cereal fields
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 1074
Maia Azpiazu-Muniozguren ◽  
Alba Perez ◽  
Aitor Rementeria ◽  
Irati Martinez-Malaxetxebarria ◽  
Rodrigo Alonso ◽  

The Añana Salt Valley in Spain is an active continental solar saltern formed 220 million years ago. To date, no fungal genomic studies of continental salterns have been published, although DNA metabarcoding has recently expanded researchers’ ability to study microbial community structures. Accordingly, the aim of this present study was to evaluate fungal diversity using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) metabarcoding at different locations along the saltern (springs, ponds, and groundwater) to describe the fungal community of this saline environment. A total of 380 fungal genera were detected. The ubiquity of Saccharomyces was observed in the saltern, although other halotolerant and halophilic fungi like Wallemia, Cladosporium, and Trimmatostroma were also detected. Most of the fungi observed in the saltern were saprotrophs. The fungal distribution appeared to be influenced by surrounding conditions, such as the plant and soil contact, cereal fields, and vineyards of this agricultural region.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 2442
Rouzbeh Zangoueinejad ◽  
Behnaz Sirooeinejad ◽  
Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim ◽  
Ali Ahsan Bajwa

One of the most widely used auxinic herbicides in southern Iran’s cereal crop fields is 2,4-D; however, the concurrent growing season of off-season melons in this region potentially leads to herbicide drift from cereal fields to the melon fields. To study the response of some Iranian wild melon accessions to three simulated drift rates of 2,4-D, including 112.1, 11.2, and 3.7 g ae ha−1, a field experiment was conducted during 2019 and 2020 growing seasons. It was found that by increasing the herbicide rate from 3.7 to 112.1 g ae ha−1, the level of visual injury increased in all accessions. However, significant variation in herbicide tolerance was observed among different melon accessions. The MEL-R1 was the most tolerant accession with only 20% injury, while MEL-D8 displayed very high injury rate (ca. 90%) as assessed at 6 weeks after treatment during 2019. The accession MEL-S3 was the most tolerant to 2,4-D drift rates (20% injury) at 6 weeks after treatment during 2020. There was no significant difference between the accessions MEL-R1 and MEL-S3 in terms of their response to 2,4-D treatment during both years of the study, as these accessions fully recovered from injury over 6 weeks after herbicide treatment. In addition, only these two accessions were able to produce yield after the application of 2,4-D at the highest rate tested (112.1 g ae ha−1). Therefore, the melon accessions MEL-R1 and MEL-S3 could be recommended for cultivation and even for breeding programs in order to develop 2,4-D-tolerant commercial cultivars in regions where this herbicide is commonly used in cereal crop production adjacent to the melon fields.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 2350
Fatemeh Benakashani ◽  
Jose L. Gonzalez-Andujar ◽  
Elias Soltani

Herbicide resistance can affect seed germination and the optimal conditions required for seed germination, which in turn may impose a fitness cost in resistant populations. Winter wild oat [Avena sterilis L. ssp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Gillet and Magne] is a serious weed in cereal fields. In this study, the molecular basis of resistance to an ACCase herbicide, clodinafop-propargyl, in four A. ludoviciana biotypes was assessed. Germination differences between susceptible (S) and ACCase-resistant biotypes (WR1, WR2, WR3, WR4) and the effect of Isoleucine-1781-Leucine mutation on germination were also investigated through germination models. The results indicated that WR1 and WR4 were very highly resistant (RI > 214.22) to clodinafop-propargyl-contained Isoleucine to Leucine amino acid substitution. However, Isoleucine-1781-Leucine mutation was not detected in other very highly resistant biotypes. Germination studies indicated that resistant biotypes (in particular WR1 and WR4) had higher base water potentials than the susceptible one. This shows that resistant biotypes need more soil water to initiate their germination. However, the hydrotime constant for germination was higher in resistant biotypes than in the susceptible one in most cases, showing faster germination in susceptible biotypes. ACCase-resistant biotypes containing the Isoleucine-1781-Leucine mutation had lower seed weight but used more seed reserve to produce seedlings. Hence, integrated management practices such as stale seedbed and implementing it at the right time could be used to take advantage of the differential soil water requirement and relatively late germination characteristics of ACCase-resistant biotypes.

Britta Frei ◽  
Yasemin Guenay ◽  
David A. Bohan ◽  
Michael Traugott ◽  
Corinna Wallinger

2021 ◽  
Emna Ayari ◽  
Zeineb Kassouk ◽  
Zohra Lili Chabaane ◽  
Nicolas Baghdadi ◽  
Safa Bousbih ◽  

2021 ◽  
Olef Koch ◽  
Pierre L. Ibisch ◽  
Ralf Bloch

Abstract Applying a Regional Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (RIVAS), this study aims to identify local farming system characteristics, their climate change vulnerability and how they are affected by current land use changes. Results show that the assessed farming systems' multifunctionality is essential to rural livelihoods whilst sustaining crop and tree diversity. While dry season crop diversity drives household's sufficiency and capacity to respond to crop failure, medium-low productivity in more than a third of the assessed systems, and soil degradation in cereal fields lessen adaptive capacity. For their contribution to climate resilience diverse and perennial cropping regimes should be promoted and maintained.

2021 ◽  
Anna Edlinger ◽  
Gina Garland ◽  
Samiran Banerjee ◽  
Florine Degrune ◽  
Pablo García-Palacios ◽  

Abstract Phosphorus (P) acquisition is key for global food production. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) help plants acquire P and are considered key for the design of sustainable agroecosystems. However, how the functioning of AMF varies across agricultural soils and responds to management practices is still unknown. Here, we collected soils from 150 cereal fields and 60 non-cropped grassland sites across Europe, and in a greenhouse experiment, we tested the ability of AMF in these soils to forage for radioisotope-labelled 33P from a hyphal compartment. Hyphal-mediated P uptake was 64% higher in non-cropped grassland compared to cropland soils. Soil pH and organic carbon best explained the hyphal-mediated P uptake in the grasslands, while the use of fungicide in croplands reduced P uptake in the croplands by 43%. Our results suggest that land-use intensity and fungicide use are major deterrents to the natural capacity of AMF to contribute to sustainable crop production.

Brigitte Berger-Geiger ◽  
Georg Heine ◽  
Ajayrama Kumaraswamy ◽  
C. Giovanni Galizia

AbstractThe ground nesting raptor Montagu’s Harrier breeds in loose colonies in cereal fields in the Spanish Extremadura. It is unclear how and whether birds in different colonies interact and how harriers spend time before and after nesting, before starting migration. We used GPS–GSM tags deployed on ten females and three males, some over multiple seasons, to follow bird movements with unprecedented detail. Arriving from spring migration, all males and most females returned to their old nest site, and spent between 13 and 25 days in mate choice and local site inspection. During incubation and early nesting female movements were strongly reduced, but increased significantly during late nesting and post-fledging periods. After fledging or after breeding failure, females increased their flying radius. Some of them visited other colonies, for single days or for longer periods, or flew long distances within Spain. These visits might have included help in breeding attempts of other pairs (adoptions). Four out of six females returned to their own breeding site before starting migration. Several females repeatedly used common roosts in this phase. Non-breeding females were active in defending nests in the colony against predators. Females with successful brood initiated migration earlier and spent less time in Spain than non-breeders or those with predated nests. Unlike females, daily distances in males were more uniform. While all males remained in the breeding area for the entire season, their activity centres shifted more within that area than those of females.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 01-13
Chirine Amri

The present study treated the taxonomic diversity of the cereal leaf beetle (Oulema spp.) community subservient to several cereal fields (barley, durum wheat and oats) in Eastern Algeria. From April to June, which is the appearance period of these insects, the leaf beetle fauna was weekly sampled using two trapping techniques: entomological net and sight hunting method. Spatiotemporal alpha and beta diversity of this community were evaluated by several ecological indices: Shannon index, Simpson index and equitability. The multivariate statistic test (GLM) was used to assess the variation of the different diversity parameters. Catches totaled 1144 individuals belonging to the genus Oulema and four species: Oulema melanopus, Oulema cyanella, Oulema duftscmidi and Oulema gallaeciana. The highest abundance of the leaf beetles was recorded in oats with 569 individuals (49.73%), followed by barley (390 individuals, 34.09%) and durum wheat (185 individuals, 16.17%), whereas the most speciose field was barley (4 species), followed by oats (3 species) and durum wheat (2 species). The most abundant species was O. melanopus with 746 individuals (65.20% of the total). The spectrum of occurrence ranked constant species first, followed by common and very accidental species. GLMs demonstrated that diversity of cereal leaf beetles Oulema spp is highly related to cereal field type.

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