radius fracture
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2022 ◽  
Servet Kahveci

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Yin-Ming Huang ◽  
Chun-Yu Chen ◽  
Kai-Cheng Lin ◽  
Yih-Wen Tarng ◽  
Ching-Yi Liao ◽  

Abstract Introduction The volar locking plate has been widely used for unstable distal radius fractures to provide early recovery of wrist function. Volar plate prominence to the watershed line has been reported to be related to flexor tendon irritation, and avoid implant prominence in this area was suggested. On the other hand, marginal distal radius fracture patterns required the plate to cross the watershed line, making conflict over plate positioning on marginal distal radius fractures. This study compared functional outcomes in patients with marginal distal radius fractures treated with two different implants. Materials and methods A retrospective study was conducted, all patients who received a Synthes 2.4 mm LCP or an Acumed Acu-Loc VLP between January 2015 and December 2018 were reviewed. The marginal distal radius fracture pattern was the most distal horizontal fracture line within 10 mm of the lunate fossa’s joint line. The primary outcomes including patient-reported pain scores, range of motion, and grip strength were assessed. Secondary outcomes included patient-based subjective satisfaction scores of the injured wrist and hand function. The Mayo Wrist Score and the requirement for a secondary procedure related to hardware complications were also recorded. Results Forty-two patients met our inclusion criteria. Twenty-one patients were treated with the Synthes 2.4 mm LCP, and 21 patients with the Acumed Acu-Loc VLP. The primary outcome revealed that post-operative range of motion (P = 0.016) and grip strengths (P = 0.014) were significantly improved in the Acu-Loc VLP group. The MAYO wrist score in the Acu-Loc VLP group was also significantly better (P = 0.006). Conclusions Despite advances in implant designs, flexor tendon irritation or rupture is still a complication following distal radius’s volar plating. We believe the Acumed Acu-Loc VLP design provided better functional outcomes than the Synthes 2.4 mm LCP if appropriately and carefully placed into its designed-for position. This positioning results in promising patient satisfaction when treating marginal distal radius fractures.

2022 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-41
Humaira Sæbø ◽  
Ingvill Fjell Naterstad ◽  
Jon Joensen ◽  
Martin Bjørn Stausholm ◽  
Jan Magnus Bjordal

Anıl AGAR ◽  
Orhan GÜNEŞ ◽  
Adem ŞAHİN ◽  
Bülent KILIÇ ◽  
Cemil ERTÜRK ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 156918612110436
Mitchell R Voss ◽  
Rebecca L Donnay ◽  
Jennifer K Homa

Introduction Dry needling has been identified as a potential intervention for a variety of diagnoses. Limited evidence exists to support the use of dry needling following surgical intervention of a distal radius fracture. This case report demonstrates the impact of dry needling in the thumb following a distal radius fracture. Methods The patient was a 31-year-old healthy female who sustained a distal radius fracture and required surgical intervention. The patient required a volar plate removal and extensor tenolysis. The patient attended traditional occupational therapy with one session of dry needling to assist in improving range of motion and decreasing pain. Results The patient benefited from the use of dry needling. The patient had no pain with functional grasping and pinching following dry needling and improved on the Kapandji score from eight to nine out of ten. The patient also reported a decrease in overall pain, from seven to two on the Numeric Pain Rating Scale. Discussion The patient benefited from dry needling in the thumb to improve both range of motion and pain symptoms. While the evidence is limited, dry needling may be an appropriate intervention to assist in recovery and reduce thumb pain following distal radius fractures.

P. M. Mervinrosario ◽  
Vijay Narasimman Reddy ◽  
Aravind Ravichandran

The present case report describe Open Reduction & Internal Fixation of a Distal Radius Fracture With a Volar Locking Plate. Anatomical reduction & stable fixation of fracture with or without bone grafting, greatly reduces the incidence of post-traumatic osteoarthritis & stiffness. The accuracy of fracture reduction co- relates directly to the final outcome. A 34-year-old man fell on his right outstretched h&. He presented to the casuality & on physical examination, he was noted to have deformity about his right wrist with moderate swelling. There was no neuro-vascular deficit. Various treatment modalities have been developed for distal radius fracture fixation. Treatment options range from closed reduction & cast application to open reduction with plates & screws. Locking plates address intra-articular & metaphyseal comminution. Biomechanical studies comparing volar fixed- angle locking plates with that of conventional dorsal plates report volar fixed-angled plates to be superior in terms of their strength.

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