zero watermarking
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Deyang Wu ◽  
Miaomiao Wang ◽  
Jing Zhao ◽  
Jiayan Wang ◽  
Meiyu Zhong ◽  

With the widespread use of medical images in telemedicine, personal information may be leaked. The traditional zero-watermarking technology has poor robustness under large-scale attacks. At the same time, most of the zero-watermarking information generated is a binary sequence with a single information structure. In order to effectively solve the poor robustness problem of traditional zero-watermarking under large-scale attacks, a color zero-watermarking algorithm for medical images based on bidimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD)-Schur decomposition and color visual cryptography is proposed. Firstly, the color carrier image and the color copyright logo are decomposed into R, G, and B three color components, respectively, and the feature value of each sub-block are extracted by wavelet transform, BEMD decomposition, block operation, and Schur decomposition. Then, the R, G, and B components of the copyright logo are scrambled by Arnold scramble and converted into binary watermark information. Finally, a color visual cryptography scheme is proposed to generate two color shared images based on the carrier characteristics and copyright information. One shared image is used to generate a color zero-watermark, and the other is used for copyright authentication phase. Experimental results show that this algorithm has strong robustness and stability in resisting large-scale noise attacks, filtering attacks, JPEG compression, cropping attacks, and translation attacks at different positions. Compared with similar zero-watermarking algorithms, the robust performance is improved by about 10%, and it can adapt to more complex network environments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Chengshan Yang ◽  
Jingbing Li ◽  
Uzair Aslam Bhatti ◽  
Jing Liu ◽  
Jixin Ma ◽  

Digital medical system not only facilitates the storage and transmission of medical information but also brings information security problems. Aiming at the security of medical images, a robust zero watermarking algorithm for medical images based on Zernike-DCT is proposed. The algorithm first uses a chaotic logic sequence to preprocess and encrypt the watermark, then performs edge detection and Zernike moment processing on the original medical image to get the accurate edge points, and then performs discrete cosine transform (DCT) on them to get the feature vector. Finally, it combines perceptual Hash and zero watermark technology to generate the key to complete the watermark embedding and extraction. The algorithm has good robustness to conventional and geometric attacks, strong antinoise ability, high positioning accuracy, and processing efficiency and is superior to the classical edge detection algorithm in extraction effect. It is a stable and reliable image edge detection algorithm.

2021 ◽  
pp. 116193
Achraf Daoui ◽  
Hicham Karmouni ◽  
Omar El ogri ◽  
Mhamed Sayyouri ◽  
Hassan Qjidaa

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
pp. 2385
Jiangtao Huang ◽  
Shanshan Shi ◽  
Zhouyan He ◽  
Ting Luo

This paper presents a high dynamic range (HDR) image zero watermarking method based on dual tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) and quaternion. In order to be against tone mapping (TM), DT-CWT is used to transform the three RGB color channels of the HDR image for obtaining the low-pass sub-bands, respectively, since DT-CWT can extract the contour of the HDR image and the contour change of the HDR image is small after TM. The HDR image provides a wide dynamic range, and thus, three-color channel correlations are higher than inner-relationships and the quaternion is used to consider three color channels as a whole to be transformed. Quaternion fast Fourier transform (QFFT) and quaternion singular value decomposition (QSVD) are utilized to decompose the HDR image for obtaining robust features, which is fused with a binary watermark to generate a zero watermark for copyright protection. Furthermore, the binary watermark is scrambled for the security by using the Arnold transform. Experimental results denote that the proposed zero-watermarking method is robust to TM and other image processing attacks, and can protect the HDR image efficiently.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 559
Qifei Zhou ◽  
Changqing Zhu ◽  
Na Ren

How to keep the fidelity of the digital elevation model (DEM) data is a crucial problem in the current watermarking research, as the watermarked DEM data need to preserve their accuracy. We proposed a zero watermarking method for the triangulated irregular network (TIN) DEM data. It takes full advantage of the characteristics of the edge length in the TIN DEM data. First, the radio of the edge lengths is quantified to the watermark index, and then the comparison of the edge lengths is quantified to the watermark bit. Finally, the watermark is constructed by combing the watermark bits according to the watermark indices with the help of the majority voting mechanism. In the method, the TIN DEM data are only used to construct the watermark, not to be embedded by the watermark. Therefore, the data quality is preserved to the greatest extent. Experiments verify the theoretical achievements of this method and demonstrate the method is lossless to the TIN DEM data. Simulation results also show that the method has good robustness on translation, rotation, scaling, and cropping attacks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (8) ◽  
pp. 237-248
Longting Xu ◽  
Daiyu Huang ◽  
Xing Guo ◽  
Wei Rao ◽  
Yunyun Ji ◽  

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