amorphous thin films
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Dan Liu ◽  
Feng Zhu ◽  
Donghang Yan

Compared to traditional organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) based on amorphous thin films, crystalline OLEDs possess promising advantages in developing advanced display technologies, such as longer life time and lower driving...

Борис Магометович Хуболов

В работе измерены спектральные зависимости оптической плотности аморфных тонких пленок оксидной натрий-вольфрамовой бронзы тетрагональной структуры состава NaWO, конденсированной на стеклянные подложки, термостатированные при температурах 373,473 и 573 K, а так же отожженные на воздухе и в вакууме, и электрохромно окрашенных. В качестве исследуемой оптической характеристики была выбрана оптическая плотность D, пропорциональная, как известно, коэффициенту поглощения. Спектральные измерения пленок, осажденных на подложки в диапазоне температур 373,473 и 573 K показали однотипность спектральных характеристик, с пиком экситонного поглощения в ближнем ультрафиолете. Полоса минимального поглощения лежит в диапазоне длин волн 400÷460 нм, а примесного поглощения - широкой полосой в области 650 ÷1000 нм с максимумом в диапазоне 900÷1000 нм. Подобная спектральная характеристика и определяет сине-голубой цвет тонкой пленки на просвет. Изучение оптических свойств тонких пленок натрий-вольфрамовых бронз представляет собой актуальную задачу. The spectral dependences were measured of the optical density of amorphous thin films of sodium-tungsten oxide bronze of the tetragonal structure and the composition NaWO, condensed on glass substrates, thermostated at temperatures of 373, 473 and 573 K, as well as annealed in air vacuum, and electrochromically colored. The optical density D, which is proportional, as is known, to the absorption coefficient, was chosen as the studied optical characteristic. Spectral measurements of films deposited on substrates in the temperature range of 373, 473 and 573 K showed the same type of spectral characteristics, with a peak of the exciton absorption in the near ultraviolet. The band of minimum absorption lies in the wavelength range of 400÷460 nm, while that of the impurity absorption is a wide band in the region of 650÷1000 nm with a maximum in the range of 900÷1000 nm. This spectral characteristic determines the blue-blue color of a thin film in transmission. The study of the optical properties of thin films of sodium-tungsten bronzes is an urgent problem.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2000171
Lara Karam ◽  
Frédéric Adamietz ◽  
Dominique Michau ◽  
Ganapathy Senthil Murugan ◽  
Thierry Cardinal ◽  

Baran Sarac ◽  
Tolga Karazehir ◽  
Eray Yüce ◽  
Marlene Mühlbacher ◽  
A. Sezai Sarac ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Daniel Lordan ◽  
Guannan Wei ◽  
Paul McCloskey ◽  
Cian O’Mathuna ◽  
Ansar Masood

AbstractThe emergence of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) in amorphous thin films, which eventually transforms the magnetic spins form an in-plane to the out-of-plane configuration, also known as a spin-reorientation transition (SRT), is a fundamental roadblock to attain the high flux concentration advantage of these functional materials for broadband applications. The present work is focused on unfolding the origin of PMA in amorphous thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering. The amorphous films were deposited under a broad range of sputtering pressure (1.6–6.2 mTorr), and its effect on the thin film growth mechanisms was correlated to the static global magnetic behaviours, magnetic domain structure, and dynamic magnetic performance. The films deposited under low-pressure revealed a dominant in-plane uniaxial anisotropy along with an emerging, however feeble, perpendicular component, which eventually evolved as a dominant PMA when deposited under high-pressure sputtering. This change in the nature of anisotropy redefined the orientation of spins from in-plane to out-of-plane. The SRT in amorphous films was attributed to the dramatic change in the growth mechanism of disorder atomic structure from a homogeneously dispersed to a porous columnar microstructure. We suggest the origin of PMA is associated with the columnar growth of the amorphous films, which can be eluded by a careful selection of a deposition pressure regime to avoid its detrimental effect on the soft magnetic performance. To the author’s best knowledge, no such report links the sputtering pressure as a governing mechanism of perpendicular magnetisation in technologically important amorphous thin films.

Chris Benmore ◽  
Gabriela Gonzalez ◽  
Oliver Alderman ◽  
Stephen Wilke ◽  
Jeffery Yarger ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 255 ◽  
pp. 05003
Hao Chen ◽  
Alessandro Chiasera ◽  
Cristina Armellini ◽  
Giorgio Speranza ◽  
Stefano Varas ◽  

Key assets for transparent electric contacts in optoelectronic applications are high conductivity and large transparency over extended spectral range. Indium-Tin-Oxide and Aluminium-doped-Zinc-oxide are commercial examples, with their electrical conductivity resembling those of metals, despite, their transparency being limited up to 1.5µm. This work introduces smooth and compact amorphous thin films of n-type semiconducting WO3-x prepared by RF-sputtering followed by annealing in dry air, as optical layers of tailorable dielectric properties. We evaluate Figure of Merit, combining electrical conductivity and optical transparency, and rate the performances as a transparent conductive layer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 851 ◽  
pp. 156924
Tatyana Kunkel ◽  
Yuri Vorobyov ◽  
Mikhail Smayev ◽  
Petr Lazarenko ◽  
Vladimir Veretennikov ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 716 ◽  
pp. 138435
A.K. Yadav ◽  
S. Maidul Haque ◽  
D.K. Shukla ◽  
D.M. Phase ◽  
S.N. Jha ◽  

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