microscopic agglutination test
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PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e0260052
Susan K. Schommer ◽  
Nicholas Harrison ◽  
Michael Linville ◽  
Melissa S. Samuel ◽  
Sabrina L. Hammond ◽  

Diagnosis and surveillance of pathogenic Leptospira is difficult as organisms may be intermittently shed and in small numbers. Therefore, serologic testing by the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) is the primary screening method for leptospirosis. While a MAT titer ≥1:100 is considered to be a positive result, interpretation is complicated by the use of commercial vaccines in pigs. Most guidelines for interpretation of MAT titers in pigs were published in the 1970’s and 1980’s, prior to the development of the current multivalent vaccines. We evaluated MAT titers in routinely vaccinated healthy research pigs compared to their unvaccinated cohorts. Our study confirmed previous reports that the Pomona serovar elicits minimal antibody response even after a second booster 6 months after initial vaccination. However, MAT titers of ≥1:3,200 were detected as early as 4 weeks post initial vaccination for serovars Bratislava and Icterohaemorrhagiae and remained as high as ≥1:1,600 prior to booster at 24 weeks post vaccination. Our study determined that high levels of MAT titers can occur from vaccination alone and high titers are not necessarily indicative of infection. Therefore, the interpretation of MAT titers as indicators of Leptospira infection should be readdressed.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e0259907
Yuji Oyamada ◽  
Ryo Ozuru ◽  
Toshiyuki Masuzawa ◽  
Satoshi Miyahara ◽  
Yasuhiko Nikaido ◽  

Leptospirosis is a zoonosis caused by the pathogenic bacterium Leptospira. The Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) is widely used as the gold standard for diagnosis of leptospirosis. In this method, diluted patient serum is mixed with serotype-determined Leptospires, and the presence or absence of aggregation is determined under a dark-field microscope to calculate the antibody titer. Problems of the current MAT method are 1) a requirement of examining many specimens per sample, and 2) a need of distinguishing contaminants from true aggregates to accurately identify positivity. Therefore, increasing efficiency and accuracy are the key to refine MAT. It is possible to achieve efficiency and standardize accuracy at the same time by automating the decision-making process. In this study, we built an automatic identification algorithm of MAT using a machine learning method to determine agglutination within microscopic images. The machine learned the features from 316 positive and 230 negative MAT images created with sera of Leptospira-infected (positive) and non-infected (negative) hamsters, respectively. In addition to the acquired original images, wavelet-transformed images were also considered as features. We utilized a support vector machine (SVM) as a proposed decision method. We validated the trained SVMs with 210 positive and 154 negative images. When the features were obtained from original or wavelet-transformed images, all negative images were misjudged as positive, and the classification performance was very low with sensitivity of 1 and specificity of 0. In contrast, when the histograms of wavelet coefficients were used as features, the performance was greatly improved with sensitivity of 0.99 and specificity of 0.99. We confirmed that the current algorithm judges the positive or negative of agglutinations in MAT images and gives the further possibility of automatizing MAT procedure.

V Ukhovskyi ◽  
A Pyskun ◽  
L Korniienko ◽  
H Aliekseieva ◽  
O Moroz ◽  

Leptospirosis is a widespread infection among pigs throughout the world. In most cases in Ukraine, only the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) is used for the diagnosis of leptospirosis in animals. In general, during the period of 2001–2019, 2 381 163 samples of blood sera from swine were tested in our country and 85 338 positive reactions were received, which is 3.58% [binomial confidence intervals (BCI), 3.56–3.61%]. It was established that the serovars copenhageni – 33.91% (BCI, 33.59–34.23%), bratislava – 14.14% (BCI, 13.90–14.37%), pomona – 8.58% (BCI, 8.39–8.77%), and tarassovi – 7.12% (BCI, 6.95–7.30%) play a leading role in the aetiological structure of swine leptospirosis. A large number of positive reactions to several serovars was observed – 29.78% (BCI, 29.47–30.09%) of the total number of positive cases. In addition, the article presents data according to a retrospective analysis of the eight serovars circulating among pigs in Ukraine. Thus, during the nineteen year period, there was a decrease in the number of positive reactions to bratislava, pomona, and tarassovi and an increase in the number of positive reactions to copenhageni, polonica, and kabura. Mapping Ukraine’s territory for leptospirosis among pigs was carried out. This allows one to identify zones with a risk of leptospirosis infections among swine. The maps show that the highest incidence rates were identified in the eastern and central parts of Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (09) ◽  
pp. 498-504
T.V.L. Charishma Devi ◽  
B. Mounika ◽  
SK. Sharmila ◽  
Satheesh S. Gottipati ◽  

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, it arises worldwide but it is most frequent in tropical and subtropical zone. It is one of the notifiable and treatable disease. Leptospirosis is a plague caused by species of bacteria called Leptospira the bacteria shed into the nature via urine of infected animals. Rats are the most recurrent source of human sepsis. Rivers are the assumption to be a predominant risk factor for transmission of disease to humans. It possesses an extensive variation of mechanisms that allow them to avoid the host immune system and cause infection. The infection is extremely vast ranging from subclinical to multi organ infection with elevated mortality. It is frequently mild but can be terminal, it is likely to be serious and the serious alignment form known as Weils disease and can easily steer to death. The mingling of renal failure, hemorrhage and jaundice is known as Weils disease. It is the most affection pattern associated with critical leptospirosis. It is accumulating as a serious problem worldwide and superficially existing as co-infections with various unrelated diseases, including malaria and dengue. Laboratory diagnostic tests are not always accessible and usually diagnosis is executed by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serology and microscopic agglutination test, rapid test are also feasible. The MAT (microscopic agglutination test) is known as Gold standard. Serological tests are most frequently used for the diagnosis of leptospirois. The carcinogenesis of human disease and mechanism of cell membrane injuries which take place mainly due to the occupancy of leptospirosis along with their antigen in host tissues many molecules hand out to the ability of leptospira to invade, colonize and to adhere. In most of the cases antibiotics are preferred to reduce the symptoms of leptospirosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-34
Asih Rahayu ◽  
Yos Adi Prakoso ◽  
Kurnia Desiandura

Leptospirosis is an eminent diseases among human and animal health. As a zoonosis disease, the occurrence of leptospirosis is not clearly understood in animal. Furthermore, the lesion caused by Leptospira sp. is not well demonstrated. This study aimed to analyze the correlation between the result of serological test using microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and the representation of histopathological lesion in kidney from the cattle. This study used 28 samples consist of cattle serum and kidney organs. The serum was tested using MAT and kidney was tested using histopathology. The data was reported semi quantitatively and tested using Spearman test. The result showed that there is no correlation between the result of serological test to the representation of histopathological lesion from the kidney of cattle. It is supported by the coefficient correlation (0,05) and probability value p=0,78 (p≥0,05). In conclusion, the result of Leptospira sp. serological test either seropositive or seronegative uncorrelated to the representation of histopathological lesion from the cattle kidney.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (7) ◽  
pp. e0009565
Dinesha Jayasundara ◽  
Chandika Gamage ◽  
Indika Senavirathna ◽  
Janith Warnasekara ◽  
Michael A. Matthias ◽  

The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) is the standard serological reference test for the diagnosis of leptospirosis, despite being a technically demanding and laborious procedure. The use of a locally optimised MAT panel is considered essential for proper performance and interpretation of results. This paper describes the procedure of selecting such an optimised panel for Sri Lanka, a country hyper-endemic for leptospirosis. MAT was performed using 24 strains on 1132 serum samples collected from patients presenting with acute undifferentiated fever. Of 24 strains, 15 were selected as the optimised panel, while only 11% of serum samples showed positivity. A geographical variation in predominantly reactive serovars was observed, whereas reactivity was low with the saprophytic strain Patoc. Testing with paired sera yielded a higher sensitivity but provided only a retrospective diagnosis. Serological tests based on ELISA with complimentary molecular diagnosis using PCR are a feasible and robust alternative approach to diagnose leptospirosis in countries having a higher burden of the disease.

Pathogens ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 609
Betrand Msemwa ◽  
Mariam M. Mirambo ◽  
Vitus Silago ◽  
Juma M. Samson ◽  
Khadija S. Majid ◽  

This study investigated seroepidemiology of Leptospira serovars among the dog keepers and their dogs in the city of Mwanza, Tanzania. A total of 205 dog keepers and 414 dogs were tested for Leptospira antibodies using a microscopic agglutination test (MAT). The median age of the dog keepers was 26 (inter quartile range (IQR): 17–40) years and median duration of keeping dogs was 36 (IQR: 24–120) months. The seropositivity of Leptospira antibodies was (33/205 (16.1%, 95% CI: 11.0–21.1) among dog keepers and (66/414 (15.9%, 95% CI: 12.4–19.4) among dogs, p = 0.4745. Among the serovars tested (Sokoine, Grippotyphosa, Kenya, Pomona and Hebdomadis), the most prevalent serovar was Sokoine in both dog keepers and their dogs (93.9% (31/33) vs. and 65.1% (43/66), p = 0.009). Thirty-one out of thirty-three seropositive dog keepers (93.9%) had dogs positive for Leptospira antibodies with 28 (84.9%) having similar serovars with their respective seropositive dogs. Having tertiary education (AOR: 0.24, 95% CI: 0.07–0.84, p = 0.026) independently protected individuals from being Leptospira seropositive. More than three quarters of dog keepers had similar serovars as their dogs, necessitating one health approach to control measures in endemic areas.

Pathogens ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 408
Sharon Tirosh-Levy ◽  
Miri Baum ◽  
Gili Schvartz ◽  
Boaz Kalir ◽  
Oren Pe’er ◽  

Leptospirosis has been reported in both humans and animals in Israel but has not been reported in horses. In 2018, an outbreak of Leptospira spp. serogroup Pomona was reported in humans and cattle in Israel. In horses, leptospirosis may cause equine recurrent uveitis (ERU). This report describes the first identification of Leptospira serogroup Pomona as the probable cause of ERU in horses in Israel, followed by an epidemiological investigation of equine exposure in the area. Serologic exposure to Leptospira was determined by microscopic agglutination test (MAT) using eight serovars. In 2017, serovar Pomona was identified in a mare with signs of ERU. Seven of thirteen horses from that farm were seropositive for serogroup Pomona, of which three had signs of ERU. During the same time period, 14/70 horses from three other farms were positive for serogroup Pomona. In 2015, two years prior to this diagnosis, 259 horses from 21 farms were sampled and one horse tested seropositive for serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae. In 2018, one year later, 337 horses were sampled on 29 farms, with none testing seropositive. Although horses are not considered a major host of Leptospira spp., it appears that horses may be infected, and clinically affected, in the course of an outbreak in other species. The identification of leptospirosis in stabled horses may impose a significant zoonotic risk to people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Israel Barbosa Guedes ◽  
Gisele Oliveira de Souza ◽  
Juliana Fernandes de Paula Castro ◽  
Matheus Burilli Cavalini ◽  
Antônio Francisco de Souza Filho ◽  

The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) used for the serological diagnosis of leptospirosis, as a robust and inexpensive method, is still the reality in many laboratories worldwide. Both the performance and the interpretation of the MAT vary from region to region, making standardization difficult. The prediction of the probable infecting serogroup using this test is indispensable for elucidating the epidemiology of the disease; however, in veterinary medicine, many studies consider any reaction detected with a titer of 100, which may ultimately overestimate some serogroups. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of the ranking technique for predicting the probable infecting serogroup identified by the MAT, eliminating cross reactions with other serogroups. Leptospira strains (12 samples) were inoculated in hamsters, and after 30 days, serology was performed by the MAT for these animals to confirm the infecting serogroup. Using the ranking technique, the probable infectious serogroup found with the MAT was the same as that in which the strains of inoculated leptospires belonged; additionally, the technique can be applied in epidemiological studies involving herds.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Mohammad Sabri Abdul Rahman ◽  
Siti Khairani Bejo ◽  
Zunita Zakaria ◽  
Latiffah Hassan ◽  
Mohd Azri Roslan

AbstractIntroductionLeptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects both humans and animals, the occurrence of which increases markedly during and after heavy rainfall and flooding. The aim of this study was to determine the serological prevalence of leptospiral infection in livestock after a voluminous flood in 10 districts of the Malaysian state of Kelantan.Material and MethodsIn December 2014, Kelantan was hit by an extensive flood. A total of 1,728 serum samples were collected from livestock from the state, comprised of 1,024 from cattle, 366 from goats and 338 from sheep, and they were tested using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT).ResultsAltogether, 203 (11.75%; 203/1728; 95% CI: 10.20%–13.30%) of the tested sera were found to be positive serologically. Cattle had the highest prevalence of 14.16% (145/1024), while goats and sheep had 11.20% (41/366) and 5.03% (17/338) respectively. The most frequent serovars detected were Hardjo-bovis (3.70%; 64/1728), Hebdomadis (2.08%; 36/1728) and Pomona (1.04%; 18/1728). There was a statistically significant association (P < 0.05) between livestock that were exposed to the flood and seropositivity.ConclusionThis study showed that flood is a risk factor that can play a role in the epidemiology of leptospiral infection in livestock.

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