sph algorithm
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Jiahe Zhang ◽  
Jian Wang ◽  
Tian Wang

An improved water–soil coupling algorithm was proposed based on the two-phase mixture theory within the framework of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). In this algorithm, the buoyant density was considered in saturated soil and the stress of two phases was completely exfoliated with the Terzaghi’s effective stress principle. Then the interaction between water and soil was only constituted by viscous drag force. The proposed algorithm was validated by several numerical tests to effectively solve a series of numerical problems caused by the truncation of the kernel approximation on the interface between submerged soil and water, and it can also be a feasible measure to simulate underwater soil excavation problems without drainage and underwater landside problems. Meanwhile, combined with frictional sliding contact algorithm, the interaction between water/soil and structure which was considered as rigid can be effectively modeled, and the calculated contact forces acting on the structure are more accurate. Furthermore, this improved algorithm can be applied to deal with large deformation problems involving complex water–soil–structure interaction in hydraulic and geotechnical engineering such as underwater excavation, shield dig, caisson sinking and other practical engineering problems. It is also significant to engineering design and the improvement of construction level.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (17) ◽  
pp. 2432
Rubén Antona ◽  
Renato Vacondio ◽  
Diego Avesani ◽  
Maurizio Righetti ◽  
Massimiliano Renzi

This paper studies the convergence properties of an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) Riemann-based SPH algorithm in conjunction with a Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) high-order spatial reconstruction, in the framework of the DualSPHysics open-source code. A convergence analysis is carried out for Lagrangian and Eulerian simulations and the numerical results demonstrate that, in absence of particle disorder, the overall convergence of the scheme is close to the one guaranteed by the WENO spatial reconstruction. Moreover, an alternative method for the WENO spatial reconstruction is introduced which guarantees a speed-up of 3.5, in comparison with the classical Moving Least-Squares (MLS) approach.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 2276
Zili Dai ◽  
Jinwei Xie ◽  
Shiwei Qin ◽  
Shuyang Chen

Submarine debris flows and their generated waves are common disasters in Nature that may destroy offshore infrastructure and cause fatalities. As the propagation of submarine debris flows is complex, involving granular material sliding and wave generation, it is difficult to simulate the process using conventional numerical models. In this study, a numerical model based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) algorithm is proposed to simulate the propagation of submarine debris flow and predict its generated waves. This model contains the Bingham fluid model for granular material, the Newtonian fluid model for the ambient water, and a multiphase granular flow algorithm. Moreover, a boundary treatment technique is applied to consider the repulsive force from the solid boundary. Underwater rigid block slide and underwater sand flow were simulated as numerical examples to verify the proposed SPH model. The computed wave profiles were compared with the observed results recorded in references. The good agreement between the numerical results and experimental data indicates the stability and accuracy of the proposed SPH model.

Pravin Jagtap ◽  
Rupesh Nasre ◽  
V. S. Sanapala ◽  
B. S. V. Patnaik

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is fast emerging as a practically useful computational simulation tool for a wide variety of engineering problems. SPH is also gaining popularity as the back bone for fast and realistic animations in graphics and video games. The Lagrangian and mesh-free nature of the method facilitates fast and accurate simulation of material deformation, interface capture, etc. Typically, particle-based methods would necessitate particle search and locate algorithms to be implemented efficiently, as continuous creation of neighbor particle lists is a computationally expensive step. Hence, it is advantageous to implement SPH, on modern multi-core platforms with the help of High-Performance Computing (HPC) tools. In this work, the computational performance of an SPH algorithm is assessed on multi-core Central Processing Unit (CPU) as well as massively parallel General Purpose Graphical Processing Units (GP-GPU). Parallelizing SPH faces several challenges such as, scalability of the neighbor search process, force calculations, minimizing thread divergence, achieving coalesced memory access patterns, balancing workload, ensuring optimum use of computational resources, etc. While addressing some of these challenges, detailed analysis of performance metrics such as speedup, global load efficiency, global store efficiency, warp execution efficiency, occupancy, etc. is evaluated. The OpenMP and Compute Unified Device Architecture[Formula: see text] parallel programming models have been used for parallel computing on Intel Xeon[Formula: see text] E5-[Formula: see text] multi-core CPU and NVIDIA Quadro M[Formula: see text] and NVIDIA Tesla p[Formula: see text] massively parallel GPU architectures. Standard benchmark problems from the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) literature are chosen for the validation. The key concern of how to identify a suitable architecture for mesh-less methods which essentially require heavy workload of neighbor search and evaluation of local force fields from neighbor interactions is addressed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-11
Mohammad Kashfi ◽  
Parisa Fakhri ◽  
Ataollah Ghavamian ◽  
Payam Pourrabia ◽  
Fatemeh Salehi Ghalesefid ◽  

Background. Glass ceramic materials have multiple applications in various prosthetic fields. Despite the many advantages of these materials, they still have limitations such as fragility and surface machining and ease of repairing. Crack propagation has been a typical concern in fullceramic crowns, for which many successful numerical simulations have been carried out using the extended finite element method (XFEM). However, XFEM cannot correctly predict a primary crack growth direction under dynamic loading on the implant crown. Methods. In this work, the dental implant crown and abutment were modeled in CATIA V5R19 software using a CT-scan technique based on the human first molar. The crown was approximated with 39514 spherical particles to reach a reasonable convergence in the results. In the present work, glass ceramic was considered the crown material on a titanium abutment. The simulation was performed for an impactor with an initial velocity of 25 m/s in the implant-abutment axis direction. We took advantage of smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) such that the burden of defining a primary crack growth direction was suppressed. Results. The simulation results demonstrated that the micro-crack onset due to the impact wave in the ceramic crown first began from the crown incisal edge and then extended to the margin due to increased stress concentration near the contact region. At 23.36 µs, the crack growth was observed in two different directions based on the crown geometry, and at the end of the simulation, some micro-cracks were also initiated from the crown margin. Moreover, the results showed that the SPH algorithm could be considered an alternative robust tool to predict crack propagation in brittle materials, particularly for the implant crown under dynamic loading. Conclusion. The main achievement of the present study was that the SPH algorithm is a helpful tool to predict the crack growth pattern in brittle materials, especially for ceramic crowns under dynamic loading. The predicted crack direction showed that the initial crack was divided into two branches after its impact, leading to the crown fracture. The micro-crack initiated from the crown incisal edge and then extended to the crown margin due to the stress concentration near the contact area.

Kenny W. Q. Low ◽  
Chun Hean Lee ◽  
Antonio J. Gil ◽  
Jibran Haider ◽  
Javier Bonet

AbstractThis paper presents a new Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics computational framework for the solution of inviscid free surface flow problems. The formulation is based on the Total Lagrangian description of a system of first-order conservation laws written in terms of the linear momentum and the Jacobian of the deformation. One of the aims of this paper is to explore the use of Total Lagrangian description in the case of large deformations but without topological changes. In this case, the evaluation of spatial integrals is carried out with respect to the initial undeformed configuration, yielding an extremely efficient formulation where the need for continuous particle neighbouring search is completely circumvented. To guarantee stability from the SPH discretisation point of view, consistently derived Riemann-based numerical dissipation is suitably introduced where global numerical entropy production is demonstrated via a novel technique in terms of the time rate of the Hamiltonian of the system. Since the kernel derivatives presented in this work are fixed in the reference configuration, the non-physical clumping mechanism is completely removed. To fulfil conservation of the global angular momentum, a posteriori (least-squares) projection procedure is introduced. Finally, a wide spectrum of dedicated prototype problems is thoroughly examined. Through these tests, the SPH methodology overcomes by construction a number of persistent numerical drawbacks (e.g. hour-glassing, pressure instability, global conservation and/or completeness issues) commonly found in SPH literature, without resorting to the use of any ad-hoc user-defined artificial stabilisation parameters. Crucially, the overall SPH algorithm yields equal second order of convergence for both velocities and pressure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Liang Li ◽  
Ming Zhai ◽  
Xianzhang Ling ◽  
Xuesong Chu ◽  
Bin Hu ◽  

The occurrence of multiple critical slip surfaces with equal importance in rehabilitating and reinforcing slopes has been frequently observed in geotechnical engineering practices. The simultaneous determination of these potential slip surfaces is, however, not trivial. This paper presents a methodology based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) approach, which can simultaneously determine multiple failure slip surfaces and the debris flow process without previous knowledge or trial-and-error processes, and this methodology is validated against a slope with the presence of multiple critical slip surfaces. The proposed methodology serves as an efficient and effective alternative approach to traditional approaches, which involve cumbersome treatments performed by engineers based on their subjective experiences. The multiple sources of failure slip surfaces in slope stability are equivalent to multiple sources of initiation of slope failure, and it is found that SPH can provide a direct and systematic tool for identifying multiple failure slip surfaces. However, some minor potential problems are also found with the use of the SPH method in actual applications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 1643 ◽  
Jin Gao ◽  
Junxiong Zhang ◽  
Fan Zhang ◽  
Zeyu Hou ◽  
Yihao Zhai ◽  

Studying the movement law and influencing factors of fertilizer in soil and controlling fertilizer distribution can improve the quality of fertilization, which is of great significance for promoting crop yield. In this paper, a 3D simulation model of the hill-drop fertilizer device and soil was established by the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) algorithm, and the simulation model was modified using the Mohr–Coulomb criterion, and fertilizer movement in the soil under the disturbance of the cover was simulated and analyzed by the SPH algorithm. Orthogonal simulation experiments and the range analysis method were used to study the overall displacement and deformation of fertilizer, and the key factors affecting fertilizer movement were analyzed. After fertilization, the soil was layered with a soil sampler, and a digital image processing method was used to detect the fertilizer distribution in different soil depths; then, the fertilizer movement was inferred. The results of the field experiment showed that the trend of fertilizer movement was consistent with the results of the simulation experiment, which provides a reference for studying the movement and distribution of fertilizer in soil.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Guo-Xin Yan ◽  
Guang Pan ◽  
Yao Shi

When the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) enters the water at a small angle, the head of the AUV will be subjected to a torque that causes it to rise, which may cause the AUV to ricochet. The occurrence of ricochet will have an important impact on the trajectory stability of the AUV. In this paper, the finite element method-smoothed particle hydrodynamics (FEM-SPH) coupling algorithm, which absorbs the high efficiency of FEM and the advantages of SPH in dealing with large deformation and meshes distortion, is used to study the small-angle water entry problem of the AUV numerically. In the coupled FEM-SPH algorithm, discrete particles were used to model the zone of water, while the part of the AUV was modeled with finite elements. A contact algorithm couples the finite elements and the particles. Particular attention was paid to the influence of different head hemisphere angles and different initial conditions on the ricochet trajectory of the AUV. The critical conditions and influencing factors of the AUV ricochet phenomenon were given.

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