multiphase steel
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Ji Hoon Kim ◽  
Seokhwan Ju ◽  
Seong Hoon Kim ◽  
Jae Sang Lee ◽  
Kang-Hyun Choi ◽  

2021 ◽  

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 855
Shima Pashangeh ◽  
Seyyed Sadegh Ghasemi Banadkouki ◽  
Fatemeh Besharati ◽  
Fatemeh Mehrabi ◽  
Mahesh Somani ◽  

In this study, fresh attempts have been made to identify and estimate the phase constituents of a high-silicon, medium carbon multiphase steel (DIN 1.5025 grade) subjected to austenitization at 900 °C for 5 min, followed by quenching and low-temperature bainitizing (Q&B) at 350 °C for 200 s. Several techniques were employed using different chemical etching reagents either individually (single-step) or in combination of two or more etchants in succession (multiple-step) for conducting color metallography. The results showed that the complex multiphase microstructures comprising a fine mixture of bainite, martensite and retained austenite phase constituents were selectivity stained/tinted with good contrasting resolution, as observed via conventional light optical microscopy observations. While the carbon-enriched martensite-retained austenite (M/RA) islands were revealed as cream-colored areas by using a double-step etching technique comprising etching with 10% ammonium persulfate followed by etching with Marble's reagent, the dark gray-colored bainite packets were easily distinguishable from the brown-colored martensite regions. However, the high-carbon martensite and retained austenite in M/RA islands could be differentiated only after resorting to a triple-step etching technique comprising etching in succession with 2% nital, 10% ammonium persulfate solution and then warm Marble’s reagent at 30 °C. This revealed orange-colored martensite in contrast to cream-colored retained austenite in M/RA constituents, besides the presence of brown-colored martensite laths in the dark gray-colored bainitic matrix. A quadruple-step technique involving successive etching with 2% nital, 10% ammonium persulfate solution, Marble’s reagent and finally Klemm’s Ι reagent at 40 °C revealed even better contrast in comparison to the triple-step etching technique, particularly in distinguishing the RA from martensite. Observations using advanced techniques like field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) failed to differentiate untempered, high-carbon martensite from retained austenite in the M/RA islands and martensite laths from bainitic matrix, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies successfully distinguished the RA from high-carbon martensite, as noticed in M/RA islands. The volume fraction of retained austenite estimated by EBSD, XRD and a point counting method on color micrographs of quadruple-step etched samples showed good agreement.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 1343
Ádám Kalácska ◽  
László Székely ◽  
Róbert Zsolt Keresztes ◽  
András Gábora ◽  
Tamás Mankovits ◽  

The wear behaviour of two martensitic and one multiphase steel targeted for abrasion and erosion applications in agriculture and mining industry were investigated in three abrasive test systems with different complexity. Scratch tests were performed with different indenter radii, shapes, and loads. The material behaviour was also investigated in multi-asperity contact systems. Pin-on-disc tests were performed with various loads and abrasive particles, as well as abrasive slurry-pot tests with different sliding velocities, distances, and impact angles of the abrasive media were performed. Comparing the test systems, the tested materials ranked similarly based on their wear performance, however, in each configuration, the dominant variable of the wear mechanism differed. The significance and contributions of test paramecenterters, the material’s mechanical properties (H, σM, σY, E, εεM, εεB, W, σc, Ec) and the dimensionless numbers formed from them were investigated on the wear behaviour and the surface deformation. Correlation between parameters was established by multiple linear regression models. The sensitivity of the tested materials to abrasion was evaluated taking into account the wide range of influencing parameters.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 157
Xuelin Wang ◽  
Zhenjia Xie ◽  
Chengjia Shang ◽  
Gang Han

Stress–strain behavior of a low carbon low alloy multiphase steel with ferrite, tempered bainite, and retained austenite was studied at different cryogenic temperatures. Results indicated that both strength and ductility were enhanced with decreasing tensile testing temperature. The enhancement of both strength and ductility was attributed to the decreased mechanical stability of retained austenite with decreasing temperature, resulting in sufficient transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) effect for increasing work hardening rate.

Bikram Sarkar ◽  
Asif Iqbal Khan ◽  
Amit Kumar Rana ◽  
Sanjib Kundu

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