topology mapping
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2020 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-250
Juliette Blanchet ◽  
Jean-Dominique Creutin

AbstractWe propose a new approach to explain multiday rainfall accumulation over a French Alpine watershed using large-scale atmospheric predictors based on analogy. The classical analogy framework associates a rainfall cumulative distribution function (CDF) with a given atmospheric situation from the precipitation accumulations yielded by the closest situations. The analogy may apply to single-day or multiday sequences of pressure fields. The proposed approach represents a paradigm shift in analogy. It relies on the similarity of the local topology mapping the pressure field sequences, somehow forgetting the pressure fields per se. This topology is summarized by the way the sequences of pressure fields resemble their neighbors (dimensional predictors) and how fast they evolve in time (dynamical predictors). Although some information—and hence predictability—is expected to be lost when compared with classical analogy, this approach provides new insight on the atmospheric features generating rainfall CDFs. We apply both approaches to geopotential heights over western Europe in view of assessing 3-day rainfall accumulations over the Isère River catchment at Grenoble, France. Results show that dimensional predictors are the most skillful features for predicting 3-day rainfall—bringing alone 60% of the predictability of the classical analogy approach—whereas the dynamical predictors are less explicative. These results open new directions of research that the classical analogy approach cannot handle. They show, for instance, that both dry sequences and strong rainfall sequences are associated with singular 500-hPa geopotential shapes acting as local attractors—a way of explaining the change in rainfall CDFs in a changing climate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 2405-2417 ◽  
Anura P. Jayasumana ◽  
Randy Paffenroth ◽  
Gunjan Mahindre ◽  
Sridhar Ramasamy ◽  
Kelum Gajamannage

Kranthi Kumar. K ◽  
R. Rindha Reddy ◽  
Kurumaddali Sushmitha

Cloud Computing (CC) is the advancement of the Grid Computing (GC) worldview in the direction of administration arranged structures. The phrasing connected to this sort of handling, while portraying shared resources, alludes to the idea of Service of X. Such assets are accessible on interest and at an altogether low cost contrasted with self-conveyance of individual segments. CC is found everywhere in current situations, from vast scale associations to a just little scale business, everybody is equipping themselves cloud. Due to its effortlessness, observing and support over remote association, expansive territory inclusion. Cloud can be any sort Software as an administration, stage as an administration, foundation as an administration dependent on its use. High Performance Computing (HIPECO) implies the accumulation of computational capacity to build the capacity of handling substantial issues in science, designing, and business. HIPECO on the cloud permits performing on interest HIPECO errands by superior clusters in a cloud atmosphere. Currently, CC arrangements (e.g., Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2) enable the users to make use of only the fundamental storage and computational utilities. They prevent the allowance of custom adjustments of the topology designs or parameters of the system. The associations structures of the nodes in HIPECO clusters ought to give a quick bury node correspondence. It is vital that adaptability is safeguarded also. In a foundation, as an administration, virtualization viably maps virtual machines to the physical machines. In spite of the fact that it is difficult, undertaking for hypervisor to choose fitting host to serve up and coming virtual machine is a must requirement. In this paper, our main aim is to examine different techniques/types of cluster topology mapping and their necessities in numerous Cloud situations to accomplish higher dependability along with adaptability of utilization which is executed inside Cloud resources (CR), HIPECO resource allocation (RA) on the cloud clusters and Cluster based designation procedure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (12) ◽  
pp. 9683-9686
Jatmiko Endro Suseno ◽  
Andreas Sitompul ◽  
Agus Setyawan ◽  
Isnain Gunadi ◽  
Priyono ◽  

Zhi Liu ◽  
Mianxiong Dong ◽  
Susumu Ishihara ◽  
Cheng Zhang ◽  
Bo Gu ◽  

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