equation of time
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Liping Li ◽  
Shishan Zeng

In order to deal with the problems of low detection accuracy and efficiency existing in traditional detection methods of body behavior characteristics in sports training, this paper proposes a new detection method of body behavior characteristics in sports training based on the grey correlation model. According to this method, the foreground binary image is obtained by the interframe difference method, and the action information and contour information are extracted, firstly. And then, the behavior feature descriptor is obtained. After the description of body behavior characteristics in sports training is completed, the grey correlation coefficient is calculated, and the complete observation equation of time delay estimation of image grey value under complex sports training background is established to complete the detection of body behavior characteristics. The experimental results show that, compared with the traditional methods, the detection accuracy and efficiency of the text method can always maintain a high level, indicating that the practical application performance of this method is strong. In fact, the grey analysis does not attempt to find the best solution but does provide techniques for determining a good solution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-148
Raizza Kinka Intifada ◽  
Ahmad Izzuddin

Praying (Shalat) is a fundamental ritual for moslem. Moslem must have deep understanding about praying time in doing Shalat. In this era, many astronomy and falak scholars make a guideline or formula of an algorithm of the beginning of praying time calculation. One of them is a physic lecturer from Gajah Mada University who concern about calculation, specifically about Islamic astronomy (Falak). He designs algorithm of the beginning of praying time schedule on his book “Mekanika Benda Langit (Celestial Mechanics)” and his personal blog to access the program of the beginning praying time calculation. This work is a kind qualitative research which use library research method. By using descriptive explanatory method, the author will scrutinize factor which differ the calculation of the beginning praying time by Rinto Anugraha that will be compared to the beginning of praying time by Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia. In this study, the authors analyzed that the solar declination data and the equation of time used were calculated manually by looking for initial data from Julian Day. The program presented in the early Rinto Anugraha prayer time algorithm based on modern astronomy is very friendly for the user. In the implication of hisab, Rinto Anugraha uses a constant sun height of -18 ° for the evening prayer time and -20 ° for the dawn prayer time.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 09-15
Anoud K. Fuqara ◽  
Amer D. Al-Oqali ◽  
Khaled I. Nawafleh

In this work, we apply the geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory to obtain solution of Hamiltonian systems in classical mechanics that are either compatible with two structures: the first structure plays a central role in the theory of time- dependent Hamiltonians, whilst the second is used to treat classical Hamiltonians including dissipation terms. It is proved that the generalization of problems from the calculus of variation methods in the nonstationary case can be obtained naturally in Hamilton-Jacobi formalism.

Riza Afrian Mustaqim

Penentuan waktu salat secara praktis merupakan kebutuhan primer dalam Islam. Jadwal waktu waktu salat sepanjang masa pernah menjadi alternatif acuan dalam mengawali awal waktu-waktu salat. Pasalnya hal tersebut dipandang cukup memberikan solusi dalam memulai dan mengakhiri salat. Disisi lain, keberadaan jadwal waktu salat sepanjang masa perlu dikaji kembali tingkat akurasinya. Data matahari yang selalu berbubah-ubah dalam setiap tahunnya menjadi salah satu faktor terjadinya perbedaan waktu dalam setiap tahunnya, sehingga hal ini akan bertentangan dengan jadwal waktu salat sepanjang masa yang mengacu kepada suatu data yang sama untuk sepanjang masa. Belum lagi koordinat lintang dan bujur tempat serta tinggi tempat yang besar kecil akan mempengaruhi hasil perhitungan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research) yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan relevansi dari jadwal waktu salat sepanjang masa, serta memberikan alternatif keberlakuannya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan tidak relevannya penggunaan jadwal waktu salat sepanjang masa ini, diantaranya: penggunaan lintang dan bujur tempat yang mengacu kepada satu titik dalam suatu daerah, penggunaan equation of time (perata waktu) dan deklinasi matahari rata-rata dan belum adanya standarisasi waktu ihtiyath.

Mathematics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 1283
Karel Van Bockstal

We study an initial-boundary value problem for a fractional wave equation of time distributed-order with a nonlinear source term. The coefficients of the second order differential operator are dependent on the spatial and time variables. We show the existence of a unique weak solution to the problem under low regularity assumptions on the data, which includes weakly singular solutions in the class of admissible problems. A similar result holds true for the fractional wave equation with Caputo fractional derivative.

Song Li ◽  
Yongmei Cheng ◽  
Huibin Wang ◽  
Shibo Gao

In multisensor systems, the signal processing delay, measurement acquisition delay, and other factors will lead to imprecisely time-stamped measurements, namely, the problem of time-offset. To deal with the measurement time offsets in distributed multisensor systems, a distributed multisensor multitarget tracking algorithm with time-offset registration is proposed. The local processors track multiple targets in the presence of false alarms and missed detections based on the joint probabilistic data association (JPDA) algorithm and the extended Kalman filter (EKF), providing the time-biased local tracks. In the global processor, in allusion to the global track accuracy degradation introduced by the time offsets of local tracks, the equivalent measurements are firstly constructed based on local tracks by using the inverse Kalman filter. The pseudo-measurement equation of time offset for constant velocity targets is derived and the pseudo-measurement calculation method is presented. Then, the pseudo-measurement based relative time-offset estimation algorithm is presented, by using the recursive least squares estimation (RLSE) and the Kalman filter (KF) to jointly estimate the state in space and time domains, respectively. Finally, a framework of distributed multisensor multitarget tracking with time-offset registration is presented, where the time-varying relative time-offset estimation and compensation, 'equivalent measurement to global track' association, and global track update are included. Simulations for multisensor multitarget tracking in the presence of false alarms and missed detections are conducted, demonstrating that the present algorithm effectively improves the accuracy of fused global tracks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-88
Lutfi Nur Fadhilah Indraswati

This research discusses daily reckoning of the Qibla with rubu’ mujayyab. A special discussion about the shadows of the Qibla using rubu’ mujayyab also does not yet exist in the classic books that examine rubu’ mujayyab. The discussion only reaches the determination of the Qibla direction. The study employs library research that is descriptive comparative.The results of the study show first, that the daily qibla method of reckoning with rubu’ mujayyab can be categorized as classic reckoning because it uses data and calculating devices which are classified as classic tools. However, the theory and system of calculation is based on the modern astronomical formula using rubu’ mujayyab. The shadow calculation of this Qibla does not use the place longitude and the equation of time, so the result of the calculation is istiwa’ time. Secondly, the accuracy of the shadows of Qibla with rubu’ mujayyab when compared to contemporary reckoning methods using ephemeris data and scientific calculators shows a difference of 1-4 minutes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Mohamad Bayu Wibisono

Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi memacu suatu cara baru dalam kehidupan, khususnya dalam cara penentuan waktu baik untuk agenda pekerjaan, pendidikan, kesehatan, maupun membantu dalam menentuan waktu shalat.Di dalam agama Islam dikenal shalat sunnah atau shalat nawafil yang dianjurkan untuk dilaksanakan agar seseorang muslim berharap bertambahnya hikmah dan rahmat dari ALLAH SWT.Algoritma Jean Meeus adalah reduksi dari algoritma VSOP87 yang memiliki tingkat akurasi tinggi digunakan untuk menentukan posisi matahari yang berguna untuk menetukan waktu-waktu sholat yang tepat. Juga digunakan metode equation of time versi Algoritma Jean Meeus khusunya untuk menentukan waktu yang paling baik melaksanakan shalat sunnah.Dalam penulisan ini penjadwalan dikhususkan pada shalat sunnah dhuha dan shalat sunnah tahajud walaupun tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk shalat sunnah yang lain.

Nurul Farahin Zamrud ◽  
Mohd Yazid Abu ◽  
Nik Nurharyantie Nik Mohd Kamil ◽  
Filzah Lina Mohd Safeiee

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