while having no effect on the objects under study. For these purposes, methods based on ultrasound and those displaying variations in the elastic properties of samples are promising. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 147 (10) ◽  
pp. 04021037
Harry E. Schulz ◽  
Jakobus E. van Zyl ◽  
Tingchao Yu ◽  
Iran E. Lima Neto ◽  
Francisco A. S. Filho ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (Supplement) ◽  
A. Piskareva ◽  
L. Bryukhanov ◽  
A. Artyukhov ◽  
G. Kandelaki ◽  
A. Shcherbina ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (15) ◽  
pp. 7106
Miaotian Sun ◽  
Zeynep Ülker ◽  
Zhixing Chen ◽  
Sivaraman Deeptanshu ◽  
Monika Johannsen ◽  

The retention factor is the key quantity for the thermodynamic analysis of the retention mechanism in chromatographic experiments. In this work, we measure retention factors for moderately polar solutes on four silica-based porous matrices as stationary phases by supercritical fluid chromatography. Elution of the solutes is only possible with binary mixtures of supercritical carbon dioxide (sc-CO2) and modifier (methanol) due to the low polarity of pure sc-CO2. The addition of modifiers makes the retention mechanism more complex and masks interactions between solute and stationary phase. In this work, we develop and validate several retention models that allow the obtaining of retention factors in modifier-free sc-CO2. Such models pave the way for quantifying adsorption interactions between polar solutes and non-swellable porous matrices in pure sc-CO2 based on retention data obtained in sc-CO2/modifier mixtures. The obtained information will thereby facilitate the understanding and design of impregnation processes, which are often performed in modifier-free conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 249-277
L. V. Belovolova ◽  
M. V. Glushkov

2021 ◽  
pp. 2160003
Ashura N. Isaeva ◽  
Vitaly Yu. Topolov

Piezoelectric properties and related figures of merit are studied in novel 1–3-type composites based on ferroelectric domain-engineered lead-free single crystal with the relatively large longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient [Formula: see text]. Relationships between the piezoelectric properties and the set of figures of merit are analyzed for the 1–3 and 1–3–0 composites that contain the same single-crystal and polymer components. For a composite characterized by 1–3–0 connectivity, an influence of a porous piezo-passive matrix on the figures of merit and their volume-fraction behavior is considered additionally. A large anisotropy of figures of merit is observed in the 1–3–0 composite with specific porous matrices. A diagram is put forward to show volume-fraction regions of the large anisotropy of figures of merit of the studied 1–3–0 composite. Due to large figures of merit and their considerable anisotropy, the studied lead-free composites can be applied in piezoelectric energy-harvesting systems, sensors, transducers, and so on.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 3044
Natalia Stachowiak ◽  
Jolanta Kowalonek ◽  
Justyna Kozlowska

Gelatin/polyvinylpyrrolidone/hydroxyethyl cellulose/glycerol porous matrices with microspheres made of sodium alginate or pectin and sodium alginate were produced. A surfactant was loaded into these microparticles. The microspheres were characterized using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy SEM, and laser diffraction particle size analyzer. For the matrices, the density, porosity, swelling capacity, dissolution in phosphate saline buffer were determined and SEM, mechanical, and thermogravimetric studies were applied. The results showed that the size of the two-component microspheres was slightly larger than that of single-ingredient microparticles. The images confirmed the spherical shape of the microparticles. The prepared matrices had high water uptake ability and porosity due to the presence of hydrophilic polymers. The presence of microparticles in the matrices caused a decrease in these parameters. Degradation of the composites with the microspheres was significantly faster than the matrix without them. The addition of microparticles increased the stiffness and toughness of the prepared materials. The efficiency of the thermal decomposition main stage was reduced in the samples with microspheres, whereas a char residue increased in these composites.

Elements ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-160 ◽  
Nancy L. Ross ◽  
David R. Cole

The fundamental properties of the neutron make it a powerful tool for Earth science investigations because neutrons provide information that cannot be obtained by any other research method. This is because neutrons are magnetically sensitive, nondestructive, and sensitive to the lighter elements, such as hydrogen. They provide a unique, nondestructive method for obtaining information ranging from Ångstrom-scale atomic structures (and related motions) to micron-scale material strain, stress, and texture, and even up to meso-scale porous matrices and defects in materials and functional components. In this article, we introduce neutrons and their unique properties, neutron production and sources, and provide an overview of the different types of neutron methods applicable to the Earth sciences.

Elements ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 189-194
Gilberto Artioli ◽  
Daniel S. Hussey

By exploiting the penetration, attenuation, and scattering properties of neutrons, images of matter in two or three dimensions reveal information unobtainable using other probes. Despite the limitation in brilliance of neutron sources, several neutron-based imaging techniques are essential to different aspects of modern geoscience. Typical examples include the evaluation of porosity in rocks and sediments, mapping of light elements in solids, noninvasive probing of cultural heritage objects, investigations of thick engineering components, and the exploration of diffusion and percolation processes of fluids within porous matrices, organo-inorganic composites, and living organisms. Techniques under development include simultaneous neutron and X-ray tomography in heterogeneous media, Bragg-edge imaging, and the possibility of porosimetry from dark-field imaging.

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 1807
Estefanía Álvarez-Castillo ◽  
José Manuel Aguilar ◽  
Carlos Bengoechea ◽  
María Luisa López-Castejón ◽  
Antonio Guerrero

Composite materials based on proteins and carbohydrates normally offer improved water solubility, biodegradability, and biocompatibility, which make them attractive for a wide range of applications. Soy protein isolate (SPI) has shown superabsorbent properties that are useful in fields such as agriculture. Alginate salts (ALG) are linear anionic polysaccharides obtained at a low cost from brown algae, displaying a good enough biocompatibility to be considered for medical applications. As alginates are quite hydrophilic, the exchange of ions from guluronic acid present in its molecular structure with divalent cations, particularly Ca2+, may induce its gelation, which would inhibit its solubilization in water. Both biopolymers SPI and ALG were used to produce composites through injection moulding using glycerol (Gly) as a plasticizer. Different biopolymer/plasticizer ratios were employed, and the SPI/ALG ratio within the biopolymer fraction was also varied. Furthermore, composites were immersed in different CaCl2 solutions to inhibit the amount of soluble matter loss and to enhance the mechanical properties of the resulting porous matrices. The main goal of the present work was the development and characterization of green porous matrices with inhibited solubility thanks to the gelation of alginate.

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