hierarchical trees
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2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Over recent times, medical imaging plays a significant role in clinical practices. Storing and transferring the huge volume of images becomes complicated without an efficient image compression technique. This paper proposes a compression algorithm that uses a Haar based wavelet transform called Tetrolet transform, which reduces the noise on the input images and decomposes with a 4 x 4 blocks of equal squares called tetrominoes. It opts for a decomposing using optimal scheme for achieving the input image into a sparse representation which gives a much-detailed performance for texture and edge information better than wavelet transform. Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) is used for encoding the significant coefficients to achieve efficient image compression. It has been investigated with various metaheuristic algorithms. Experimental results prove that the proposed method outperforms the other transform-based compression in terms of PSNR, CR, and Complexity. Also, the proposed method shows an improved result with another state of work.

2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Saravanan S. ◽  
Sujitha Juliet

Over recent times, medical imaging plays a significant role in clinical practices. Storing and transferring the huge volume of images becomes complicated without an efficient image compression technique. This paper proposes a compression algorithm that uses a Haar based wavelet transform called Tetrolet transform, which reduces the noise on the input images and decomposes with a 4 x 4 blocks of equal squares called tetrominoes. It opts for a decomposing using optimal scheme for achieving the input image into a sparse representation which gives a much-detailed performance for texture and edge information better than wavelet transform. Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) is used for encoding the significant coefficients to achieve efficient image compression. It has been investigated with various metaheuristic algorithms. Experimental results prove that the proposed method outperforms the other transform-based compression in terms of PSNR, CR, and Complexity. Also, the proposed method shows an improved result with another state of work.

Pomorstvo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 395-401
Tetyana Теreschenko ◽  
Iuliia Yamnenko ◽  
Oleksandr Melnychenko ◽  
Maryna Panchenko ◽  
Liudmyla Laikova

The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for choosing image compression method based on wavelet transformation, depending on image type, quality and compression requirements. Among the wavelet image compression methods, Embedded Zerotree Wavelet coder (EZW) and Set Partition In Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) are considered, and the Haar wavelet and wavelet transformation in the oriented basis with the first, third, fifth and seventh decomposition levels is used as the base wavelet transform. These compression methods were compared with each other and with the standard JPEG method on the following parameters: mean square error, maximum error, peak to noise ratio, number of bits per pixel, compression ratio, and image size. The proposed methods can be successfully applied in the transmission of seabed relief images obtained from satellites or sea buoys.

Yassine Habchi ◽  
Ameur Fethi Aimer ◽  
Mohammed Beladgham ◽  
Riyadh Bouddou

Recently, ophthalmic clinics have seen many complaints related to retinal diseases. The degree of clarity of the blood vessels (BV) in the eye can be an important indicator of some diseases affecting the retina such as diabetic retinopathy. To diagnose it, we need to intervene more than a medical team, especially in some difficult cases, through the exchange of medical images obtained by photography. This method has contributed significantly to the production of large data that can quickly saturate transmission, storage systems and increase processing time, so the need to compress images efficiently without modifying the content before transmission represents a major challenge. This paper provides an effective method for compressing color retinal images (CRI), which relies on the use of an integer lifting scheme (ILS) based on cohen daubechies-feaveau wavelet (CDFW9/7) and the set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) to encode large coefficients. The obtained results demonstrate that the suggested method reduce algorithmic complexity, improve the retinal image quality and achieves high objective parameters values for ultra-low bitrate compared to the conventional methods.

2021 ◽  
Ricardo de Queiroz ◽  
Andre Souto ◽  
Victor Figueiredo ◽  
Philip Chou

<div>We propose an embedded attribute encoding method for point clouds based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) [1]. The encoder is used with the region-adaptive hierarchical transform [2] which has been a popular transform for point cloud coding, even included in the standard geometry-based point cloud coder (G-PCC) [3],[4]. The result is an encoder that is efficient, scalable, and embedded. That is, higher compression is achieved by trimming the full bit-stream. G-PCC’s RAHT coefficient prediction prevents the straightforward incorporation of SPIHT into G-PCC. However, our results over other RAHT based coders are promising, improving over the original, nonpredictive RAHT encoder, while providing the key functionality of being embedded.</div>

2021 ◽  
Ricardo de Queiroz ◽  
Andre Souto ◽  
Victor Figueiredo ◽  
Philip Chou

<div>We propose an embedded attribute encoding method for point clouds based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) [1]. The encoder is used with the region-adaptive hierarchical transform [2] which has been a popular transform for point cloud coding, even included in the standard geometry-based point cloud coder (G-PCC) [3],[4]. The result is an encoder that is efficient, scalable, and embedded. That is, higher compression is achieved by trimming the full bit-stream. G-PCC’s RAHT coefficient prediction prevents the straightforward incorporation of SPIHT into G-PCC. However, our results over other RAHT based coders are promising, improving over the original, nonpredictive RAHT encoder, while providing the key functionality of being embedded.</div>

2021 ◽  
Cristina Moraru

Recent years have seen major changes in the classification criteria and taxonomy of viruses. The current classification scheme, also called megataxonomy of viruses, recognizes five different viral realms, defined based on the presence of viral hallmark genes. Within the realms, viruses are classified into hierarchical taxons, ideally defined by their shared genes. Therefore, there is currently a need for virus classification tools based on such shared genes / proteins. Here, VirClust is presented: a novel tool capable of performing i) hierarchical clustering of viruses based on intergenomic distances calculated from their protein cluster content, ii) identification of core proteins and iii) annotation of viral proteins. VirClust groups proteins into clusters both based on BLASTP sequence similarity, which identifies more related proteins, and also based on hidden markow models (HMM), which identifies more distantly related proteins. Furthermore, VirClust provides an integrated visualization of the hierarchical clustering tree and of the distribution of the protein content, which allows the identification of the genomic features responsible for the respective clustering. By using different intergenomic distances, the hierarchical trees produced by VirClust can be split into viral genome clusters of different taxonomic ranks. VirClust is freely available, as web-service (virclust.icbm.de) and stand-alone tool.

2021 ◽  
Avner Priel ◽  
Boaz Tamir

Abstract A vectorial distance measure for trees is presented. Given two trees, we align the trees from their centers outwards, starting from the root-branches, to make the next level as similar as possible. The algorithm is recursive; condition on the alignment of the root-branches we align the sub-branches, thereafter each alignment is conditioned on the previous one. We define a minimal alignment under a lexicographic order which follows the intuition that the differences between the two trees closer to their cores dominate their differences at a higher level. Given such a minimal alignment, the difference in the number of branches calculated at any level defines the entry of the distance vector at that level. We compare our algorithm to other well-known tree distance measures in the task of clustering sets of phylogenetic trees. We use the TreeSimGM simulator for generating stochastic phylogenetic trees. The vectorial tree distance can successfully separate symmetric from asymmetric trees, and hierarchical from non-hierarchical trees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Andrea Nemcova ◽  
Radovan Smisek ◽  
Martin Vitek ◽  
Marie Novakova

AbstractThe performance of ECG signals compression is influenced by many things. However, there is not a single study primarily focused on the possible effects of ECG pathologies on the performance of compression algorithms. This study evaluates whether the pathologies present in ECG signals affect the efficiency and quality of compression. Single-cycle fractal-based compression algorithm and compression algorithm based on combination of wavelet transform and set partitioning in hierarchical trees are used to compress 125 15-leads ECG signals from CSE database. Rhythm and morphology of these signals are newly annotated as physiological or pathological. The compression performance results are statistically evaluated. Using both compression algorithms, physiological signals are compressed with better quality than pathological signals according to 8 and 9 out of 12 quality metrics, respectively. Moreover, it was statistically proven that pathological signals were compressed with lower efficiency than physiological signals. Signals with physiological rhythm and physiological morphology were compressed with the best quality. The worst results reported the group of signals with pathological rhythm and pathological morphology. This study is the first one which deals with effects of ECG pathologies on the performance of compression algorithms. Signal-by-signal rhythm and morphology annotations (physiological/pathological) for the CSE database are newly published.

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