samanea saman
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-140
Zamharira Muslim ◽  
Heti Rais Khasanah ◽  
Yopita Sari

Trembesi plant (Samanea saman) is a plant that has the potential as traditional medicine. People in using medicinal plants often do not know the chemical content of these plants, so that in determining the amount of dosage, people only rely on experience and estimates. Research on the characterization of trembesi leaf simplicia has never been done. Research on the characterization of trembesi leaf simplicia has never been done. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of trembesi leaf simplicia including specific and non-specific characteristics. The research is carried out in the form of experiments in the laboratory. The sample used is trembesi leaves. The research stages started from discovery, making simplicia, extraction, specific and non-specific characteristics. In the phytochemical test, ethanol extract of trembesi leaves was used. Data analysis used is descriptive method. Specific results showed trembesi leaf simplicia has a coarse powder form, distinctive odor, tasteless, green in color, and on microscopic results of trembesi leaf simplicia powder there is starch, fragments in the form of epidermis, water soluble extract content 11.93%, ethanol soluble essence 18, 93% and contains flavonoids, tannins, steroids and saponins. The results of non-specific characteristics are 8.07% water content, 7.91% ash content and 0.29% acid insoluble ash content.     

2021 ◽  
Balaji Ayyanar Chninnappan ◽  
K. Marimuthu ◽  
C. Bharathiraj ◽  
B. Gayathri ◽  
S. K. Pradep Mohan

Abstract Samanea saman (SS) flower particulates were filled in Polylactic acid (PLA) composites were fabricated with different 0, 10, and 20 wt. % through the injection molding process. The elemental composition and morphology of SS PLA composites were studied through FESEM and Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis. Thermal stability of the SS PLA composites specimens was carried out through Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). Crystal orientations studied through X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) showed the presence of the orthorhombic SS particulates. The properties of the composites were investigated such as tensile strength, compressive strength, flexural strength, and Shore D Hardness. It was found that 20 wt. % of SS filled PLA composites has a superior tensile strength of 43.76 MPa, the compression strength of 37.94 MPa, the flexural strength of 72.47 MPa, and Shore D Hardness of 80.1 SHN than pure PLA. SS particulates-filled PLA composites would be used for low-strength applications.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1711
Lina Karlinasari ◽  
Ulfa Adzkia ◽  
Tiara Puspitasari ◽  
Dodi Nandika ◽  
Naresworo Nugroho ◽  

Rain tree (Samanea saman) is a dominant species commonly planted as a shade tree in urban landscapes in the tropics, including in Indonesia. This species is also targeted for routine inspection and monitoring within tree management systems. Management should particularly focus on tree health through assessment of tree growth conditions as well as tree stability. However, baseline information on the relationships of many key characteristics for the rain tree (e.g., growth, morphometrics, and biomechanics) is lacking. Therefore, an investigation was carried out to determine the relationship of morphometric parameters to tree growth, which included use of an acoustic tool to assess the elasticity of the tree stem. Fifty rain trees were selected for data collection and evaluated using stress wave velocity tools and visual morphometrics assessment. The results demonstrated that, in general, the trees had good vigor and stability. Statistical analysis showed a strong relationship between tree growth parameters and selected morphometric characteristics. The use of a nondestructive acoustic-based instrument enabled determining the modulus of elasticity, which provided equivalent results with the elasticity value obtained through a common method for determining tree stability. Only live crown ratio and tree slenderness parameters had a relationship with the dynamic modulus of elasticity. These results offer a means of measurement that is simpler, less expensive, and faster than current methods, although further testing is needed for different tree species and growth sites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 948 (1) ◽  
pp. 012015
S Wahyuningtias ◽  
A Mardiastuti ◽  
Y A Mulyani

Abstract Mistletoes are flowering plants in the Santalales order that parasitize the branches of trees and shrubs. The objective of this research was to reveal the diversity of mistletoe species and record their distribution within this study site. The study site was Dramaga Campus (240 ha), which consisted of a mosaic of tree plantation, experimental fields, buildings, and a housing complex. Field research was conducted in February-March 2021 by censusing all mistletoes, their distribution, and plant species parasitized by the mistletoes. There were 351 individual mistletoes found, consisted of 5 species: Dendrophthtoepentandra (55.2%), Viscum ovalifolium (32.3%), Scurrula atropurpurea (9.1%), Macrosolen chochinchinensis (2.8%), and Viscum articulatum (0.6%). These mistletoes were found mostly on branches or twigs (99.1%) and few on trunks (0.9%) of 49 tree species (25 families) having an average height of 14.9±4.2m, and diameter 34.11± 22.22cm. Tree species frequently parasitized were Falcataria moluccana (32.8%), followed by Samanea saman (12.5%), and Averrhoa carambola (7.7%). Most mistletoes were found in the open area (99.1%), including on trees between/among buildings and along roads/streets, mainly on the south and southeast part of the campus. The mistletoe attacked in this research location was included in the low category (79.4%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 918 (1) ◽  
pp. 012003
A Mardiastuti

Abstract In an urban residential complex, in addition to providing environmental services, trees also attract wild birds. The objective of this research was to identify trees planted in tropical urban residential areas that can attract wild birds. The research was conducted in Sentul City Residential Complex, Bogor, West Java, by observing wild birds that visit certain trees as part of their habitat components. Trees provide nectar, fruits, seeds, and insects as food for birds and nest materials. Trees also have important functions as birds’ cover and nesting sites. There were 103 tree species, all basically supporting the life of 51 bird species found in the study area. Examples of nectar producer trees were Spathodea campanulata, Callistemon citrinus, Erythrina crista-galli; fruit producers were Muntingia calabura, Syzygium polyanthum, Ficus benjamina; seeds producers were Leucaena leucocephala, Paraserianthes falcataria. Many trees also attracted insects for bird food, including Acacia mangium, Samanea saman. Conifers and small twigs and leaf petioles/rachis of many legumes, for example, Delonix regia, Calliandra calothyrsus) can be used as nest materials. Careful selection of trees could attract many wild birds to increase the environmental quality of the residential areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 918 (1) ◽  
pp. 012043
R Ashari ◽  
L Irmayanti ◽  
Peniwidiyanti ◽  
Nurhikmah ◽  
A Fatrawana

Abstract Greenspace has become an essential element in the built environment. As a crucial living component, trees in the green space need to be maintained to secure their longevity. In Ternate, information on the green space relating to species diversity, tree performance, and other environment variables is still lacking. One of the important green spaces in Ternate is Nukila Park. The purpose of the study was to describe the species diversity and the physical condition of trees in Nukila Park. Data was collected by recording all three species at the research site and observing their physical condition using visual tree assessment (VTA). Results showed that the tree species are dominated by Pterocarpus indicus, Samanea saman, and S wietenia macrophylla. Diversity index (Shannon Wiener, H’), evenness index (E), and Richness index (Margalef, R) were H’=1.92, E=0.69, and R=2.92, respectively. These values indicate that species diversity and evenness were moderate while species richness was low. The tree health showed that most of the trees (81%) were in good condition, while the rest (19%) were damaged caused by pests and diseases. The results could be used to formulate appropriate management of Nukila Park, such as pest and disease control and species enrichment to improve tree health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 918 (1) ◽  
pp. 012048
T Yunanto ◽  
F Amanah ◽  
I Z Siregar

Abstract Natural regeneration on mine reclamation can be an indicator of reclamation success. Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Samanea saman, Senna siamea, and Paraserianthes falcataria are mostly planted fast-growing species at the beginning of reclamation. Those species bind and enrich nitrogen to improve the natural regeneration of ex-mined land. This research aims to determine fast-growing species and the growth rate of natural regeneration development in the ex-mined site. The research was conducted in mine reclamation areas with different ages: 1 (125.14 ha), 4 (323.76 ha), 6 (199.44 ha), 9 (285.18 ha), and 11-year-old plantation (75.39 ha). The statistical analysis of Multivariate Analysis showed that biological species were mostly grouped with P. falcataria than E. cyclocarpum and S. siamea in the 11-year-old plantation area as well as in the 9-year-old plantation area. Most natural species were grouped with C. cyclocarpum rather than S. saman and S. siamea in a 6-year-old plantation area. In contrast, the biological species had no groups with E. cyclocarpum and S. siamea as fast-growing species in the 1-year-old plantation area. Generally, the most dominant planted fast-growing species were E. cyclocarpum (with the mean total number ± standard deviation, (35 ± 17.1)) and P. falcataria (28 ± 8.3). The number of natural regeneration species and individuals in areas dominated by P. falcataria (5 ± 1.7 and 25 ± 10.5) was greater than in areas with predominance of E. cyclocarpum (4 ± 2.6 and 11 ± 4.8). Thus, species selection is necessary to increase natural regeneration. However, further research is required to measure the tolerability of fast-growing species on other natural regeneration species.

Chumpholchai Phreyamittrachaiya ◽  
Suntorn Wittayakun

The objective of this study was to evaluate nutritive values and in sacco rumen degradability of pod and leaf meals, derived from raintree (Samanea saman), in comparison with a commercial dairy feed for decision making of smallholder dairy farmers for efficient management of local feed resources. Treatments were: raintree pod meal (RPM), raintree leaf meal (RLM), and commercial dairy feed (CDF). The experiment was assigned in a completely randomized design. The results indicated that RPM, RLM, and CDF had the same amount of crude protein (CP) content (P =.17), whereas RLM was the highest in neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents while CDF was the lowest in NDF and ADF (P =.001). Dry matter disappearances at various incubated times were the highest for RPM, followed by CDF, and RLM, respectively (P =.001). The rapidly soluble dry matter fraction (a) was the highest for RPM (P =.023), while the insoluble but fermentable fraction (b) was the highest for CDF (P =.001). The constant degradation rate of b (c) did not differ among treatments (P = .095). The potential degradability (PD) was the highest for CDF, compared with RPM, and RLM, respectively (P =.001). In contrast, the effective degradability (ED) parameters was the highest for RPM, followed by CDF and RLM, respectively (P =.001). Overall, this work demonstrated that RPM is more beneficial than RLM compared with CDF in nutritional values and degradability characteristics. Hence, RPM is recommended as an alternative local feed source for dairy cows raised by smallholder dairy farms in the tropics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-123
Fabian Andres Gutierrez-Oviedo ◽  
Jairo Pardo Guzmán ◽  
Román Castañeda Serrano

Colombian sheep production is carried out in extensive pastures with a low percentage of protein and high fiber levels that lead to low weight gains. The aim of this study was to evaluate intake, digestibility, rumen kinetics, and blood metabolites in hair lambs fed Samanea saman and Cordia dentata. Twelve hair lambs were distributed in an experimental 4x4 Latin square design, with four treatments and four experimental periods. Treatments were T1:100 % Dichanthium spp hay, T2: 80 % Dichanthium spp hay, 20 % S. saman, T3: 80 % Dichanthium spp hay, 20 % C. dentata, T4: 80 % Dichanthium spp hay, 10 % S. saman, and 10 % C. dentata. The highest nutrients intakes were obtained with diets containing tree foliage compared with the T1 diet (p< 0,05). In vivo and In vitro digestibility of DM, OM and, NDF of tree leaves diets showed higher values than the T1 diet (p<0,05). Digestible and metabolizable energy were similar between tree leaves diets (p<0,05). Blood urea nitrogen values were superior for animals fed the T2 diet (p<0,05). Degradability values at 96 hours were higher for the T2 diet (p<0,05). Potential degradability was superior for the T3 diet. The results of this study demonstrate that S. saman and C. dentata leaves improve nutrients intake and digestibility. Therefore, they can be an alternative for sheep in the tropical dry forest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-26

Four tree species Acacia nilotica, Samanea saman, Leucaena leucocephala, Tamarindus indica were collected from different wood vendors of Jhenidah district in Bangladesh to identify the potential fuelwood tree species through fuelwood properties. The calorific value and density of the wood considered as positive characteristics and high moisture and ash content as negative characteristics that helped develop a fuelwood value index (FVI). A 8×2×2 cmof three wood blocks were collected from each tree species in order to determine the fuelwood properties. The highest calorific value and wood density were found in Acacia nilotica and Tamarindus indica respectively but the ash content was found to be lowest in Leocoena leucocephala (1.09%) and highest in Tamarindus indica (2.21%). Moreover, the lignin content was the highest in the Acacia nilotica. According to FVI, the better quality of fuelwood species in descending order are Acacia nilotica˃ Leucaena leucocephala˃Tamarindus indica ˃Samanea saman. This study also revealed the significant negative correlation between FVI and ash content.

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