labile p
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Xu-Meng Dong ◽  
Shuo-Nan Ma ◽  
Hai-Jun Wang ◽  
Yuan-Yuan Li ◽  
Yan Li ◽  

Increasing concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) have been observed in coastal ecosystems worldwide over the past decade, and tight coupling of the carbon (C) and phosphorus (P) biogeochemical cycle has been recognized in aquatic ecosystems. However, there is still no consensus regarding the potential effects of DOC loading on sediment P release. In a 2-month mesocosm experiment, we tested the effects of DOC enrichment on sediment P release in six glass aquariums. Two treatments were set: Control (without sodium acetate (Na(CH3COO)) addition) and Na(CH3COO) addition (equivalent to 5 mg C L−1). The results showed the following: 1) DOC loading stimulated sediment P mobilization and release, as indicated by increases in the labile P recorded for 7-cm-deep sediment using diffusive gradients in thin films, the flux of P across the sediment–water interface, and the total P concentrations in the overlying water; and 2) stimulated alkaline phosphatase activity, increased P-solubilizing bacteria proportion, and decreased dissolved oxygen concentration were likely the primary mechanisms behind the DOC-stimulated sediment P mobilization and release. These results provide insight into the promotion of sediment P release induced by C addition. Further studies investigating the quantitative relationships between DOC loadings and P release are needed to fully elucidate the coupled roles of C and P, especially those based on large-scale field investigations with broader C forms and loadings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Rafael de Souza Nunes ◽  
Djalma Martinhão Gomes de Sousa ◽  
Wenceslau J. Goedert ◽  
Luiz Eduardo Zancanaro de Oliveira ◽  
Thamires Dutra Pinheiro

We investigated labile P and roots distribution in the soil profile and their effect on phosphorus uptake and soybean and corn yield under different tillage systems and phosphate fertilization managements. In a long-term experiment fertilized with triple superphosphate (TSP) or reactive phosphate rock (RPR), where the fertilizer was band-applied in the crop row or broadcasted under conventional tillage (CT) or no-tillage (NT), we evaluated labile P (Bray-1) and root density distribution in depth, and crop yield, biomass production and P uptake by soybean (16th crop) and corn (17th crop). The soil disturbance in CT promoted more homogeneous soil P distribution while in NT there was a strong gradient in depth, with nutrient accumulation in the fertilizer application zone. In general, the average content of P in the 0–20 cm layer was similar for the two soil management systems and for the two application methods, but higher for TSP in relation to RPR. Root distribution of soybeans in NT and corn in both tillage systems showed a strong relationship with soil P distribution. The production of biomass, P uptake and grain yield of soybean in CT was influenced by phosphate fertilization management and generally presented lower performance than in NT, what did not occur for corn possibly due to a better P uptake efficiency compared to that of soybean. Greater stratification on the distribution of soil P and soybean and corn roots in NT did not represent any limitation on the nutrient uptake and yield of these crops, not even in the extreme case where the fertilizer was continuously broadcast on the soil surface. The influence of soil tillage management and phosphate fertilization was more evident in soybeans than corn.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Krystal S. Li ◽  
Van Zeghbroeck J. ◽  
Qingchun Liu ◽  
Shouan Zhang

Many soils including urban soils have high legacy soil phosphorus (P) due to repeated applications of P fertilizers, but a large portion legacy soil P is fixed by calcium in the calcareous soils. Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) have the ability to transfer fixed (non-labile) soil P into bioavailable P. The aim of this study was to isolate P solubilizing bacteria from the rhizospheres of four local native plants [broomsedge bluestem (Andropogon virginicus), giant sword ferns (Nephrolepis biserrata), sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense), and sea ox-eye daisy (Borrichia frutescens)] grown in low bioavailable P calcareous soils and to determine their ability to solubilize P. A total of 44 strains of PSB were isolated with 15 of them being identified by sequencing the 16S rRNA genes as Bacillus flexus, Beijerinckia fluminensis, Enterobacter ludwigii, Enterobacter sp., and Pantoea cypripedii. After a 7-day incubation, these strains reduced pH to <4.27 and increased water-soluble P up to 588 mg L−1. Enterobacter ludwigii showed superior P solubilizing ability amount PSB isolated. Therefore, the isolated strains from the local native environment have the potential to thrive in local calcareous soils and possess strong ability to transform non-labile P into bioavailable forms for plants to uptake.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
Chih-Yu Chiu ◽  
Ian Baillie ◽  
Shih-Hao Jien ◽  
Liam Hallett ◽  
Stephen Hallett

Abstract Background Phosphorus (P) is the limiting nutrient in many mature tropical forests. The ecological significance of declining P stocks as soils age is exacerbated by much of the remaining P being progressively sequestered. However, the details of how and where P is sequestered during the ageing in tropical forest soils remains unclear. Results We examined the relationships between various forms of the Fe and Al sesquioxides and the Hedley fractions of P in soils of an incipient ferralitic chronosequence on an altitudinal series of gently sloping benches on Green Island, off the southeastern coast of Taiwan. These soils contain limited amounts of easily exchangeable P. Of the sesquioxide variables, only Fe and Al crystallinities increased significantly with bench altitude/soil age, indicating that the ferralisation trend is weak. The bulk of the soil P was in the NaOH and residual extractable fractions, and of low lability. The P fractions that correlated best with the sesquioxides were the organic components of the NaHCO3 and NaOH extracts. Conclusions The amorphous sesquioxides, Feo and Alo, were the forms that correlated best with the P fractions. A substantial proportion of the labile P appears to be organic and to be associated with Alo in organic-aluminium complexes. The progression of P sequestration appears to be slightly slower than the chemical and mineralogical indicators of ferralisation.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 3232
Qingqing Sun ◽  
Fujun Yue ◽  
Jingan Chen ◽  
Jingfu Wang ◽  
Yulin Li ◽  

Nitrogen and phosphorus are key elements in controlling eutrophication in the aquatic system. Water and sediment samples were collected from Hongfeng Lake, a seasonally stratified reservoir in southwest China, in winter and summer. Diffusion fluxes of NH4+, NO3−, and labile P in summer using diffusive gradients in thin films technology were 3.4, −37.2, and 0.9 mg m−2 day−1, respectively, based on Fick’s first law. The diffusion flux of labile P was 2.05 mg m−2 day−1 in winter. The contributions fraction of the labile P diffusion flux from sediment to the overlying water were higher in winter than those in summer, because of the relatively lower external input, concentrations and higher diffusion fluxes in winter. After the external input decreased, all of the three diffusion fluxes were lower than the previous record. To understand the influence effect of hydrodynamics, environmental fluid dynamics code modeling was used to simulate the flow and temperature field in winter and summer. Modeling results showed that velocity in summer was higher than that in winter due to concentrated rainfall within the catchment. Moreover, the velocity and temperature in the euphotic zone were higher than that of the hypolimnion in summer. Less variation of velocity and temperature in vertical profile in winter than that in summer was observed, which may be attributable to the high specific heat capacity and the low heat conductivity of water. There was no significant correlation among velocity, hydrochemistry, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations. Hydrodynamics, solar radiation, and water depth affect the position of the thermocline, which was consequently to water temperature, hydrochemistry, dissolved nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration. Correlation analysis suggested that the higher bottom velocity and total bed shear may accelerate labile P, NH4+, and NO3− diffusion fluxes. These results provide evidence and suggestions for preventing and controlling reservoir eutrophication and water safety management.

Resources ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 102
Marge Lanno ◽  
Mait Kriipsalu ◽  
Merrit Shanskiy ◽  
Maidu Silm ◽  
Anu Kisand

Composting is a sustainable method for recovering nutrients from various organic wastes, including food waste. Every input waste has different nutrient contents, in turn, suggesting that every compost has different fertilizer and/or soil improvement values. The phosphorus (P) concentration and relative distribution of P forms is related to the original organic material. The relative distribution of P forms determines how readily plants can absorb P from the compost-amended soil. The aim of this study was to investigate the content and relative share of P forms in composts made from fish waste, sewage sludge, green waste, and horse manure. Six forms of P (labile; bound to reducible metals; bound to non-reducible metals; bound to easily degradable organic material; and bound to calcium) were determined using sequential extraction method. The results indicated that fish waste compost had relatively high proportion of labile P, suggesting good biological availability. In comparison, sewage sludge compost contained the highest overall P concentration per dry weight unit, while labile P constituted only 6% of summary of P forms. The results indicate that the evaluation of composts as alternative P sources in agriculture should rely on the relative distribution of P forms in the compost in addition to the typically recognized value of the total P.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
pp. 2691
Zheng Mu ◽  
Yao Cheng ◽  
Qiang Huang ◽  
Mingming Hu ◽  
Wei Dong ◽  

Large-scale deep reservoirs associated with hydropower cascade development are known to influence the cycle of phosphorus (P). However, there is scarce information on the fractions and availability of P in sediments of large-scale deep reservoirs constructed due to hydropower cascade development. In this study, we researched the fractions and release mechanism of P in the sediments of large-scale deep reservoirs by analyzing the fractions and availability of P in the sediments of the Xiaowan (XW) and Nuozhadu (NZD) reservoirs in the middle and lower reaches of the Lancang River (China). According to the results, there is a significant difference in the P fractions in the sediments of the XW and NZD reservoirs, but not for the available P in the sediments. Compared to the NZD reservoir, there was less solid bioavailable phosphorus (BAP) in the sediments of the XW reservoir, but the replenishment degree of active solid phase P into pore water was higher in the XW. There was a significant positive correlation between the available P and the BAP; the Fe/P ratio measured by the diffusive gradients in thin films reflects the control of active iron (oxyhydr) oxides over labile P in the sediments. In addition to the reductive dissolution of iron-bound P, the release of P into the large deep reservoirs may be related to factors such as the sulfate reduction and the degradation of organic materials. The P cycling in deep reservoir sediments is mainly controlled by the Fe, and there is a clear spatial distribution of this mechanism in deep reservoirs.

Khaled D. Alotaibi ◽  
Melissa Arcand ◽  
Noura Ziadi

Abstract Background Continuous application of phosphorus (P) nutrient in association with its low recovery results in large amounts of P being accumulated in soil in different forms. Use of biochar can be a possible means to mobilize soil legacy P and increase its bioavailability. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the potential impact of a range of biochar types on P fractions in a long-term cultivated arid soil with high legacy P content. Methodology The soil was treated with biochar produced from four feedstock sources (BFS): sewage sludge (SSB), olive mill pomace (OPB), chicken manure (CMB), and date palm residues (DRB) pyrolyzed at 300, 500, or 700 °C in addition to an untreated control. The soil biochar mixture was incubated for 1 month followed by soil P fractionations using sequential chemical extraction to separate soil P into: labile (Resin-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po), moderately labile (NaOH-Pi, NaOH-Po), and non-labile (HCl-Pi and Residual-P) pools. Results Biochar addition clearly influenced most of the soil P fractions; however, the extent of this effect greatly varied depending on BFS and pyrolysis temperature (PT). The most evident biochar impact was observed with labile P pool, with the greatest increase being observed in NaHCO3-Pi fraction in most biochar treatments. Irrespective of PT, SSB and CMB were the most effective biochar type in increasing labile inorganic P; the SSB and CMB increased Resin-Pi by 77 and 206% and NaHCO3-Pi by 200 and 188%, respectively. In contrast, DRB made no changes in any P fraction. Differences in effects of biochar types on labile P is presumably related to the higher content of P in biowaste-based biochar compared to plant-based biochar which have much lower P content. The SSB, CMB, and OPB produced at low temperature reduced HCl-Pi content, indicating that these biochars may have stimulated organic matter decomposition and thereby dissolution of non-labile Ca-associated P to labile P forms. Conclusion Overall, biochar addition appeared to be an effective approach in enhancing legacy P availability in arid soil. However, further studies are necessary to verify these findings in the presence of plant and for a longer period. Graphic abstract

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
Anelisa de Aquino Vidal Lacerda Soares ◽  
Renato de Mello Prado ◽  
Gustavo Caione ◽  
Marcos Rodrigues ◽  
Paulo Sérgio Pavinato ◽  

Organic residual material such as filter cake, combined with mineral phosphate fertilizers, may alter the soil phosphorus (P) bioavailability for sugarcane as a consequence of the competing effect in adsorption sites. This study aimed to quantify the changes in both the inorganic and organic soil P fractions as amended by phosphate fertilizer sources and filter cake and to link the P fractions to sugarcane response. An experiment was conducted in an Oxisol, in a randomized block design with factorial arrangement of 4 × 2, and three replications. Three P fertilizer sources (triple superphosphate, Araxá rock phosphate, and Bayóvar® reactive phosphate) plus a control (no P) were evaluated under both the presence and absence of filter cake. At the end of the second crop cycle, the following were measured: the cane yield, the tissue P content, and soil P fractions. All fertilizer sources were efficient in supplying P to sugarcane. Araxá rock phosphate generated a higher accumulation in moderately labile P, whereas the soluble triple superphosphate resulted in higher labile P. The filter cake, as a source of nutrients and organic matter, has an important contribution to maintain more available P for sugarcane absorption, especially when associated with triple superphosphate. The amount of P absorbed by sugarcane was correlated with the soil labile P (r = 0.58) and also with the inorganic P moderately labile (r = 0.42). Both fractions must be taken into account for a short- to medium-term availability of P for sugarcane in Oxisols.

2021 ◽  
Yao Cheng ◽  
Yu Li ◽  
Jinkun Wu ◽  
Mingming Hu ◽  
Yuchun Wang ◽  

Abstract The influence of cascade reservoirs construction on labile phosphorus (P) is an important scientific problem in the Lancang River. The concentration of labile P in cascade deep-water reservoirs were determined, and the influence of cascade reservoirs construction on the DGT-labile P was analyzed. The construction of cascade reservoirs led to significant differences in concentrations of DGT-labile P, which in the upstream of Xiaowan (XW) Reservoir were differences from that in the downstream Nuozhadu (NZD) Reservoir. The P diffusion fluxes in XW Reservoir were − 8.59–250.50 ng·cm− 2·d− 1, and that in NZD Reservoir were 3.82–24.80 ng·cm− 2·d− 1. The P pollution of XW Reservoir was higher, highlighting the importance of controlling P pollution of XW Reservoir. The construction of cascade reservoirs had made the release of DGT-labile P more dependent on the reductive dissolution of Mn oxides. The early diagenesis transformed bio-availability P (BAP) remobilization into DGT-labile P that made the increase of DGT-labile P/BAP with depth. However, the DGT-labile P/BAP of upstream XW Reservoir was 7.8 times larger than that of downstream NZD Reservoir, which indicated that the construction of cascade reservoirs weakened the remobilization of P in sediment.

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