geothermal model
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Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (20) ◽  
pp. 6511
Stefano Santini ◽  
Matteo Basilici ◽  
Chiara Invernizzi ◽  
Danica Jablonska ◽  
Stefano Mazzoli ◽  

Using published cross-sections and a series of geological constraints, a 3D geological model of an important area of the Adriatic sector of peninsular Italy—i.e., the Marche region—was developed. Then, an analytical procedure, taking into account the heat rising from the mantle and the radiogenic heat produced by the crust, was applied on the pre-built structural model, in order to obtain the 3D geothermal setting of the entire region. The results highlighted the key role played by the Moho geometry, particularly as a step of ~10 km occurs between the Adriatic Moho of the subducting plate to the west and the new Tyrrhenian Moho characterizing the back-arc area to the west. The comparison between our results and available borehole data suggests a good fit between the applied analytical methodology and published datasets. A visible anomaly is located at a specific site (i.e., the coastal town of Senigallia), where it may be envisaged that fluid circulation produced a local surface heat flow increase; this makes the Senigallia area a promising feature for the possible exploitation of geothermal systems.

2021 ◽  
Ionelia Panea ◽  
Carmen Gaina ◽  
Victor Mocanu ◽  
Ioan Munteanu ◽  
Lucian Petrescu ◽  

<p>Geothermal energy is known as a renewable source that has little effect on environment, since no burning process is involved in the producing of thermal and electric energy. Geothermal water is considered an environmentally friendly energy source which is valuable especially in polluted areas. Our study area, the Baia Mare region, is located in the northwestern part of Romania, a region known as one of the most polluted environment in Romania due to its long-lasting local mining and metallurgical activities. Additional quantities of CO2 emissions resulted from the use of various, relatively cheap, heating sources by the local population. The main goals of our study are to evaluate the subsurface geothermal potential of the Baia Mare area and to identify promising geothermal exploitation sites. Heat flow values in this area are among the highest in Romania. We therefore plan to combine geological, geophysical, geochemical and hydrogeological data (geo-data) in order to provide a geoscientific solution for increasing the geothermal energy production in this part of Romania. Our research program contains surface geological mapping, geophysical surveys (active and passive seismic, magnetic, magnetotelluric and geothermal), geochemical analysis, hydrogeological surveys, modeling of geo-data and joint interpretation of geo-data. An initial 3D geothermal model will be built using existent geo-data. This model will help us to identify subsurface structures which show high potential for geothermal exploration. Interpretation of existent active seismic data collected during previous hydrocarbon exploration will provide information about the subsurface structural geology. The results of the new interpretation will be compared and correlated with the existent geological maps and sections for the study area. The magnetic data available in the public domain will be used to identify subsurface igneous bodies. The temperature data available from previous measurements will be used to build temperature-versus-depth distributions. These results will be analysed within a larger geodynamic framework. A pilot site will be selected after the analysis of the initial 3D geothermal model on which we plan to collect and record new geo-data. Data processing, inversion and modeling will be performed in order to create the final geothermal model with locations of promising exploitation wells. </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 2086
Meng Fanwen ◽  
Han Jiangtao ◽  
Liu Wenyu ◽  
Liu Lijia

The Huailai area is rich in geothermal resources, but the formation mechanism of its deep heat source is still unclear. In this paper, based on 16 broadband magnetotelluric sounding points, the two-dimensional electrical structure of the crust and mantle in the Huailai area was obtained. Combined with deep seismic reflection and P-wave seismic tomography, the geophysical characteristics of deep heat sources and reservoirs in the Huailai area are described. The Huailai area is characterized by low resistivity and layered reflection above 2 km in depth, which shows the distribution of the Cenozoic sedimentary cover layer. The upper crust is characterized by high resistivity without an obvious reflector, corresponding to the crystalline basement of the basin, whose main lithology is Archean gneiss. There is a highly conductive and bright-spot-reflective structure under the basement, which extends to 100 km, indicating the upwelling of mantle-derived material. Combined with the results of helium isotope tracing, a magma-type geothermal model in the Huailai area is proposed. The upwelling mantle-derived magma material is enriched under the basement to form a heat source. The heat is transferred to the upper crust through heat conduction along the crystalline basement. Then, groundwater circulation brings deep heat to the surface, forming hydrothermal resources.

2021 ◽  
A. Llobet ◽  
L. Rivero ◽  
A. Sendrós ◽  
M. Himi ◽  
A. Urruela ◽  

Geothermics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 88 ◽  
pp. 101880 ◽  
Eszter Békési ◽  
Maartje Struijk ◽  
Damien Bonté ◽  
Hans Veldkamp ◽  
Jon Limberger ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
Kuo Hsuan Tseng ◽  
Yasuo Ogawa ◽  
Nurhasan ◽  
Sabri Bülent Tank ◽  
Naoto Ujihara ◽  

Abstract We aimed to perform three-dimensional imaging of the underlying geothermal system to a depth of 2 km using magnetotellurics (MT) at around the Yugama crater, the Kusatsu–Shirane Volcano, Japan, which is known to have frequent phreatic eruptions. We deployed 91 MT sites focusing around the peak area of 2 km × 2 km with typical spacings of 200 m. The full tensor impedances and the magnetic transfer functions were inverted, using an unstructured tetrahedral finite element code to include the topographic effect. The final model showed (1) low-permeability bell-shaped clay cap (C1) as the near-surface conductor, (2) brine reservoir as a deep conductor (C3) at a depth of 1.5 km from the surface, and (3) a vertical conductor (C2) connecting the deep conductor to the clay cap which implies an established fluid path. The columnar high-seismicity distribution to the east of the C2 conductor implies that the flushed vapor and magmatic gas was released from the brine reservoir by breaking the silica cap at the brittle–ductile transition. The past magnetization/demagnetization sources and the inflation source of the 2014 unrest are located just below the clay cap, consistent with the clay capped geothermal model underlain by brine reservoir. The resistivity model showed the architecture of the magmatic–hydrothermal system, which can explain the episodic volcanic unrest.

2020 ◽  
G. Mibei ◽  
E. Bali ◽  
H. Geirsson ◽  
G. Guðfinnsson ◽  
B. Harðarson ◽  

Geosciences ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 301 ◽  
Matteo Basilici ◽  
Stefano Mazzoli ◽  
Antonella Megna ◽  
Stefano Santini ◽  
Stefano Tavani

The Zagros thrust belt is a zone of deformed crustal rocks well exposed along the southwest region of Iran. To obtain a better knowledge of this mountain chain, we elaborated a 2D model reproducing the thermal structure of the “Mountain Front Fault”. This study, which is focused on the Lurestan region, is based on a model made by merging published sections and available information on the depth of the Moho. We present the isotherms and the geotherms calculated using an analytical methodology. The calculation procedure includes the temperature variation due to the re-equilibrated conductive state after thrusting, frictional heating, heat flow density data, and a series of geologically derived constraints. In order to perform the temperature calculations, the crustal structure in the Lurestan region is simplified as composed of two domains: A lower unit made by crystalline basement and an upper unit including all the lithostratigraphic units forming the sedimentary cover. The resulting model is compared with the numerical results obtained by previous studies to improve the description of the thermal structure of this geologically important area.

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