thinning process
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2021 ◽  
Rui Liu ◽  
Fei Yang ◽  
Ling Sang ◽  
Xiping Niu ◽  
Lixin Tian ◽  

2021 ◽  
Daniel Nuez ◽  
Phoumra Tan ◽  
Daisy Lu ◽  
Benhai Zhang ◽  
Joshua Miller ◽  

Abstract High performance IC's have driven the semiconductor industry towards the sub-nanometer technology nodes for several years. At 16nm and beyond, the spatial resolution and sensitivity of some diagnostic equipment used for failure analysis have reached certain limitations. The accuracy of isolating a faulty signal in a tightly packed group of transistors in a die becomes more challenging. However, with the improvement of SIL (Solid Immersion Lens) based lens technology with higher N.A. (Numeric Aperture), combined with precision die thinning process, allowed some very promising results. This paper demonstrates successful diagnostic techniques utilizing the SIL lens and a variety of die thinning preparation techniques on 7nm and 16nm process nodes in both monolithic and 2.5D SSIT (Stacked Silicon Interconnect Technology) packages.

2021 ◽  
Shunsuke Abe ◽  
Hideo Hara ◽  
Shin Masuda ◽  
Hirohito Yamada

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (17) ◽  
pp. 5750
Xiaohua Cao ◽  
Shuaiyu Peng ◽  
Daofan Liu

In order to realize state estimation for axisymmetric targets and improve the accuracy and robustness of state estimation, a state estimation method for axisymmetric targets based on beacon linear features and view relation is proposed in this paper. The depth camera is used to collect the image and depth information of the object, and the features of the beacon line are extracted by the thinning process and Hough transform. Then, the rotation matrix model based on view relation is constructed to solve the target state. Finally, an axisymmetric shore power plug is taken as the experimental object and the L–V (linear features and view relation) state estimation method is compared with the C–H and C–IPPE state estimation methods. The experimental results show that the L–V state estimation method has higher accuracy and robustness.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. e0255831
Venera Russo ◽  
Alberto Continella ◽  
Carmelo Drago ◽  
Alessandra Gentile ◽  
Stefano La Malfa ◽  

Immature fruits from Punica granatum L. thinning are a neglected side product of pomegranate production with cumbersome disposal costs for farmers. To explore value potential of immature fruits from pomegranate ‘Wonderful’ cultivars, the compositional landscapes and antitumorigenic activities of pomegranate extracts from two different stages of maturation were assessed. Cancer cell proliferation and cytotoxicity was quantified in human lung H1299 and colon HCT116 adenocarcinomas by crystal violet staining, MTS assay and caspase-3 activity. High performance liquid chromatography—diode array detector (HPLC/DAD) and high performance liquid chromatography—electrospray ionization—mass spectrometry (HPLC/ESI-MS) analyses indicate that immature fruits are rich sources of gallotannins and ellagitannins, with the highest amounts contained in immature fruit peels. Biological investigations reveal a robust anticancer activity by those immature P. granatum fruit extracts, which reflected induction of tumor cytotoxicity and cell death mechanisms. Together, present observations suggest P. granatum byproducts from the thinning process may provide unexplored values for virtuous circular economy.

2021 ◽  
Wenbin Kang ◽  
Wei Li

<p>Numerous lenses of garnet amphibolite occur in the garnet-bearing biotite-plagioclase gneiss belt in the Baishan area of the Beishan Orogen, which connects the Tianshan Orogen to the west and the Mongolia-Xing’anling Orogen to the east. According to the microstructures, mineral relationships, and geothermobarometry, four stages of mineral assemblages have been identified as follows: (1) a pre-peak stage, which is recorded by the cores of garnet together with core-inclusions of plagioclase (Pl<sub>1</sub>); (2) a peak stage, which is recorded by the mantles of garnet together with mantle-inclusions of plagioclase (Pl<sub>2</sub>) + amphibole (Amp<sub>1</sub>) + Ilmenite (Ilm<sub>1</sub>) + biotite (Bt<sub>1</sub>), developed at temperature-pressure (P-T) conditions of 818.9–836.5 °C and 7.3–9.2 kbar; (3) a retrograde stage, which is recorded by garnet rims + plagioclase (Pl<sub>3</sub>) + amphibole (Amp<sub>2</sub>) + orthopyroxene (Opx<sub>1</sub>) + biotite (Bt<sub>2</sub>) + Ilmenite (Ilm<sub>2</sub>), developed at P-T conditions of 796.1–836.9 °C and 5.6–7.5 kbar; (4) a symplectitic stage, which is recorded by plagioclase (Pl<sub>4</sub>) + orthopyroxene (Opx<sub>2</sub>) + amphibole (Amp<sub>3</sub>) + biotite (Bt<sub>3</sub>) symplectites, developed at P-T conditions of 732 ± 59.6 °C and 6.1 ± 0.6 kbar. Moreover, the U-Pb dating of the Beishan garnet amphibolite indicates an age of 301.9 ± 4.7 Ma for the protolith and 281.4 ± 8.5 Ma for the peak metamorphic age. Therefore, the mineral assemblage, P-T conditions, and zircon U-Pb ages of the Beishan garnet amphibolite define a near-isothermal decompression of a clockwise P-T-t (Pressure-Temperature-time) path, indicating the presence of over thickened continental crust in the Huaniushan arc until the Early Permian, then the southern Beishan area underwent a continental crust tectonic thinning process.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 87 (1) ◽  
Rudolf Tretler ◽  
Tomo Tatsuno ◽  
Keisuke Hosokawa

A one-dimensional (1-D) model for thinning of the Earth's plasma sheet (Chao et al., Planet. Space Sci., vol. 25, 1977, p. 703) according to the current disruption (CD) model of auroral breakup is extended to two dimensions. A rarefaction wave, which is a signature component of the CD model, is generated with an initial disturbance. In the 1-D gas model, the rarefaction wave propagates tailward at sound velocity and is assumed to cause thinning. Extending to a two-dimensional (2-D) gas model of a simplified plasma sheet configuration, the rarefaction wave is weakened, and the thinning ceases to propagate. Extending further to a 2-D plasma model by adding magnetic field into the lobes, the rarefaction wave is quickly lost in the plasma sheet recompression, but the plasma sheet thinning is still present. It propagates at a slower velocity than a 1-D model suggests, behind a wave train of pulses of increased pressure generated by the thinning process itself. This shows that the dynamics of plasma sheet thinning may be dominated by sheet–lobe interactions that are absent from the 1-D model and may not support the behaviour assumed by the CD model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 13448-13458
Fuyun Sun ◽  
Yuelei Li ◽  

<abstract><p>In this study, we consider a periodic dividend barrier strategy in an improved thinning risk model, which indicates that insurance companies randomly receive premiums and pay dividends. In the improved model, the premium is stochastic, and the claim counting process is a p-thinning process of the premium counting process. The integral equations satisfied by the Gerber-Shiu function and the expected discounted cumulative dividend function are derived. Explicit expressions of those actuarial functions are obtained when the claim and premium sizes are exponentially distributed. We analyze and illustrate the impact of various parameters on them and obtain the optimal barrier. Finally, a conclusion is drawn.</p></abstract>

S.N. Larin ◽  
V.I. Platonov ◽  
P.V. Romanov

The operation of cold reduction and simultaneous thinning of the wall in the workpiece is considered. The power parameters of this operation are studied. The researches is carried out experimentally. Secondary mathematical models are obtained from the results of the experiment.

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