media asset management
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Jesús-Daniel Cascón-Katchadourian ◽  
Javier Guallar

This research aims to describe and assess the characteristics of Dédalo, a software for the management of audiovisual documentation, or media asset management (MAM), specialized in managing intangible cultural heritage or oral memory. An analysis of this software will not only help librarians, archivists and documentalists, historians, and anthropologists present their audiovisual collections, but also all kinds of professionals who manage audiovisual documentation from both private and public entities. This paper includes the use of MAM by the oral memory management sector, in both national and international terms, with particular mention of a software derived from Dédalo, Numisdata, for the management of digitized numismatic heritage.. Resumen Esta investigación realiza una descripción y valoración de las características de Dédalo, un software de gestión de documentación audiovisual o media asset management (MAM) especializado en gestionar patrimonio cultural, material, inmaterial o memoria oral. Conocer este software puede ayudar a los bibliotecarios, archiveros y documentalistas, antropólogos e historiadores, pero también a toda clase de profesionales que gestionen documentación audiovisual, tanto de entes privados como públicos, a dar a conocer con éxito, de forma fácil y rápida, las colecciones audiovisuales de sus instituciones y organizaciones. Se describen algunos casos de su utilización en el sector de la gestión de memoria oral, tanto nacionales como internacionales, entre los que se incluyen casos de un software derivado de Dédalo, Numisdata, para la gestión del patrimonio numismático digitalizado.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-140
Venkata Naga Satya Surendra Chimakurthi

The adaptability of digital asset management has prevailed enormous businesses and individuals who desire to manage information effectively. The criteria of this paper will revolve around the in-depth intricacies of digital asset management, its functions, significance, and categories of DAM. The introduction of digital rights and permissions aligned with highlighted copyright permission. Initializing from manual asset management and proceeding towards digital asset management, media asset management, and finalizing at massive content management, these terms seem to be striving to explain a unified thing. However, each domain of asset management has separate aspects of managing information. Every organization will opt for its criteria of approach for managing the assets that rely upon the environmental, current cultural, and financial state of the company.

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the Internet of Things pose numerous challenges for broadcasters in Malaysia. Archiving content and production workflow are critical in the transition to the digital environment. Issue of resource expansion and loss of opportunity among small and medium-sized broadcasters are a result of technological disruption at the advent of IR 4.0. Large amount of content requires digitisation following new quality control (QC) standards in the transition to digitalisation. In this exploratory study, a scalable media asset management (MAM) solution especially for small-scale content providers is proposed. The aim is to establish: (1) the challenges experienced by audio-visual archives, (2) metadata features for effective MAM processes and (3) efficiency among talents to facilitate large volume of transactions in the MAM workflow. In this qualitative research, face-to-face in-depth interviews with broadcasters, content providers and vendors at their respective premises and participant observation and content analysis were conducted at production operation centres and production houses to understand their issues. A compliance criteria model compatible to their workflow is proposed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-124
Vladimir Torov ◽  

Slovenski filmski arhiv pri Arhivu Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju: ARS/SFA) prevzema filmsko in avdiovizualno (dalje: AV) arhivsko gradivo v skladu z arhivsko zakonodajo. Producenti izročajo arhivsko gradivo v formatih in oblikah, ki jih Arhiv RS določi kot primerne formate za dolgoročno hrambo. V ta namen ARS/SFA pripravil določene standarde, orodja in postopke, ki nam bodo omogočali prevzem, preverbo, obravnavo, dosegljivost in hrambo prevzetega gradiva ter vzpostavitev celotnega sistema. Avtor predstavlja nekatere izzive, procese ter osnove, potrebne za vzpostavitev sistema za upravljanje ter dostopanje do digitalnih filmskih in AV-vsebin arhivskega gradiva, ki bo temelj za obravnavo ter shranjevanje takšnega gradiva v Arhivu RS. Tako bomo pregledali osnovo sistemov MAM (Media Asset Management), formata Digital Cinema, različnih video formatov ter način obravnave in hranjenja le-teh.

2017 ◽  
R García-Loureda Díaz ◽  
O García Crespo ◽  
S García Mirón

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