bobo dioulasso
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PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0260875
Wendsèndaté Yves Sempore ◽  
Nafi Ouedraogo ◽  
Salifou Gandema ◽  
Samir Henni ◽  
Alassane Ilboudo ◽  

Determination of the self-reported walking capacity by interview or standardized questionnaire is important. However, the existing questionnaires require the patient to be able to read and write in a specific language. We recently proposed the WELSH (Walking Estimated Limitation Stated by History) tool to be administrable to illiterate people. The main objective was to assess the applicability of WELSH tool in the community and in a large group. We performed a prospective study in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso during June 2020. We recruited 630 interviewers among medical students. They were trained to administer the WELSH, and to conduct a 6-minute walk test. We performed a Pearson’s “r” correlation between the WELSH and maximal walking distance (MWD). Of the 1723 participants available for the analysis, 757 (43.9%: 41.6–46.3) never went to school or attended only elementary school. The percentage of questionnaires with participant filling-in errors corrected by the investigator decreased with the decrease in educational level (p<0.001). The average WELSH score was 53 ± 22 and the average MWD was 383 ±142 meters. The Spearman correlation coefficient between the WELSH score and the MWD was r = 0.567 (p<0.001). Correlations ranged from 0.291 to 0.576 in males and females, (all p values < 0.05) and in different levels of education, with the highest coefficients found in illiterate people. The WELSH is feasible on the community by a wide variety of interviewers. It correlates with the MWD estimated by the 6-minutes’ walk test even for people with little or no schooling.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Thiombiano H.M. ◽  
Bangou M.J. ◽  
Nacoulma A.P. ◽  
Ouoba B. ◽  
Sawadogo M. ◽  

This study presents an ethnobotanical survey, a quantification of polyphenols and antioxidant activities on medicinal plants used in the treatment of breast cancer in the cities of Bobo-Dioulasso and Fada N'Gourma conducted among traditional practitioners. For this purpose, after the survey analyses, Euphorbia poissonii Pax (Euphorbiaceae) and Flueggea virosa (Willd.) Voigt. (Euphorbiaceae) were chosen. A methanolic extraction with soxhlet was performed on these plants. Then, the quantification of phenolic compounds was done by spectrophotometric method with Folin Ciocalteu reagent and aluminum chloride respectively. Likewise, the antioxidant activity was evaluated by three methods (ABTS, DPPH and FRAP). A total of 103 traditional practitioners were surveyed and 47 species divided into 27 families were obtained. Among the total extracts, the leaves of Flueggea virosa gave the highest content of total phenolics (52.05 ±1.49 mg EAG/100mg extract) and the root gave the highest content of flavonoids (3.30 ±0.32 EQ/100mg extract). The best antioxidant activity was observed at the ABTS method with best results obtained for the total extracts of Flueggea virosa (8413.78±110.16 μmol EAA/g). The results of the different phytochemical and antioxidant activities could partially justify the traditional use of these plants in the management of breast cancer patients.

Food Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 274-282
S. Zio ◽  
B. Tarnagda ◽  
O. Zongo ◽  
A. Boro ◽  
D. Elothmani ◽  

Edible oils produced and consumed in Burkina Faso often do not meet established standards. The objective of this study was to evaluate the total gossypol level of refined cottonseeds oils and the oxidation state of crude peanut oils and refined cottonseeds oils in Burkina Faso to determine the impact on consumer health. A total of 61 samples including crude peanut oils and refined cottonseeds oils were collected in Ouagadougou, Bobo Dioulasso and surrounding areas. Total Gossypol and p-Anisidine value were determined by spectrophotometry. Peroxide value, acid value, soap residual value and mineral oils were determined by chemical methods. Total oxidation (Totox) value was determined by mathematical prediction. Overall, Gossypol total average of cottonseeds oils analyzed in this study was 0.032%. The p-Anisidine value average was 1.80 for refined cottonseeds oils and 11.65 for crude peanut oils. The Totox averages were respectively 19.37 and 28.36 for refined cottonseeds and crude peanut oils. The average peroxide values for refined cottonseeds oils and peanut crude oils were 8.52 and 8.33 mEq O2/Kg, respectively (p<0.05). The average acid values were 0.27 and 1.95 mg KOH/g for refined cottonseeds oils and crude peanut oils, respectively (p<0.05). None of the oils showed any mineral oil trace. The average residual soap values were respectively 1.47 and 8.32 ppm for peanut oils and cottonseeds oils (p<0.05). The majority values determined conformed to the Codex Alimentarius standard despite some cases of non-compliance. It is essential to improve the processes of oils production and conservation in order to have quality oils to guarantee the health of the consumer.

Vinsoun Millogo ◽  
Michel Kéré ◽  
Ouda Sanfo ◽  
Toundji Olivier Amoussou ◽  
Timothy Harrigan ◽  

The availability and sustainability of water in rural areas are significant challenges facing agricultural producers in the Sahelian zones. Maize-legume intercropping with a mulch cover for water conservation with drip irrigation is a promising production practice for conserving water, increasing productivity and improving soil health. A randomized complete block trial with 04 replications and 08 treatments was established in Sonsongona (11.2522°N, 4.4559°W), a village located west of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Means separation by analysis of variance (ANOVA) was with RStudio 1.2.1335 software at the 5% threshold according to the Newman-Keuls test. The mulched treatments significantly affect soil moisture, maize growth, weed growth, and important maize yield attributes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 88 (1) ◽  
Adama Sanou ◽  
Amadou Dicko ◽  
Kadiatou R. Sow ◽  
Arthur Djibougou ◽  
Antoinette Kabore ◽  

Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic, infectious, chronic and contagious disease, caused by Mycobacterium bovis that mainly affects cattle. This pathology has a negative impact on animals and animal products trade. Unfortunately, in Burkina Faso where agriculture and livestock sectors represent around 80% of the socio-economic activities, the real situation of the disease is not well known especially in small ruminants and swine. Thus, our study focused on both the epidemiology and the microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in small ruminants and pigs slaughtered at Bobo-Dioulasso abattoir. A prospective study was conducted between August 2017 and December 2017. Epidemiological data collection was performed during routine meat inspection; moreover, samples were taken and transported to the Bacteriology laboratory of Centre Muraz for microbiological analyses. This diagnosis consisted in search of Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) using the hot Ziehl–Neelsen staining. Out of a total of 14 648 small ruminants and 2430 pigs slaughtered during the study period, 156 and 17 had lesions suggestive of bTB with prevalence of 1.07% and 0.7%, respectively. Females and those between 2 and 4 years old were mainly infected. The most affected organs were: lungs, liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Finally, microscopy revealed 43.35% (75/173) of positive cases for AFB. These results confirm the presence of bTB in small ruminants and pigs in Burkina Faso. Efforts must still be made in the fight against this zoonosis in order to limit its economic and public health impacts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Aristide S. Hien ◽  
Dieudonné D. Soma ◽  
Samina Maiga ◽  
Dramane Coulibaly ◽  
Abdoulaye Diabaté ◽  

Abstract Background Pyrethroid resistance poses a major threat to the efficacy of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) in Burkina Faso and throughout sub-Saharan Africa, particularly where resistance is present at high intensity. For such areas, there are alternative ITNs available, including the synergist piperonyl butoxide (PBO)-based ITNs and dual active ingredient ITNs such as Interceptor G2 (treated with chlorfenapyr and alpha-cypermethrin). Before deploying alternative ITNs on a large scale it is crucial to characterize the resistance profiles of primary malaria vector species for evidence-based decision making. Methods Larvae from the predominant vector, Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) were collected from 15 sites located throughout Burkina Faso and reared to adults for bioassays to assess insecticide resistance status. Resistance intensity assays were conducted using WHO tube tests to determine the level of resistance to pyrethroids commonly used on ITNs at 1×, 5 × and 10 × times the diagnostic dose. WHO tube tests were also used for PBO synergist bioassays with deltamethrin and permethrin. Bottle bioassays were conducted to determine susceptibility to chlorfenapyr at a dose of 100 µg/bottle. Results WHO tube tests revealed high intensity resistance in An. gambiae s.l. to deltamethrin and alpha-cypermethrin in all sites tested. Resistance intensity to permethrin was either moderate or high in 13 sites. PBO pre-exposure followed by deltamethrin restored full susceptibility in one site and partially restored susceptibility in all but one of the remaining sites (often reaching mortality greater than 80%). PBO pre-exposure followed by permethrin partially restored susceptibility in 12 sites. There was no significant increase in permethrin mortality after PBO pre-exposure in Kampti, Karangasso-Vigué or Mangodara; while in Seguenega, Orodara and Bobo-Dioulasso there was a significant increase in mortality, but rates remained below 50%. Susceptibility to chlorfenapyr was confirmed in 14 sites. Conclusion High pyrethroid resistance intensity in An. gambiae s.l. is widespread across Burkina Faso and may be a predictor of reduced pyrethroid ITN effectiveness. PBO + deltamethrin ITNs would likely provide greater control than pyrethroid nets. However, since susceptibility in bioassays was not restored in most sites following pre-exposure to PBO, Interceptor G2 may be a better long-term solution as susceptibility was recorded to chlorfenapyr in nearly all sites. This study provides evidence supporting the introduction of both Interceptor G2 nets and PBO nets, which were distributed in Burkina Faso in 2019 as part of a mass campaign.

Rabila Bamogo ◽  
Massamba Thiam ◽  
Achille Sindimbasba Nikièma ◽  
Fabrice Anyirekun Somé ◽  
Youssouph Mané ◽  

Abstract Background Snakebite envenomation is a significant public health problem in Burkina Faso. Our study describes the epidemiological and therapeutic aspects of snakebite cases at primary health centers in Houet Province, which is located in the western area of Burkina Faso. Methods We conducted a retrospective study of 664 snakebite cases occurring at 10 primary health centers in Houet Province from January 2014 to December 2018. Data were collected from the patient consultation recording database registry system. Results Affected individuals had a male/female ratio of 1.31. The lowest annual incidences (0.02 [95% CI –0.01 to 0.05] and 0.24 [95% CI 0.05 to 0.43]) were observed in the urban primary health centers of Bolomakoté and Sarfalao, respectively. Rural primary health centers in Nasso in 2016 and in Soumousso in 2014 had the highest annual incidence (13.80 [95% CI 7.59 to 20.00] and 3.92 [95% CI 2.99 to 4.86], respectively). Of the 664 registered snakebite victims, none received antivenom immunotherapy treatment. Conclusion Our study shows that snakebite envenomation incidents are common at the 10 primary health centers in Houet Province. Furthermore, despite the lack of antivenom and often inadequate treatment at these primary health centers, they remain the first point of care for snakebite victims.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Isidore Tiandiogo Traoré ◽  
Samiratou Ouedraogo ◽  
Dramane Kania ◽  
Firmin Nongodo Kaboré ◽  
Blahima Konaté ◽  

Abstract Background The world has high hopes of vaccination against COVID-19 to protect the population, boost economies and return to normal life. Vaccination programmes are being rolled out in high income countries, but the pandemic continues to progress in many low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) despite implementation of strict hygiene measures. We aim to present a comprehensive research protocol that will generate epidemiological, sociological and anthropological data about the COVID-19 epidemic in Burkina Faso, a landlocked country in West Africa with scarce resources. Methods We will perform a multidisciplinary research using mixed methods in the two main cities in Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso). Data will be collected in the general population and in COVID-19 patients, caregivers and health care professionals in reference care centers: (i) to determine cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Burkinabe population using blood samples collected from randomly selected households according to the WHO-recommended protocol; (ii) develop a score to predict severe complications of COVID-19 in persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 using retrospective and prospective data; (iii) perform semi-structured interviews and direct observation on site, to describe and analyze the healthcare pathways and experiences of patients with COVID-19 attending reference care centers, and to identify the perceptions, acceptability and application of preventive strategies among the population. Discussion This study will generate comprehensive data that will contribute to improving COVID-19 response strategies in Burkina Faso. The lessons learned from the management of this epidemic may serve as examples to the country authorities to better design preventive strategies in the case of future epidemics or pandemics. The protocol was approved by the Ministry for Health (N° 2020-00952/MS/CAB/INSP/CM) and the Health Research Ethics Committee in Burkina Faso (N° 2020-8-140).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 023-034
Mamadou Sawadogo ◽  
Mindiédiba Jean Bangou ◽  
Bernice Dakio ◽  
Armandine Lema ◽  
Hyacinthe M. Thiombiano ◽  

Hepatitis are pathologies of various etiologies affecting millions persons and the management by modern medicines still faces many difficulties. Our study aimed to make a repertory of medicinal plants used in the treatment of hepatitis in the Urbans areas of Bobo-Dioulasso, Dédougou and Fada N'Gourma followed by the phytochemical quantification and antioxidant activity of the most cited ones. We conducted an ethnobotanical survey among traditional Heath practitioners in the three studied locations to achieve this objective. Methanolic extracts of the plant organs were obtained using an extractor apparatus. Polyphenolic compounds contents quantification was done by spectrophotometry using Follin-Ciocalteu reagent and aluminum trichloride. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by three methods (ABTS●+, DPPH●, FRAP) and the reading of optical densities was performed with the spectrophotometer. A total of, 101 traditional healers were interviewed and 52 species were inventoried as being used in hepatitis care in the three localities. Among the species regularly cited in the different localities were Carica papaya (8%) and Agelanthus dodoneifolius (13%), and these two species were selected for the further investigation. Among the parts of plants most used there are roots (45%). Phytochemical investigations of C. papaya and A. dodoneifolius revealed that the best polyphenolic compound content was obtained by the unripe seeds of C. papaya with respectively 14.06±0.68 mg EAG and 4.37±0.57 mg EQ for 100 mg of extract. A. dodoneifolius extract was given the best antioxidant activity on ABTS●+ radical inhibition method with 9279.19±416.37 µmol EAA/g. All these activities could partially justify the use of screened species in the traditional treatment of hepatitis.

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