ship security
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (166) ◽  
pp. 204-210
O. Melnyk ◽  
S. Onyshchenko ◽  
O. Lohinov ◽  
V. Okulov ◽  
I. Pulyaev

Maritime security in recent decades has always been a separate issue, one that has been acute for both shipowners and crews of seagoing vessels. It has been marked by periods of relative stability and periods of emerging and growing threats, from the days of the sailing fleet to the era of ironclad steam shipbuilding. Certainly, it is difficult to overestimate the significant role of the scientific community, which has long investigated this problem, revealing its theoretical and practical sides. The professional experience of maritime industry specialists has also sufficiently served to ensure that systematic interest in the issue has provided the basis for the development of strategies and integrated approaches that ensure the safety of vessels and crews at modern levels. Without the latest advances in maritime safety, shipping, as an industry, would not be able to achieve the current level of reliability in ensuring shipboard processes. Every generation of mankind has prioritized maritime safety, contributing to improving its standards and stressing the importance of continuous development of the theoretical framework. At least more than twenty million tons of cargo and more than five hundred thousand passengers move daily by water transport, so the concept of maritime safety extends not only to the safety of life at sea, the safety of vessels and the safety of cargo, but also to the prevention of maritime accidents and pollution. The increasing share of maritime and river transport in international freight and passenger traffic has led to the need for increased maritime safety requirements due to the technical upgrading of maritime transport. This process is based on the principles of current control over the process of vessel operation and prompt acquisition of necessary data and relevant information during the voyage, anticipated route and control over the state of work parameters of technical means of the vessel, but the key aspect of safety is assessment of existing threats and development of ways and methods of ensuring vessel safety.

2021 ◽  
Vol 93 (7s) ◽  
pp. 197-207
Albert Grapa ◽  
Edgar Lemoncito ◽  

This study focused on the cadets’ perception of the level of implementation of maritime security in coastwise trade in selected ports of Western Visayas, Philippines, based on the ISPS Code requirements applicable onboard vessels and in port. This study aims to: (1) Determine the level of implementation of domestic companies in terms of the ship security plan or certificate, security drills, control of visitors on board, identification of restricted areas onboard, and security equipment used; (2) Identify the challenges that domestic vessels experience in the implementation of these procedures; and (3) Find out how the cadets are engaged in the process of implementing the requirements in terms of security drills and control of visitors on board and the roles they are tasked to perform. A research-made instrument designed for cadets was used to gather the data. The results revealed that domestic companies’ implementation is heightened during MARSEC Level 2, which happens when there is a heightened level and when security risk has become visible to security personnel. The greatest challenge as perceived by the cadets was specifically on technology advancement, which affects the security and equipment of the domestic vessels. The cadets are engaged in implementing the ISPS code on security drills and control of visitors on board by performing the roles assigned to them by their senior officers. Based on this study’s results, it is recommended that emphasis must be given on topics in maritime security for the students to be equipped with this knowledge during their cadetship program. Training centers may enhance the maritime security training’s effectiveness to include Seafarers with Designated Security Duties, Security Awareness Training, and Ship Security Assessment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 93 (7s) ◽  
pp. 185-196
Stoyno Stoynov ◽  
Borislav Nikolov ◽  

Daily cyber-attacks on ships’ IT and OT systems are not a rare occurrence anymore. This has been taken into account in recent years and the IMO has issued directives and circulars with recommendations for increasing the cybersecurity of ship information systems as part of the overall ship security system. The effect of a successful cyber-attack of any kind, on elements of the ship’s IT and OT systems, can have a disastrous impact not only on the ship itself but also on the environment. While modern ships can be designed and all modern methods implemented to reduce and prevent the possibility of cyber-attacks onboard existing ships, it is not possible to achieve this security level and it is necessary to implement various solutions. At the same time, the ships’ crew is declining worldwide and most ships do not have IT officers or trained staff onboard to maintain the ship’s information systems. Because of that, the solutions that need to be put in place to increase the security of ship’s information systems must be easy to implement, use, and maintain. This article examines the need and some technical solutions that can be used to improve the cybersecurity of ship’s IT and OT systems in response to the existing cyber-attacks and threats in the global shipping and maritime industry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Ayu Kusuma Wardani

Ministerial Regulation Number 134 of 2016 is a form of ratification of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code 2002 (ISPS Code, 2002), the objective of which is to establish a consistent standard framework for evaluating risk and enabling the government to compensate for changes in threats through measures appropriate safety measures. In its development, there are several regulations related to implementing the 2002 ISPS Code in Indonesia. These regulations were formed by adjusting the standard regulations in the 2002 ISPS Code with the safety conditions of ships and ports in Indonesia. The problem is, Indonesia has several large ports that operate as international ports in international trade.   The type of research used is normative legal research sourced from primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials whose data collection is carried out by literature study. The results of the study show two things: (1) Maritime security arrangements relating to shipping safety standards and port facilities in the 2002 ISPS Code are divided into two parts, namely part A (Part A) containing systematic arrangements and implementation of the ISPS Code for signatory countries including and Definition, Purpose, Scope of Ship Safety Standards and Port facilities and ISPS Code Compliance Procedure. And part B (Part B) contains further explanation about part A including Determination of Security Level, Implementation of Ship Security, Implementation of Port Facility, and Information and Communication Security. (2) The implementation of the maritime security regulation related to security standards ships and port facilities in the ISPS Code in 2002 in Indonesia contained in via Law No. 17 the Year 2008 on the voyage, Ministerial Regulation Number 134 the Year 2016 concerning Management of Ship Safety and Port Facilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 326 ◽  
pp. 00002
Larisa Pershina ◽  
Liudmila Astreina

The tonnage capacity of the Suez Canal has almost doubled since its reconstruction. The risk analysis of oil and oil products transportation is carried out in the paper, considering this factor from the Persian Gulf to America, and in order to reveal the economic efficiency of the existing recommended routes. According to the research outcomes and calculations, it is proved that the most expensive path is the route through the Suez Canal. It can be profitable on a short haul for transportation to the countries of the Mediterranean Basin and Western Europe due to the low tariff plan for small vessels of the LRl, MR, Handymax, Handysize classes and doubling the freight by reducing the transit time over short distances. An analysis of the probable routes from the Persian Gulf to North America through the Suez Canal and bypassing Africa is carried out in the paper. The economic effect calculation of oil transportation is conducted using the example of the Sea Vigor tanker of the Suezmax class through the Suez Canal and the Cape of Good Hope, considering the distance, the cost of escorting ships through the Suez Canal, the risk assessment and cost of ship security services, the calculation of wind-wave losses of routes bypassing the African continent. Besides, the conclusions and recommendations are formulated in the paper.

2020 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 324-328
Takeshi Yokoi

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 305 ◽  
Yongjing Wang ◽  
Yi Wang ◽  
Xiaoliang Feng

In this work, the ship relative integrated navigation approaches are studied for the navigation scenarios with the measurements disturbed by unknown statistical property noises and with the injected fault measurement attacks. On the basis of the limited energy property of system noises, the navigation states are estimated by the local finite horizon H∞ filter to satisfy the performance index function. Then, the local estimates are fused in the relative integrated navigation system with the weight fusion parameters obtained by using the local estimate error measurements. Further, the injected fault measurement attacks are considered in the relative integrated navigation systems. Due to the system noises and the measurement noises having unknown statistical property, the classical Chi-square test can hardly be utilized to detect the injected fault measurements. Therefore, a secure relative integrated navigation method is proposed with a distance-based clustering detector. The finial simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed relative integrated navigation approach and the proposed secure relative integrated navigation approach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. p1
Wahab Ali ◽  
Ruveni Tuimavana

Land tenure is an important variable impacting the vulnerability of people staying on leased land the world over. Land tenure-ship security is widespread in countries where the land is owned by the state or traditional people. The problem in securing a tenured land manifests itself in a number of ways that accentuate environmental and socio-economic impacts. Mounting evidence of reduced tenure security shows that affected communities are often unable to evolve equitably and enjoy long term economic stability. In the Fijian context, many displaced Fijians have moved on and settled in the periphery of towns and cities thus changing the socio-economic equilibrium of the environment. A qualitative study using a case study research design was undertaken to establish the perceptions of a group of sugar cane farmers who had become victims of non- renewal of their land leases in 2002. Findings reveal that expiry and non-renewal of land leases leads to social, economical, cultural, political and even psychological and emotional consequences on internally displaced people. The article outlines the pain and agony of the displaced farmers and how they have made integral adjustments to cope with the challenges of resettling in new environments. Having faced the adversities of extradition and then resettling, the dilemmas of ensuing nomadic journeys present a more daunting unfolding for many - only that they have realized it as a fact of life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2(475) ◽  
pp. 3-7
Oleh Yu. Nesterov ◽  
Serhii P. Yatsenko

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