poultry wastewater
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L.E. Matrosova ◽  
A.M. Tremasova ◽  
E.Yu. Tarasova ◽  
M.A. Erokhondina ◽  

The article presents the results of organoleptic and physicochemical analysis of waste water from poultry enterprises after passing through a shungite filter. The efficiency of using a filter based on shungite for purification and disinfection of wastewater is shown. The elimination of an unpleasant odor, a several-fold decrease in indices for turbidity, color, oxidizability, and biochemical oxygen consumption were recorded. The amount of lead decrease by 42.2 was noted; manganese – 34.2; copper – 74,1; zinc – 83,6 % (P<0.001); sulfates – 19,5 % (P<0,05); chlorides – 90,6 %; phosphates - by 44,8 % (P<0.001). The amount of ammonia in waste water with a significant excess of this indicator in the starting material after filtration decreased by 2,5 times (P<0.001).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Eli S. J. Thoré ◽  
Floris Schoeters ◽  
Audrey De Cuyper ◽  
Rut Vleugels ◽  
Isabelle Noyens ◽  

To meet the increasing demands of the growing population and to cope with the challenges of global change, both the production of biological feedstock and the recovery of recyclable natural resources play a critical role. Microalgal biomass is a promising source of renewable multifunctional feedstock, but the production is costly and requires large amounts of water. Here, we explored the potential of using wastewater as culture medium to lower the economic and environmental costs of microalgae biomass production and evaluated its valorization opportunities for animal feed production. As a proof of principle, we show that Chlorella sorokiniana can be cultivated on poultry wastewater, with a 83 and 113% increase in productivity when wastewater was first 50% diluted with tap water or standard growth medium, respectively. Wastewater sterilization before use enhanced algal growth with 36–118%, but only when wastewater was 25–50% diluted with standard medium. In contrast, it offered no additional benefits when dilutions were made with tap water or when wastewater was not diluted. At the end of the 22-days experiment, a maximum biomass of 0.8–1.9 g L−1 was reached for algae grown on wastewater. The produced biomass had a high macronutrient content, and the heavy metal content was below maximum limits for use in animal feed. Likewise, the tested pathogen groups were reduced until below safety norms for feed production after algal growth in unsterilized 50% wastewater (diluted with tap water). Overall, these findings add to our growing knowledge on the cultivation of microalgae on wastewater and its valorization opportunities, paving the way for a more sustainable use and reuse of resources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. Vol.3
Jerentulina Vijayarasa ◽  
Kandiah Pakeerathan ◽  
Nagarathnam Thiruchchelvan ◽  
Gunasingham Mikunthan

Spirulina (Spirulina platensis (Gomont) Geitler 1925) is a cyanobacteria used as an ecologically sound, nutrient-rich dietary supplement. These microalgae have the capability to produce the least-cost protein per unit area compared to livestock and are therefore being investigated to address malnutrition and food security. Apart from the variety of components, such as animal feed, fertilizer, and cosmetics, produced from Spirulina, phytoremediation of wastewater using Spirulina is an economically viable and environmentally sound tactic. A study was carried out with the objectives of the quick removal of waste from selected wastewaters produced by agro-based industries and the identification of suitable organic wastes as costless media for growing S. platensis for its powder production. Wastewater from fishponds and poultry units, grain-soaked water, and parboiled rice liquid waste were selected as treatments and inoculated with stock cultures of S. platensis. Treatments were replicated three times along with Zarrouk’s medium as standard control and arranged in a randomized complete block design. The chemical parameters of wastes, such as OD value, pH, and EC (mS/cm), and the growth of Spirulina were measured using a UH5300-Spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 560 nm at two-day intervals. The derived data were analyzed using SAS 9.4, and the significance of results among treatments was determined according to Duncan’s multiple range test, with p < 0.05. The results showed that poultry wastewater was a suitable medium for S. platensis growth, with a harvestable density of 0.8 at a very low concentration (25%) in 7 days compared to standard Zarrouk’s medium. The maximum and significant OD value of 1.313 was observed on day 15 in poultry wastewater and was non-significant among other treatments at p < 0.05. For fishpond wastewater, the maximum OD value of 0.567 was obtained on day 15. The pH value of poultry wastewater declined from 9.28 to 7.5 after 15 days. The EC values among the treatments were not significant. Among the selected liquid media, poultry wastewater promotes growth of S. platensis better than other locally available wastewaters tested. This experiment concludes that agro-based industries’ wastewater can be bio-remediated by Spirulina and that nutrient-enriched wastewater can be used for the mass culture of Spirulina without nutrient supplements.

2021 ◽  
Amira Oueslati ◽  
Giuseppe Montevecchi ◽  
Andrea Antonelli ◽  
Hedi Ben Mansour

Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the short-term irrigation effect with industrial poultry wastewater on young olive trees (Olea europaea L. cv. Chemlali). Industrial poultry wastewater can be considered as a bio-fertilizer due to its richness in nutritive elements (SO42−, HCO3−, total nitrogen and K+). The physico-chemical analysis of wastewater showed a high concentration of TSS, COD, BOD, COT, NO3−, and conductivity. Measurements indicated that poultry wastewater enhanced plant growth, leaves dry matter, and ashes in comparison with tap water, as well as poultry wastewater diluted with tap water, however, a decrease in total soluble sugars (glucose and fructose) was detected in leaves. The determination of fatty acid profile of young olive trees leaves irrigated with poultry wastewater showed richness on saturated fatty acids in comparison with mono- and poly-unsaturated ones. In addition, oleic acid (C18:1) presented the lowest content in leaves of trees irrigated with poultry wastewater irrigation. According to those results, poultry wastewater lends itself to being a hydric alternative and at the same time a source of nutrients that can help fill the water deficit in semi-arid countries and avoid costly waste disposal for slaughterhouses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 188 ◽  
pp. 116480
Pei Song ◽  
Guohe Huang ◽  
Chunjiang An ◽  
Xiaying Xin ◽  
Peng Zhang ◽  

Abimbola O. Aleshinloye ◽  
Kemayou Ngangsso ◽  
Feyisara B. Adaramola ◽  
Adebayo Onigbinde

This study investigated the potential of some agricultural wastes viz; African Star apple seed shell (ASS, plant source), crab shell (CS, animal source) and chicken egg shell (ES, animal source) as eco-friendly and low-cost biological materials for the removal of heavy metals from poultry wastewater. TS, TSS and TDS of the wastewater sample were assayed by filtration methods, chloride content by previously reported method and heavy metal contents (Zn, V, Cd, Fe, Ni, Cu, Co, Pb, Cr and Mn); were analyzed using Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer. The results of the solids and chloride contents of the poultry wastewater were TDS (3100 mg/L), TS (3700 mg/L), TSS (6000 mg/L) and chloride (4.7 g/L); all above the EPA permissible limits. Results of the FTIR analysis showed that ASS is an amide polymer while the CS and ES shells are mixtures of amide and carbonate polymers. Also, results of heavy metal analysis before and after adsorption showed that ASS caused removal of Zn, V, Fe, Cu, Co/ Pb and Mn by 48.27, 32.22, 49.64, 91.44, 100 and 82.39% respectively while Cd, Ni and Cr contents increased by 31, 61 and 48.3% respectively. CS showed removal of Fe, Ni/ Co/ Cr, Pb and Mn by 89.64, 100, 3.51 and 95.96% respectively while Zn, V, Cd and Cu contents increased by 1.7, 61.2, 76.1 and 68.1% respectively. Meanwhile, with ES, the contents of Zn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Cr and Mn increased by 31.56, 86.36, 100, 55.5, 45.80 and 90.33% respectively while the contents of V, Cd, Co and Pb decreased by 78.9, 86.7, 42.5 and 46.2% respectively. This study demonstrated the use of ASS, CS and ES as low- cost and eco-friendly agricultural wastes with significant potential for removal of heavy metals from wastewaters.

Experimental work was carried out for the production of Biogas from poultry waste water. The Poultry waste was collected from farm near Nagercoil at Kanyakumari District. Batch anaerobic digester was designed for 20L capacity. The experiment was carried out for 36 days to monitor the performance. Various parameters like pH, TS, COD have checked for every 24hours. The Production of biogas was measured by water displacement method. The methane content was analyzed by gas chromatography test. Based on the experimental data, kinetics studies have done for various models like Line Weaver-Burk method, Eadie-Hofstee method, Hanes-Woolf method. The Eadie-Hofstee Method has provided better prediction than other method. These results thus indicate that, Eadie-Hofstee Method is best to identify the growth rate, substrate concentration and Limiting Substrate Concentration of the system. The sludge of the poultry wastewater and digester were characterized by SEM analysis. The imaging was done to determine the morphological structure of the sludge and to view the bacterial growth on the surface of the sludge.

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