international commission
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2021 ◽  
Christoph Brendel ◽  
Monika Rauthe ◽  
Thomas Deutschländer

<p>Die durch den Deutschen Wetterdienst (DWD) entwickelten Hydrometeorologischen Rasterdatensätze (HYRAS), mit den bisher bereits zur Verfügung stehenden Variablen Niederschlag, Temperatur und relative Feuchte, wurden zuletzt im Rahmen des Expertennetzwerks des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI) um die Variable Globalstrahlung ergänzt. Zur Erstellung der Rasterdatensätze werden tägliche Stationsmessungen der entsprechenden Variablen auf ein 5km x 5km Gitter interpoliert. Aktuell liegen die HYRAS-Daten für den Zeitraum von 1951-2015 vor und liefern klar definierte Referenzzustände für Deutschland und die angrenzenden Flusseinzugsgebiete.<br />Für die Arbeiten im Themenfeld 1 des BMVI-Expertennetzwerkes „Verkehr und Infrastruktur an Klimawandel und extreme Wetterereignisse anpassen“ stellt die Globalstrahlung eine wichtige Größe für die Berechnung der Verdunstung im Wasserhaushaltsmodell dar und führt zusammen mit den übrigen Variablen des HYRAS-Datensatzes zu realistischeren Ergebnissen der langzeitlichen Entwicklung des modellierten Abflussgeschehens. Dies verbessert auch die Aussagekraft für relevante Größen im Verkehrssektor wie beispielsweise dem Hoch- und Niedrigwasserabfluss. Neben der Anwendung für die Analyse des gegenwärtigen Klimas werden die HYRAS-Daten auch für die Bias-Adjustierung von Klimamodelldaten verwendet und tragen hierüber auch zur Validität von Klimaprojektionsergebnissen und hieraus abgeleiteten Anpassungsmaßnahmen bei.<br />Aus den genannten Anwendungen ergeben sich verschiedene Anforderungen an einen Rasterdatensatz der Globalstrahlung, wie die Abdeckung eines möglichst weit in die Vergangenheit zurückreichenden Zeitraums, die Abbildung von Extremwerten, des langfristigen Trends sowie der allgemeinen dekadischen Variabilität. Die Anforderungen sollten dabei nicht nur im Flächenmittel, sondern möglichst auch für einzelne Regionen wie z.B. kleinere Flusseinzugsgebiete erfüllt sein. <br />Neben der verwendeten Regionalisierungsmethodik hat vor allem auch die Verfügbarkeit von geeigneten Messdaten einen erheblichen Einfluss darauf, in welchem Umfang die genannten Anforderungen erfüllt werden können. Stationsmessungen der Globalstrahlung liegen im Zeitraum 1951-1980 für Deutschland und die angrenzenden Regionen, insbesondere in den Anfangsjahren, nur sehr vereinzelt vor. Zur Erstellung des HYRAS- Globalstrahlungsdatensatzes wurde aus diesem Grund ebenfalls auf Stationsmessungen der Sonnenscheindauer zurückgegriffen, die ab 1951 bereits zahlreich und flächendeckend vorliegen. Die tägliche Sonnenscheindauer lässt sich über ein einfaches lineares Regressionsverfahren nach Angstrom (1924) und Prescott (1940) in tägliche Summen der Globalstrahlung umrechnen. Um die Qualität des Verfahrens für die Umrechnung von Extremwerten zu verbessern, wurde mit dem Wolkenflüssigwassergehalt aus ERA5-Reanalysedaten ein weiterer Prädiktor implementiert. <br />Neben der Vorstellung des Verfahrens soll insbesondere ein Vergleich der Globalstrahlung zwischen dem neuen HYRAS-Datensatz und weiteren Referenzdatensätzen wie z.B. der ERA5-Reanalyse und dem CM SAF SARAH v2.1 Satellitendatensatz sowie Stationsmessungen für den Zeitraum 1951-2015 präsentiert werden. </p> <p>Angstrom A (1924): Solar and terrestrial radiation. Report to the international commission for solar research on actinometric investigations of solar and atmospheric radiation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 50(210), 121-126.</p> <p>Prescott JA (1940): Evaporation from a water surface in relation to solar radiation. Transaction of the Royal Society of South Australia 64(1), 114-118. </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 107-110
Leonid D. Lozhkin ◽  
Alexander A. Kuzmenko

The equidistance of the color space plays a significant role in determining the color difference in color transmission systems. Strictly equal contrasting color spaces can be considered only those color spaces in which equal changes in the visual perception of color are provided with an equal change in the color coordinates in this color space. Currently, the International Commission on Lighting (CIE) has adopted a number of color spaces called equal-contrast. The article presents the results of the study of color spaces adopted by CIE for equal contrast, i.e. on the differences in the thresholds of color differentiation in different areas of the color locus. The article investigated such color spaces as CIE 1931 (RGB), CIE 1931 (x, y), CIE 1960 (u, v), CIE 1976 (u*, v*), CIE LAB (a*, b*).

Paul Rummy ◽  
Jessica Thevamalar Rummy

AbstractIn this paper, we brought compelling clarities as to why the current practices of binomial nomenclature should be revised and adjusted by the scientific governing bodies. We highlighted the current emphasis on Latinisation and Greek forms for scientific names has given fewer possibilities for the inclusion of cultural and native scientific names. With regard to zoological matters, we further pointed out that the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) has an obligation to rationalise the applicability and suitability of the existing Articles and Recommendations in the Code. The Code has been designed to assist scientists in naming an organism with its guidelines. However, the practicality of the Articles and Recommendations need to be further explained in order to reduce several misperceptions within the scientific community; which include the correct usage of Latinised and Greek language forms that can be quite confusing to those who are not well-versed in the structures. The discussion also underlined the novelty of having more localised and hybridised scientific names, and the necessity to avoid norms of abusive, offensive and colonising names since the Code did not emphasise enough on the level of integrity needed with the naming procedures. We further illustrated the magnitude of having a gender-neutral naming system in the world of nomenclature, as the current practices of Latinised and Greek forms are heavily navigated towards masculine naming styles. We also suggest that the non-compulsory Recommendation section of the Code to be made relevant, and perhaps mandatory in some cases, with an infinite approach to accentuate beyond inclusivity and diversity.

Bionomina ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  

The ‘suppression’ (invalidation) for nomenclatural purposes by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature of the work Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et des Serpens first published by La Cepède from 1788 to 1790 brought no benefit of any kind to zoological taxonomy and nomenclature but generated several nomenclatural problems. Here we review the history of the many discussions and proposals, as well as the successive and contradictory decisions of the Commission, regarding this work and the new nomina it contains, and we make new proposals to solve some of the problems created by these decisions. We suggest the Commission should take the initiative to restore nomenclatural availability to 18 nomina of La Cepède invalidated or of unclear status following its previous actions. More generally, we think that the use of the Plenary Power by the Commission should be more strictly regulated and made less easy and straightforward, and that the whole invalidation of complete works that have been considered as nomenclaturally available for a very long time in many works (e.g., 100 works in the 100 immediately preceding years) should be forbidden, and that the Commission should rather concentrate its attention and action on nomina rather than on works. Besides, we show that the snake nomen Coluber trigonocephalus Donndorff, 1798, currently considered valid, is invalid, and should be replaced by the nomen Coluber capitetriangulatus Bonnaterre, 1790.

Timothy Andrews Sayle

Recently declassified records reveal new information and confirm old assumptions about Canadian intelligence activities in Vietnam during the 1950s and 1960s. These records are now available online at Canada Declassified. This research note describes the new evidence and considers its implications for existing historiography regarding Canada and the International Commission for Supervision and Control and Canadian policy towards the American war in Vietnam. It suggests new opportunities for research on Canadian intelligence activities during the Cold War. More broadly, the note responds to the discussion in the Canadian Historical Review’s December 2015 issue (volume 96, number 4) regarding the future study of Canada’s diplomatic history and international action by suggesting that Canadian intelligence activities should be considered by scholars crafting narratives of Canadian international history.

2021 ◽  
pp. 014664532110208
Naoya Sekiya

This paper does not necessarily reflect the views of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. Ten years have passed since the accident at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and radioactive substances contained in agricultural products and marine products are now below detectable levels. Amidst this, the testing stance is changing from one that guarantees safety to one that guarantees relief, and testing is being reduced for financial reasons. Moreover, the sense of resistance and concern towards food products produced in Fukushima Prefecture is reducing. Anxiety has been reducing along with the development of the inspection system, the inspection results, and the passage of time. However, although there have been fewer requests, demands, and claims to avoid products from Fukushima Prefecture since immediately after the accident, there is a tendency for consumer trends to be forcefully ‘surmised'. As a result, the problem of reputational damage, such as the fact that the market ranking of rice and beef has not recovered, remains an issue.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
James C. Lamsdell

One of the oldest fossil horseshoe crabs figured in the literature is Entomolithus lunatus Martin, 1809, a Carboniferous species included in his Petrificata Derbiensia. While the species has generally been included within the genus Belinurus Bronn, 1839, it was recently used as the type species of the new genus Parabelinurus Lamsdell, 2020. However, recent investigation as to the appropriate authority for Belinurus (see Lamsdell and Clapham, 2021) revealed that all the names in Petrificata Derbiensia were suppressed in Opinion 231 of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1954) for being consistently nonbinomial under Article 11.4 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999). Despite the validation of several species names for anthozoans, brachiopods, and cephalopods described in Petrificata Derbiensia in subsequent rulings (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1956a, b), Belinurus lunatus has not been the subject of any subsequent Commission ruling or opinion, and so its use in Petrificata Derbiensia remains suppressed. The Belinurus lunatus species name was used in several subsequent publications during the 1800s, none of which made the name available under ICZN article 11.5; Parkinson (1811) is also suppressed for being nonbinomial, while Woodward (1830), Buckland (1837), Bronn (1839), and Baily (1859) refer to the species only as a synonym of Belinurus trilobitoides (Buckland, 1837) through citation to the suppressed Pretificata Derbiensia. The first author to make Belinurus lunatus an available name was Baldwin (1905), who used the name in reference to a new figured specimen from Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale, UK, but again as an explicit junior synonym of Belinurus trilobitoides (Buckland, 1837). Therefore, it was not until Eller (1938) treated B. lunatus as a distinct species from B. trilobitoides that B. lunatus became an available name as per ICZN Article 11.6.1 under the authorship of Baldwin (1905) following ICZN Article 50.7.

2021 ◽  
pp. 014664532110337
M. Takahashi

Science communication is commonly framed as a battle with ignorance and the field of radiological protection is not exempt from this tendency. By correcting deficits in the public’s understanding of science, the expert is often imagined to be able to convince the public of its objective safety (‘anzen’), thereby inspiring a sense of calm (‘anshin’). In the wake of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi disaster, however, the International Commission on Radiological Protection has sought to break with this tradition by organising a series of participatory seminars in which experts engage those affected by the disaster as equals. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, this article suggests that the Dialogue seminars can be best understood using the metaphor of therapy; using it to describe the premise, form, and objectives of the Dialogues with a view to identifying good practice for future radiological protection scenarios.

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