optic neuritis treatment trial
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 728-730
I D Chaurasia ◽  
Yogita Chaurasia

To evaluate the visual and neurological outcomes of Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial (ONTT). 40 Patients presenting with optic neuritis were enrolled in this study to analyze the Visual and Neurological outcomes after treatment according to ONTT Protocol, with emphasis on signs of anaemia, protein calorie malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, generalized lymphadenopathy, sinusitis, septic foci. Patients were followed up for three subsequent visits to assess the rate of visual recovery.Maximum patient 35(87.5) treated according to ONTT protocol while 5 (12.5%) treated with oral steroids alone. Maximum 33 eyes (70.2%) attain BCVA > 6/36 after 1st follow-up (with in 1 month) while 10(21.3%) eyes attain BCVA of 6/6 after 1st follow-up. 11 eyes (25.6%) attain BCVA 6/6 after II follow-up. General prognosis for recovery of vision was good and was slightly worse in more severely affected cases in the present series. Pallor of the optic disc and defect of vision did not always correspond–3 eyes which showed temporal of the disc at the end of follow up had a final vision of 6/9 or better in each eye.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Padmini Dahanayake ◽  
Tharaka L. Dassanayake ◽  
Manoji Pathirage ◽  
Saman Senanayake ◽  
Mike Sedgwick ◽  

Abstract Background The combined corticosteroid regimen of the original Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial (ONTT) is used in many centers to treat optic neuritis. Though pattern reversal visual evoked potentials (PRVEPs) are a sensitive, standard measure of visual conduction in optic neuritis, no studies hitherto have investigated the effect of combined ONTT regimen on PRVEPs. We aimed to determine the effect of combined corticosteroid regimen of the ONTT on changes of PRVEPs in patients with first-episode optic neuritis over 3 months post-treatment. Methods This is a prospective, observational study in which 44 patients with optic neuritis were seen pre-treatment (baseline) and follow-up, at 1 month (FU1) and 3 months (FU2). Twenty-nine patients were treated with ONTT combined regimen (ONTT+ Group) while 15 were conservatively managed without corticosteroids (ONTT- Group). The median latency and amplitude values of the P100 PRVEP component and the visual acuity (i.e. LogMAR values) at pre-treatment, FU1 and FU2 were compared in the two groups using Friedman’s rank test and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. Results Median P100 latency improved significantly (to the normal range) as early as by 1 month after the commencement of treatment in the ONTT+ Group, and then remained significantly lower than the baseline over next 2 months. In the ONTT- Group, the median P100 latency improved more slowly over the two follow up assessments and reached the normal range by 3 months. Median visual acuity values also improved significantly at 1 and 3 months after the commencement of treatment in the ONTT+ Group but not in the ONTT- Group. Conclusion ONTT combined corticosteroid regimen improves conduction in the visual pathways of patients with first-episode optic neuritis earlier than does conservative management. We provide electrodiagnostic evidence that combined ONTT regimen–compared with conservative management–results in early remission of visual conduction abnormalities in first-episode optic neuritis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-51
Indra Tri Mahayana ◽  
Andreas Surya Anugrah ◽  
Ika Kartika ◽  
Natalia Christina Angsana ◽  
Tatang Talka Gani

Optic neuritis is characterized by decreased vision, impaired colour perception, relative afferent pupillary defects, and scotoma. Optic neuritis following dengue infection is rare and might be underdiagnosed. The pathophysiology of optic neuritis after dengue infection is still unclear and there are only a few reports. We report a case of bilateral simultaneous optic neuritis in a young female adult following dengue haemorrhagic fever. On presentation, she complained of blurred vision, pain around the eyes, central scotoma, and progressively worsening visual acuity to no perception of light in both eyes. The next day, laboratory examination showed leucopoenia (6.74 [4.5–11.5 103/μL]) and lymphocytosis (52.7 [18–42%]), suggesting viral infection with positive anti-dengue IgM and IgG. The patient received intravenous pulse steroid therapy according to the Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial. At 3 months follow-up, best corrected visual acuity improved to 6/6, with pale optic discs but normal perimetry. Although complications of dengue fever in the eye are rare, early recognition must be established to prevent permanent vision loss.

2020 ◽  
pp. 089033442097049
Johnson Jeslin ◽  
C. Seetharaman ◽  
Virna M. Shah

Background Optic neuritis is a rare condition that can lead to sudden blindness and also could be a precursor to multiple sclerosis. When it occurs postpartum during lactation, it is called lactation optic neuritis. Main issue We present four cases of optic neuritis in lactating mothers, two of which had additional features of demyelinating disease upon neurological imaging. Management All participants were treated with high dose intravenous steroids followed by 11 days of oral steroids, per the optic neuritis treatment trial, which led to complete recovery of vision. Two participants with demyelinating disease on magnetic resonance imaging scans were advised to wean, because of a need for immunosuppressive therapy later. Conclusion Optic neuritis during lactation should be suspected following acute loss of vision. Prompt referral to an ophthalmologist is mandated for early diagnosis and treatment to prevent long-term co-morbidities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-79
Okta Della Susmitha ◽  
Muhammad Yusran

Pendahulan: Neuritis Optik (ON) didefinisikan sebagai inflamasi pada saraf optik, yang sebagian besar idiopatik. Namun dapat dikaitkan dengan penyebab lain seperti lesi demielinasi, gangguan autoimun, infeksi dan inflamasi. Dari semua ini, multiple sclerosis (MS) adalah penyebab paling umum dari demielinasi ON. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui diagnosis dan tatalaksana neuritis optik demielinasi. Metode: Artikel ini dibuat dengan metode literature review, melibatkan 29 pustaka baik buku dan jurnal nasional atau internasional. Hasil: ON terjadi karena proses inflamasi yang mengarah pada aktivasi sel-T yang dapat melewati sawar darah otak dan menyebabkan reaksi hipersensitivitas terhadap struktur saraf. Mekanisme pastinya belum diketahui. Diagnosis klinis ON terdiri dari tiga gejala klasik yaitu kehilangan penglihatan, nyeri periokular dan dischromatopsia. Hal ini membutuhkan pemeriksaan oftalmik, neurologis dan sistemik yang cermat untuk membedakan antara ON spesifik dan tidak. Diagnosis banding diperlukan untuk membuat rencana tatalaksana yang tepat. Pembahasan: Menurut Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial (ONTT), pengobatan pertama adalah metilprednisolon intravena dengan pemulihan yang lebih cepat dan lebih sedikit kemungkinan kasus relaps dan konversi ke MS. Namun prednisolon oral saja dikontraindikasikan karena peningkatan risiko relaps. Controlled High-Risk Subjects Avonex® Multiple Sclerosis Prevention Study (CHAMPS) dan Early Treatment of MS study (ETOMS) dan telah melaporkan bahwa pengobatan dengan interferon β-1a, dengan hasil pengurangan risiko karakteristik MS dari MRI. Sensitivitas kontras, penglihatan warna dan bidang visual adalah parameter yang sebagian besar tetap terganggu bahkan setelah pemulihan ketajaman visual yang baik. Simpulan: Tatalaksana pada neuritis optik demielinasi dominan diberikan steroid dan interferon β-1a.   Kata kunci: demielinasi, multipel skeloris, neuritis optik, tatalaksana  

Alan D. Penman ◽  
Kimberly W. Crowder ◽  
William M. Watkins

The Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial (ONTT) was a randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial in patients with a history consistent with acute unilateral optic neuritis to determine whether treatment with either oral prednisone or intravenous methylprednisolone speeded the recovery of vision and improve visual outcome. The study found that intravenous methylprednisolone (started within eight days of symptom onset) followed by oral prednisone speeded the recovery of visual loss due to optic neuritis and resulted in slightly better vision at six months. Oral prednisone alone, however, was an ineffective treatment and may increase the risk of new episodes of optic neuritis.

Ophthalmology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 127 (4) ◽  
pp. S172-S173
Nancy J. Newman

2019 ◽  
pp. 3-8
Matthew J. Thurtell ◽  
Robert L. Tomsak

Optic neuritis is the most frequent cause of acute-onset optic neuropathy in young adults and is often encountered in clinical practice. In this chapter, we begin by reviewing the cardinal signs of optic neuropathy. We review the clinical characteristics and workup of optic neuritis. We review factors that increase the risk for developing multiple sclerosis. We discuss atypical clinical and imaging findings that should prompt further evaluation for other causes of optic neuritis, such as neuromyelitis optica. Lastly, we discuss the management options for optic neuritis, with reference to the findings from the Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial, and the prognosis for visual recovery.

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