continuance usage intention
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Humera Khan ◽  
P. D. D. Dominic ◽  
Sadaf Hina

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Farjana Nur Saima ◽  
Md. H. Asibur Rahman ◽  
Ratan Ghosh

Purpose The usage rate of mobile financial services (MFS) has shown an uptick since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh. This study aims to reveal the underpinning reasons for such MFS surge and its continuance by integrating health belief model (HBM) and expectation confirmation model (ECM).Design/methodology/approach The study analyzes 529 MFS users' responses during the second wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh using the partial least square method.Findings Satisfaction is more predictive than perceived usefulness in explaining continuance usage intention. Expectation confirmation also indirectly affects continuance intention. Among the HBM constructs, the indirect effect of perceived severity on continuance intention via perceived usefulness and satisfaction is significant. Besides, the impact of self-efficacy on continuance intention is also significant. Moreover, perceived credibility significantly affects satisfaction and indirectly affected continuance usage intention via satisfaction.Practical implications The study projects boosting customers' satisfaction is critical for the successful retention of existing MFS customers. MFS service providers should emphasize the factors that amplify satisfaction. They must evaluate preadoption factors so that customers can have positive confirmation. Especially, the service providers, the policymakers and the regulators should take an active role in improving the users' self-efficacy and the system's credibility. Undertaking the MFS literacy program, installing hotline service to provide emergency help will boost users' confidence in using the system.Originality/value The study is a unique contribution in the context of Bangladesh. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no previous MFS studies in Bangladesh explored MFS continuance usage intention during COVID-19 and beyond. Besides, the inclusion of “perceived credibility” in the framework will supplement the earlier studies conducted on this aspect.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-178
Mohamed Dawood Shamout ◽  
Malek B. Elayan ◽  
Adnan M. Rawashdeh ◽  
Barween Al Kurdi ◽  
Muhammad Alshurideh

This paper seeks to investigate the impact of Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) practices on attaining Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) in the context of the Jordanian Industrial Sector (JIS) and identify the mediating role of e-HRM Perceived Usefulness (PU) and e-HRM Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU). Furthermore, it investigates the moderating role of User Satisfaction and e-HRM Continuance Usage Intention. To achieve the paper objectives, a Mediated-Moderation Model was designed. The researchers distributed (750) questionnaires, (615) questionnaires were returned and validated for analysis in HRM and development divisions and based on a Census method with the response rate was about (82%). The ‘Structural Equation Modeling’ (SEM) methodology was used, and for analysis, SPSS and Amos were applied. The results indicated that e-HRM practices had significant influence on SCA. The paper also demonstrated that there was a significant mediate effect of TAM constructs on the relationship between e-HRM practices and SCA. Finally, the findings indicated that the user satisfaction and e-HRM continuance usage intention did not moderate the relationship between e-HRM-PEOU and PU and SCA path.

Ayuni Ayuni ◽  
Siti Nabillah Suci Amanda ◽  
Abdul Yusuf

The purpose of this study is to test whether E-Service Quality and Brand Image affect the Continuance Usage Intention of the DANA Dompet Digital Indonesia Platform. This study uses quantitative research, the population of this study is the users of DANA Dompet Digital Indonesia. The research data was collected through a questionnaire with a sample of 100 respondents consist of 73 women and 27 men respondents using non-probability sampling (purposive sampling) is a sampling technique based on certain considerations that are considered to represent, a population with the categories of generations Y and Z in the age range of 17-40 years and majority respondents are university students. Data were analyzed using SPSS 25 and SmartPLS 3.0. The results showed that E-Service Quality had a significant effect on the Continuance Usage Intention of the DANA Dompet Digital platform and Brand Image had a significant effect on the Continuance Usage Intention of DANA Dompet Digital.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Dedi I. Inan ◽  
Achmad Nizar Hidayanto ◽  
Ratna Juita ◽  
Faiz Fadhillah Soemawilaga ◽  
Fivi Melinda ◽  

Purpose This research set out to investigate the quality service and self-determination theory (SDT) that contributes to the continuance usage of m-banking. Design/methodology/approach A valid of 310 respondents who experienced and intensified using the m-banking is collected. The proposed research model is empirically tested using structural equation modelling. Findings The result informs that the service quality can not only be significantly mediated by the SDT, but it also has a direct effect to the satisfaction. It also informs that the satisfaction and the perceived usefulness indeed have a significant effect to the continuance usage intention of the m-banking. In addition, it also demonstrates that the perceived competence and perceived relatedness of the SDT significantly influence satisfaction and perceived usefulness towards the continuance usage intention of the m-banking. Practical implications Practically, the results inform the bank management the factors to be taken into account to increase the motivation of the existing customers for them to continue using the m-banking. Originality/value Theoretically, these results contribute to the existing literatures of the m-banking by introducing the SDT that determines the continuance usage intention of it.

Nurul-Ain Abdul-Halim ◽  
Ali Vafaei-Zadeh ◽  
Haniruzila Hanifah ◽  
Ai Ping Teoh ◽  
Khaled Nawaser

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 0-0

This study aimed to explore factors affecting continual usage of one-stop smart urban apps, which is the key to realise the vision of smart cities. A questionnaire (involved a total of 578 users/citizens) was carried out to test the research model, which was established based on existing user behavioural theories and recent literature on smart cities. The results, derived from confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling, confirmed that lower costs (measured by cognitive effort and perceived risks), as well as higher “smartness” (measured by output usefulness, output velocity, and the quality of offline services), would lead to better user satisfaction. Moreover, system quality has indirect influence on user satisfaction (i.e. citizens only feel dissatisfied when system pitfalls affect output usefulness and output velocity of smart urban apps), which together with social influence will determine citizens’ continuance usage intention of smart urban apps.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Bingqian Zhang ◽  
Guochao Peng ◽  
Fei Xing ◽  
Xinting Liang ◽  
Qi Gao

This study aimed to explore factors affecting continual usage of one-stop smart urban apps, which is the key to realise the vision of smart cities. A questionnaire (involved a total of 578 users/citizens) was carried out to test the research model, which was established based on existing user behavioural theories and recent literature on smart cities. The results, derived from confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling, confirmed that lower costs (measured by cognitive effort and perceived risks), as well as higher “smartness” (measured by output usefulness, output velocity, and the quality of offline services), would lead to better user satisfaction. Moreover, system quality has indirect influence on user satisfaction (i.e. citizens only feel dissatisfied when system pitfalls affect output usefulness and output velocity of smart urban apps), which together with social influence will determine citizens’ continuance usage intention of smart urban apps.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
pp. 10820
Farzana Sharmin ◽  
Mohammad Tipu Sultan ◽  
Dake Wang ◽  
Alina Badulescu ◽  
Benqian Li

In this digital age, technological advancements have dramatically transformed consumers′ travel behavior. Among these, social media has been identified as the most notable and popular digital platform which appeals to consumers from different cultures, mindsets, and demographics. Culture may stimulate individuals’ attitudes and subsequent behavior. Thus, prior research concentrated on technology adoption in the cross-cultural perspectives, rather than the influence of technological empowerment in an individual context. The significance of the cultural dimensions in shaping behavioral patterns of travel consumers has long been recognized, but the topic remains understudied. Moreover, the usage of social media has seen exponential growth in popularity, but little research has incorporated cultural values at an individual level, mostly for travel purposes. Hence, this current study aims to examine cultural values and their impact on social media continuance usage intention from a travel viewpoint. Therefore, an integrated framework is proposed, grounded in the technology acceptance model (TAM), and extended by cultural values (i.e., collectivism, long-term orientation, and uncertainty avoidance), and social media self-efficacy. A cross-sectional data survey (n = 346) was conducted on travel consumers and a structural equation modeling (SEM) was carried out. Results show that collectivism and long-term orientation are significantly linked with the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, which influences the social media continuance usage intention, whereas uncertainty avoidance does not have any relevance. Moreover, social media self-efficacy significantly (though indirectly) affects the continuance usage intention via perceived usefulness. From our findings, travel providers are encouraged to follow the cultural effects and individuals’ continuance usage intention while providing tourism services on social media. The theoretical and practical implications of these results have also been an area of focus of this paper.

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