position system
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2021 ◽  
Hamid Didari ◽  
Hamid D. Taghirad ◽  
Parnia Shokri ◽  
Fatemeh Ghofrani

2021 ◽  
Yi-Shiun Lee ◽  
Yong-Yi Fanjiang ◽  
Chi-Huang Hung ◽  
Chun-Che Yu

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-85
Triono Bambang Irawan ◽  
Liliek Dwi Soelaksini ◽  
Anni Nusraisyah

Salah satu indikator kualitas tanah adalah  kandungan bahan organik tanah, selain indikator yang lain seperti sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah.  Diambilnya bahan organik sebagai salah satu indikator yang perlu diperhatikan karena sifatnya yang sangat labil dan kandungannya berubah sangat cepat tergantung manajemen pengelolaan tanah.  Walaupun kandungan bahan organik tanah sangat sedikit yaitu 1 – 5% dari berat total tanah mineral, namun pengaruhnya terhadap sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah sangat besar. Manfaat bahan organik sudah teruji kehandalannya dalam memperbaiki kualitas tanah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : (i) menetapkan letak pengambilan contoh tanah sawah untuk analisa kandungan bahan organik tanah sawah; (2) melakukan analisa kandungan bahan organik tanah dari sampel tanah sawah; (3) menginterpretasi hasil analisa kandungan bahan organik tanah tersebut sebagai bahan pertimbangan penambahan bahan organik di tanah sawah tersebut. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lima kecamatan Kabupaten Bondowoso selama enam bulan mulai bulan Juni 2020 sampai dengan Desember 2020. Jumlah sampel atau contoh yang akan dikerjakan pada kegiatan ini adalah sebanyak 75 buah yang tersebar di 5 kecamatan masing-masing tiga desa dan pada setiap desa diambil sebanyak 5 buah sampel tanah. Setiap lokasi pengambilan sampel tanah akan ditentukan posisi geografisnya dengan alat GPS (Global Position System). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rekomendasi penambahan bahan organik tanah sawah sebagai berikut : (i) Tingkat kesuburan tanah sawah kecamatan Tenggarang, Bondowoso, Pakem dari rendah sampai sedang dengan kebutuhan penambahan bahan organik sebanyak 20 – 50 ton / ha; (ii) Tingkat kesuburan tanah sawah kecamatan Curahdami dan Binakal sedang dengan kebutuhan penambahan bahan organik sebanyak 16 – 40 ton / ha.

2021 ◽  
pp. 162-167
В.В. Ольшанский ◽  
С.А. Лутков ◽  
С.В. Мартемьянов ◽  
Е.А. Меньшенина

В статье рассматривается способ применения методов сверхбыстрого сканирования в радиолокационных технических соседствах обнаружения систем охраны объектов транспортной инфраструктуры. В основе предлагаемого подхода использована возможность формирования требуемого ракурса зондирования пространства однопозиционной системой со сверхбыстрым сканированием луча антенны в угловом секторе обзора. Опыт эксплуатации систем охраны показывает, что для обеспечения зон безопасности морских терминалов, гидротехнических сооружений, акваторий морских портов и т.п. существенным является организация пространственных зон контроля. Разработана математическая модель формирования требуемой конфигурации зоны обнаружения радиолокационным средством со сверхсканированием на примере участка порта Новороссийск. Полученные аналитические зависимости законов сверхсканирования позволяют учесть сценарии различных ситуаций нарушения безопасности, по которым тревожными считаются факты появления или движения объектов в запрещённом направлении относительно условно заданных границ контролируемой территории. The article considers a method of applying ultra-fast scanning methods in radar technical neighborhoods for detecting security systems for transport infrastructure objects. The proposed approach is based on the possibility of forming the required perspective of space sensing by a single-position system with ultra-fast scanning of the antenna beam in the angular sector of the view. The experience of operating security systems shows that the organization of spatial control zones is essential for ensuring the security zones of sea terminals, hydraulic structures, seaports, etc. A mathematical model of the formation of the required configuration of the detection zone by radar means with superscanning is developed on the example of the port of Novorossiysk section. The obtained analytical dependences of the laws of superscanning allow us to take into account scenarios of various security violation situations, according to which the facts of the appearance or movement of objects in the prohibited direction relative to the conditionally defined boundaries of the controlled territory are considered alarming.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 661
Luenia Kaline Tavares da Silva ◽  
João Vinícius Cruz Barbosa ◽  
André Dos Santos ◽  
Áurea Siqueira Do Nascimento Mesquita ◽  
Tiago Fernando de Holanda ◽  

Os recursos hídricos são uma das principais preocupações com relação às problemáticas ambientais no Brasil. A região Nordeste possui fatores como o crescimento populacional, poluição, desmatamento e a escassez de chuvas, que têm comprometido a qualidade e a quantidade de água disponíveis na região. Dessa forma, o presente estudo objetivou identificar as principais nascentes existentes nos municípios potiguares de Coronel João Pessoa e Doutor Severiano (RN) e quais as suas influências antrópicas. Inicialmente, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico e cartográfico para subsidiar o georreferenciamento e a coleta dos dados primários. Foram realizadas visitas nos municípios, entre os meses de junho a julho de 2018, suficientes para identificação e delimitação das áreas das nascentes com Global Position System, já que os dois municípios tinham poucas nascentes perenes para investigar. As nascentes foram sistematizadas cartograficamente e tiveram suas APP mapeadas e por fim, foram realizadas duas oficinas temáticas, uma em cada município, com duração média de 4 horas. Na maioria das APP não há cerca de proteção ou placa informativa ao redor das nascentes. Encontrou-se evidências do uso das águas de afloramento para dessedentação de animais, abastecimento rural, atividades agropecuárias e perfuração de poços. Os regimes de água das nascentes são perenes. Vale ressaltar que tanto a preservação quanto a recuperação dos olhos d’água necessitam do envolvimento das comunidades locais, por isso, a importância da conscientização ambiental, por meio de campanhas e ações educacionais, no intuito de promover o cuidado, o manejo adequado e a conservação no entorno das nascentes. Environmental problems in potiguares springs: subsidies and environmental education projects for the recovery of degraded areas A B S T R A C TWater resources have been one of the main concerns regarding environmental problems in Brazil. The Northeast region has characteristics such as population growth, pollution, deforestation and the scarcity of rainfall, which at times have compromised the quality and quantity of water available to municipalities in the region. Thus, the present study seeks to (i) identify the main springs existing in the municipalities of Coronel João Pessoa and Doutor Severiano (RN) and what are their anthropic influences; (ii) as well as map and georeference the springs APPs; (iii) elaborate and carry out data presentation workshops and contribute to the awareness and sensitization process of the local community. Initially, a bibliographic and cartographic survey was carried out to support georeferencing and the collection of primary data. A  was carried out in the municipalities, from June to July 2018, to identify and delimit the areas of the springs with the Global Position System. The diagnosed springs were systematized cartographically and had their APP mapped and, finally, 02 (two) thematic workshops were held, one in each municipality, with an average duration of 4 hours. The results of the Permanent Preservation Areas, most have no protection fence or information sign around the springs. There is evidence of the use of outcrop waters for animal feed, rural supply, agricultural activities and well drilling. The spring water regimes are perennial. It is worth mentioning that both the preservation and the recovery of water eyes, require the involvement of local communities, therefore, it is important to raise the population's environmental awareness, through educational campaigns and actions, in order to promote care, management and conservation around the springs.Keywords: Permanent preservation area, Anthropic actions, Environmental degradation.

Parama Diptya Widayaka ◽  
Akbar Sujiwa

Underwater remotely operated vehicle mainly used to help human for underwater activities such as underwater exploration, underwater maintenance, and underwater search and rescue. Underwater remotely operated vehicle also used for education, entertainment, and competitions. In some case especially for an important or highly risk tasks, the ROV applied some functions to improve and optimize the use of the ROV for some missions. This paper presents a heading hold system which is applied in the ROV to maintain heading position or pose of the robot. Using a GY-271 compass sensor to read the data of ROV heading position, microcontroller Arduino mega 2560 as a central processing unit and PID controller as a feedback controller to maintain ROV on desired position by controlling thruster speed and direction. The experiments give a result of the control system using PID by 5% error for the ROV to maintain heading position in steady position.

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