educational challenges
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 353-363
Raja Muhammad ◽  
Ashraf Ali* ◽  
Abdullah Alourani ◽  
Tribhuwan Kumar ◽  
Muhammad Shahbaz

<p style="text-align: justify;">The outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has shaken the world, forcing countries to implement a state of emergency, including the education system. Students have been forced to remain in hostels or houses since they cannot get to university campuses. As a result of this predicament, university authorities have no option but to implement an online learning environment. Specifically, Saudi universities have faced numerous difficulties in bringing the online learning systems to continue the educational process. On the other hand, students faced difficulties to cope with such circumstances (complete online learning) without any preparation or backup plan. According to the findings of the literature research, students experienced difficulties that were difficult to overcome. The aim of this study was to determine the challenges that first-year students of the University faced. The present research got a total of 234 valid responses from the participants. The findings indicate that respondents were not fully prepared in this situation in terms of physical, environmental, and psychological readiness, with some variances in viewpoints depending on their gender and age. Respondents expressed concern about the effect of lockdown on their ability to perform well academically. In this study, the researchers found that switching suddenly to an all-online alternative cause significant obstacles for students. It was determined that the present blended learning model, which utilizes online learning to support face-to-face instruction, has encountered a critical challenge when it comes towards replacing it, particularly with underprepared learners.</p>

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Ana Cebollero-Salinas ◽  
Jacobo Cano Escoriaza ◽  
Santos Orejudo Hernández

During adolescence, the Internet is mainly used for purposes of socialization. Non-verbal elements limit online communication, thus leading to widespread use of emotional resources. It would be preferable if virtual interaction did not reduce the quality of person-to-person contacts, particularly thanks to the adoption of netiquette (respectful treatment of others online). Phubbing, the tendency to check one’s mobile phone during a face-to-face conversation, has become a widespread practice that causes anxiety and can lead to social exclusion. Educating on this behavior could be related with emotional content and with netiquette. This study’s objectives are to analyze the extent to which the use of netiquette and online emotional content are associated with and can predict phubbing, taking gender differences into account. 935 adolescents (ages 12-17, 55,1% female) from 13 schools in the region of Aragon (Spain) responded to our questionnaire. Results are revealing: the level of online emotional content increases the level of phubbing; online emotional expression is the most influential risk factor in both genders; netiquette protects girls to a greater degree. We discuss the educational challenges posed by guaranteeing the responsible use of social networks.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-196
Akbar Tanjung Juraid ◽  
Oryza Pneumatica Inderasari ◽  
Khalifatul Syuhada

The problem studied in this study is the exploitation of children in the tradition of horse racing in the Dompu community. The purpose of this study is to find out the form of expolocitation of children who act as child jockeys in community traditions in Dompu Regency, knowing the implications of parental parenting on the choice of being a child jockey in Dompu regency and knowing the potential implementation of child protection based on Law No. 35 of 2014 on child jockeys. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection techniques used are methods of observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Analysis of data in this study in the form of narratives obtained during interview activities, as well as some documents related to research topics. Using the paradigm in social definition, with the theory used in this study is the social theory of Max Weber. The results of this study found that (1). A form of child exploitation that acts as a child jockey in the community tradition in Dompu Regency. Consisting of parental coercion, the risk of accidents of child jockeys, safety and health are threatened, educational challenges and an environment that is not conducive (2). Implications of parental parenting on the choice of being a child jockey in Dompu Regency. Consists of parenting models, family economic resources and hereditary habits (3). The potential  implementation of child protection under Law number 35 of 2014 on child jockeys. Consisting of a system of resusing and protecting the use of child jockeys, government regulations related to the use of children as child jockeys and horse racing are used as tourism promotion sectors of Dompu Regency, becoming a characteristic of the Dompu Regency area.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Weijia Yang ◽  
Citing Li ◽  
Xuesong Gao

Relational agency is pivotal for understanding how language teachers seek and utilize relational resources in different contexts and grow to be agents of change amid various educational challenges. This study explored how three university teachers of Chinese as a second language (CSL) enacted their relational agency to enhance their research capacity and sustain their professional development. Data on their personal network development was collected through concentric circle interviews, life-history interviews and written reflections over three months. Thematic analysis was adopted for iterative coding and interpretation of the data. The findings revealed that teachers’ personal networks provided them with value guidance, emotional support and academic support, which exerted differential levels of impact on them to make agentic choices and actions. The study suggests that personal network analysis may serve as a suitable theoretical lens to achieve a multi-layered understanding of relational agency. The study also calls for more efforts to create learning opportunities and spaces in the relational context for teachers to build their career as agentic academics in language teacher education and development programs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 34-52
Andromachi Nanou ◽  
Evaggelia Tsiomi ◽  
Andreas Oikonomou ◽  
Dimitris Karampatzakis

Educational Robotics in inclusive learning environments creates a wide area of research where innovative teaching practices and theoretical approaches are developed and investigated in order for the new growing educational challenges to be met. In this context, an educational intervention research was carried out using mixed research methodology. The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of the“SAS Strategy Training” a strategy that developed to foster the participation of children with autism, at level 2, in inclusive teamwork with peers during construction and programming LEGO Mindstorms. 2 children, 10-11 years old, diagnosed with autism, at level 2, participated in two inclusive educational robotics teams with typical peers. Τhe SaS Strategy has been integrated in the collaboration script that was designed to support the interaction between the team members during their collaboration on programming LEGO Mindstorms. The “SaS Strategy Training” had encouraging results in reducing the barriers of the participation of the children with autism in teamwork with their typical peers. Critical questions, reflections and new research horizons emerged. 

Radiographics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. E6-E8
Khaled M. Elsayes ◽  
Serageldin Kamel ◽  
Mindy X. Wang

Comunicar ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (70) ◽  
Noemí Serrano-Díaz ◽  
Estíbaliz Aragón-Mendizábal ◽  
Rosario Mérida-Serrano

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many countries to impose a strict lockdown policy on citizens during a prolonged period of time, which led to changes in lifestyle habits. This unprecedented situation has given rise to numerous studies aimed at determining the effects of the changes brought about by this widespread lockdown. One of the important changes was the digitisation of education and, therefore, teaching, which caused a forced and abrupt immersion in distance learning. In this study, a quantitative methodology based on an ex post facto research design was used with the aim of analysing the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the academic performance of schoolchildren (aged 3-12 years). A total of 529 parents completed an ad hoc questionnaire on the impact of COVID-19 on their children’s education in Spain. The results produced a robust model based on structural equations that explain 39.7% of the variance in academic performance at home. The family-school relationship was the variable with the greatest explanatory weight (?=.505; p<.05). In conclusion, the benefits derived from a strong relationship between families and schools, evidenced by the creation of cooperation and communication links, facilitate the management of shared educational challenges such as on-line education in times of crises. La situación generada por el obligado confinamiento a la sociedad por la COVID-19 ha llevado, en muchos países, a cambios en los hábitos de vida que han generado numerosos estudios para conocer los efectos de esta nueva situación social. Un importante cambio fue la digitalización del trabajo y, por ende, de la enseñanza, provocando la inmersión forzada en una educación escolar a distancia de una manera abrupta. Se realizó un estudio empleando metodología cuantitativa y basado en un diseño ex post facto, con el objetivo de analizar el impacto que ha tenido el confinamiento por COVID-19 en el desempeño de los escolares (de 3 a 12 años de edad). Un total de 529 participantes completaron el cuestionario CIEN (Cuestionario sobre el Impacto Educativo en la Infancia) sobre impacto educativo de la COVID-19 en sus hijas e hijos escolarizados en España. Los resultados arrojaron un modelo robusto basado en ecuaciones estructurales que explicó el 39,7% de la varianza en el desempeño escolar en casa, siendo la relación familia-escuela, la variable que reveló mayor peso explicativo (?=.505; p<.05). En conclusión, los beneficios derivados de una relación entre la familia y la escuela, patente en el establecimiento de lazos de comunicación y cooperación, facilitan el afrontamiento de retos educativos compartidos tales como la educación a distancia en tiempos de COVID-19.

2022 ◽  
pp. 472-487
Joaquim Dias Soeiro ◽  
Puteri Sofia Amirnuddin

The diversification of pedagogic tools remains essential for a fruitful learning experience among the Gen Z students by embedding technology such as gamification in learning. Recent literature has discussed the acquisition of 21st century skills and the educational challenges generally faced by Asian students due to their cultural traits. Against this background, the findings of this study open reflections relating to the benefit of gamification in acquiring 21st century skills. The objective of this chapter is to identify whether gamification is a suitable pedagogic tool among Malaysian law students in order to support the acquisition of 21st century skills. The respondents are from Year 1 and Year 2 of a three-year Bachelor of Laws degree with the majority being Malaysian students. The data collected showed that gamification helps in the acquisition of 21st century skills. Evidently, it showed that gamification can be a suitable alternative pedagogic tool to support the students to learn skills such as critical thinking, creativity, innovation, leadership, or communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 191-199
Giulia Gozzelino ◽  
Federica Matera

In a global context of children’s material and cultural deprivation, the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to redefine the human condition’s vulnerability, favoring the emergence of new forms of poverty and invisibility. Starting from the analysis of the consequences caused by the spread of the pandemic on children’s environment and fundamental development factors, the contribution focuses on the emerging educational challenges, to offer a pedagogical reflection on the possibilities of quality education at the time of emergency. The interviews – carried out as part of the Research Project Povertà educativa e Covid-19: linee di riflessione pedagogica e di advocacy per i minori – make possible to restore visibility and voice to the discomfort of mothers and children between zero and six years old, acting as a starting point for the development of some work’s lines for a reappropriation of relationality, awareness and corporeality, with a look at the children’s rights and at the society’s ethical and civil responsibility in their global protection.   Linee pedagogiche e sentieri di coscientizzazione per un’educazione di qualità al tempo della pandemia Covid-19.   In un contesto globale di forte deprivazione materiale e culturale dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza, la pandemia da Covid-19 ha contribuito a ridefinire i volti della vulnerabilità della condizione umana, favorendo l’emergere di nuove forme di povertà e di invisibilità. A partire dall’analisi delle conseguenze provocate dalla pandemia sugli ambienti e sui fattori di sviluppo fondamentali della minore età, il contributo si concentra sulle sfide educative emergenti, per offrire una riflessione pedagogica sulle possibilità di una relazione e di una educazione di qualità dentro il tempo dell’emergenza. Le interviste svolte nell’ambito del Progetto di Ricerca Povertà educativa e Covid-19: linee di riflessione pedagogica e di advocacy per i minori hanno consentito di restituire visibilità e parola al disagio delle mamme dei bambini tra gli zero e i sei anni, ponendosi come punto di partenza per lo sviluppo di alcune linee di lavoro per una riappropriazione della relazionalità, della consapevolezza e della corporeità, con uno sguardo ai diritti dei minori e alla responsabilità etica e civile della società tutta nella loro tutela globale. In un contesto globale di forte deprivazione materiale e culturale dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza, la pandemia da Covid-19 ha contribuito a ridefinire i volti della vulnerabilità della condizione umana, favorendo l’emergere di nuove forme di povertà e di invisibilità. A partire dall’analisi delle conseguenze provocate dalla diffusione della pandemia sugli ambienti e sui fattori di sviluppo fondamentali della minore età, il contributo si concentra sulle sfide educative emergenti, per offrire una riflessione pedagogica sulle possibilità di una relazione e di una educazione di qualità dentro il tempo dell’emergenza. Le interviste svolte nell’ambito del Progetto di Ricerca “Povertà educativa e Covid-19: linee di riflessione pedagogica e di advocacy per i minori” hanno consentito di restituire visibilità e parola al disagio delle mamme dei bambini tra gli zero e i sei anni, ponendosi come punto di partenza per lo sviluppo di alcune linee di lavoro per una riappropriazione della relazionalità, della consapevolezza e della corporeità, con uno sguardo ai diritti dei minori e alla responsabilità etica e civile della società tutta nella loro tutela globale.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Gerardo Gómez-García ◽  
Francisco-Javier Hinojo-Lucena ◽  
Francisco-Domingo Fernández-Martín ◽  
José-María Romero-Rodríguez

The irruption of information and communication technologies has brought about an abrupt change in the demands placed on future professionals. In this sense, in recent years, information competencies have gained importance in university education from a cross-cutting perspective, which advocates as its main purpose the training of young people in information search, evaluation, processing and communication skills, especially through a digital network. Based on this idea, the present work aims to develop the Information Competence Scale for Future Teachers (ICS-FT), in order to measure the level of self-perceived skills in this area. For this purpose, a work design is presented below concerning an empirical validation, divided into different phases: the validation of content, construct and reliability, which has taken as a pilot sample a total of 259 university students studying the degree of Primary Education. The results of the validation determined the optimal conditions of content, construct and reliability that allowed the application of this scale as a generic approach to determine the level of competence in the information skills of future teachers.

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