forming methods
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Jürgen Fritz ◽  
Johanna Döring ◽  
Miriam Athmann ◽  
Georg Meissner ◽  
Randolf Kauer ◽  

Abstract Background and aims The image-forming methods copper chloride crystallization, capillary dynamolysis and circular chromatography are presented as an instrument for assessing wine quality. Wine quality of samples from a long-term field trial comparing integrated, organic and biodynamic management were investigated by using image-forming methods and sensory analysis. Methods and results Concerning the image-forming methods copper chloride crystallization, capillary dynamolysis and circular chromatography, the images of encoded samples were (i) grouped into pairs with similar image features; (ii) characterized based on reference images (e. g. high–low resistance to degradation); (iii) ranked (according to the characterization), and (iv) assigned to the different production methods (classified). Wine samples from organic and biodynamic management needed less wine per sample for a similar expression of structural characteristics than wine samples from integrated cultivation. Organic and biodynamic samples also show structures that indicate less degeneration than integrated samples. Due to these properties, nine coded wine samples from 2010 could be (i) grouped, (ii) characterized, (iii) ranked and (iv) classified without errors, i.e., assigned to the cultivation methods of integrated, organic and biodynamic agriculture. In sensory analysis, the wine derived from biodynamic management had the highest aroma intensity. In the other parameters the differences were not significant. Conclusion Analysis with the image-forming methods copper chloride crystallization, capillary dynamolysis and circular chromatography complements sensory analysis for a more complete description of the characteristic properties of wines originating from different management systems. Significance of the study If further studies confirm these results, the image-forming methods copper chloride crystallization, capillary dynamolysis and circular chromatography may be developed as a complementary tool to sensory and chemical analysis in assessing wine quality. Graphic abstract

Liubomyr Sehin

Problem statement. Despite the fact that microtoponyms belong to the most numerous class of onyms, so far such names of Donetsk region have been studied sporadically and superficially. It is important to identify and record such onyms, so as not to lose forever.The purpose of the article is to analyze the structural and word-forming or- ganization of microtoponyms of Donetsk region.Research methods. The method of research of structural and word-forming features of microtoponyms is based on the questionnaires and interviews (for collecting microtoponymic material) and methods: descriptive (for inventory, classification and interpretation of microtoponyms), structural (for describing structural features of simple, complex and compound onyms), quantitative anal- ysis (to establish the performance of structural types, word-forming methods and manners).The main results of the study. The simple, complex and compound names are revealed based on the analysis of the structural and word-forming organiza- tion of microtoponymy of Donetsk region. Simple names of small geographical objects are formed by lexical-semantic, morphological, basic, morphologi- cal-syntactic and lexical-syntactic methods. The most productive is the lexi- cal-semantic way of creating microtoponyms. Among the suffix derivatives, names with productive forms -ivk- (-ovk-, -evk-), -k- were found. In the micro- toponymy of Donetsk region a large number of compound names is recorded, among which we single out two-word, prepositional constructions, multicom- ponent microtoponyms and predicative constructions.Conclusions and prospects. The results of the study show that the microto- ponymy of Donetsk region is diverse in terms of structure and methods and means of forming. We see the prospect of exploration in: 1) collecting the names of micro-objects of other settlements in the Donetsk region; 2) to investigate the structural and word-forming features of microtoponyms of other cities / villages of Donetsk region; 2) to analyze the lexical and semantic features of such names of the named region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2070 (1) ◽  
pp. 012246
H K Madhusudhana ◽  
V N Gaitonde ◽  
G Satish Jangali

Abstract The present research focused on reviewing forming technology and inspired various method forming processes for different lightweight materials. Nowadays, to improve modern automobiles’ fuel economy while preserving safety and efficiency, advanced materials are essential. Since accelerating a lighter object requires less energy than a heavier one, lightweight materials offer great potential to improve vehicle performance. Innovative forming technologies are discussed concerning each approach and their contribution to lightweight material application. New metal forming methods are implemented to fulfill lightweight material applications in various fields.

2021 ◽  
pp. 75-84
M. Görz ◽  
M. Liewald ◽  
K. R. Riedmüller

Miriam Athmann ◽  
Roya Bornhütter ◽  
Nicolaas Busscher ◽  
Paul Doesburg ◽  
Uwe Geier ◽  

AbstractIn the image forming methods, copper chloride crystallization (CCCryst), capillary dynamolysis (CapDyn), and circular chromatography (CChrom), characteristic patterns emerge in response to different food extracts. These patterns reflect the resistance to decomposition as an aspect of resilience and are therefore used in product quality assessment complementary to chemical analyses. In the presented study, rocket lettuce from a field trial with different radiation intensities, nitrogen supply, biodynamic, organic and mineral fertilization, and with or without horn silica application was investigated with all three image forming methods. The main objective was to compare two different evaluation approaches, differing in the type of image forming method leading the evaluation, the amount of factors analyzed, and the deployed perceptual strategy: Firstly, image evaluation of samples from all four experimental factors simultaneously by two individual evaluators was based mainly on analyzing structural features in CapDyn (analytical perception). Secondly, a panel of eight evaluators applied a Gestalt evaluation imbued with a kinesthetic engagement of CCCryst patterns from either fertilization treatments or horn silica treatments, followed by a confirmatory analysis of individual structural features. With the analytical approach, samples from different radiation intensities and N supply levels were identified correctly in two out of two sample sets with groups of five samples per treatment each (Cohen’s kappa, p = 0.0079), and the two organic fertilizer treatments were differentiated from the mineral fertilizer treatment in eight out of eight sample sets with groups of three manure and two minerally fertilized samples each (Cohen’s kappa, p = 0.0048). With the panel approach based on Gestalt evaluation, biodynamic fertilization was differentiated from organic and mineral fertilization in two out of two exams with 16 comparisons each (Friedman test, p < 0.001), and samples with horn silica application were successfully identified in two out of two exams with 32 comparisons each (Friedman test, p < 0.001). Further research will show which properties of the food decisive for resistance to decomposition are reflected by analytical and Gestalt criteria, respectively, in CCCryst and CapDyn images.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Yunyun Ning ◽  
Shuaishuai Wang ◽  
Muzi Li ◽  
Jie Han ◽  
Chengjian Zhu ◽  

AbstractDevelopment of catalytic amide bond-forming methods is important because they could potentially address the existing limitations of classical methods using superstoichiometric activating reagents. In this paper, we disclose an Umpolung amidation reaction of carboxylic acids with nitroarenes and nitroalkanes enabled by the triplet synergistic catalysis of FeI2, P(V)/P(III) and photoredox catalysis, which avoids the production of byproducts from stoichiometric coupling reagents. A wide range of carboxylic acids, including aliphatic, aromatic and alkenyl acids participate smoothly in such reactions, generating structurally diverse amides in good yields (86 examples, up to 97% yield). This Umpolung amidation strategy opens a method to address challenging regioselectivity issues between nucleophilic functional groups, and complements the functional group compatibility of the classical amidation protocols. The synthetic robustness of the reaction is demonstrated by late-stage modification of complex molecules and gram-scale applications.

Yi Zhang ◽  
Zhangfeng Li ◽  
Pei Zheng ◽  
Houjun Sun

2021 ◽  
Xueteng Wang ◽  
Xinghua Niu ◽  
Zizhao Yu

Abstract In the process of machine tool cutting, there are strict geometric relations among the cutting edge curve / tool surface, machine tool movement and workpiece surface, and the machine tool movement is also related to the type of tool. Firstly, the forming methods of cutting workpiece surface are analyzed and summarized from the geometric point of view, and the scanning forming method and its geometric expression are studied, and the research technical route of forming turning scanning forming is put forward. Then, the mathematical modeling and Simulation of forming turning are carried out according to the proposed technical route. Finally, taking the groove of the inner ring of the formed turning ball bearing as an example, the mathematical modeling of the design surface of the workpiece and the machined surface of the workpiece is carried out. The radial dimension changes of the workpiece caused by the cutting force and tool wear are analyzed, and the simulation of the machined surface of the workpiece is carried out.

2021 ◽  
Peter Frohn-Sörensen ◽  
Jonas Reuter ◽  
Bernd Engel

In a modern production environment, flexible manufacturing methods are important because an overall trend towards mass customization and on-demand production is observed. Kinematic and incremental forming methods with generic tools can provide a large product variation but a deeper understanding of the forming mechanisms is required for process modelling, e.g. Incremental Swivel Bending (ISB). Particularly crucial is to identify the influences on the forming zone in order to purposefully control the material flow of a forming process. For a bending process where the bending moment is transmitted by clamping tools, this paper presents a method to alter the contact pressure distribution in order to affect the angular size and strain gradient of the forming zone. In the light of these results, the presented method can be deployed for a tooling with adaptive contact pressure to directly influence material flow, in particular using generic tools to overall provide a better control of flexible forming methods.

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