small wetland
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2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
Jacek Forysiak ◽  
Sławomir Kadrow ◽  
Agnieszka Noryśkiewicz ◽  
Daniel Okupny ◽  
Thomas Saile ◽  

The aim of this article is to provide information on environmental changes in the Targowisko region in the Early Neolithic as a natural response to settlement and economic activity of the human population in that area. The discussion is based on lithological, geochemical, and palynological analyses, as well as the analysis of Cladocera within strata inside the TRG (Targowisko) core, located in a small wetland in the immediate vicinity of the eastern edge of the Neolithic settlement in the Targowisko region. Settlement analysis points to the absence of stable microregions and to the mobility of human groups. This is confirmed by the sequence of settlement episodes and economic activity, reflected in the stratigraphy of the core sediments, where episodes of significant human interference are followed by phases of almost complete regeneration of the environment. No differences have been noticed between the Linienbandkeramik and Malice culture communities as regards their impact on the environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 785 ◽  
pp. 147317
M. Solis ◽  
N. Cappelletti ◽  
C. Bonetto ◽  
M. Franco ◽  
S. Fanelli ◽  

2021 ◽  
Fabrice Darinot ◽  
Quentin Le Petitcorps ◽  
Véronique Arnal ◽  
Aurélie Coulon ◽  
Claudine Montgelard

Geosciences ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 491
Phatsimo Ramatsabana ◽  
Jane Tanner ◽  
Sukhmani Mantel ◽  
Anthony Palmer ◽  
Gloria Ezenne

Accurately quantifying actual evapotranspiration (ETa) over wetlands is important for the improved management of these ecosystems, since 65% of them are threatened by clearing or drainage in South Africa. This study evaluated a range of available estimates of ETa over six palmiet wetlands, which are key ecological structures in terms of water regulation and sediment trapping. The research compared three remote sensing based products (a local product, FruitLook, and two global data products, MOD16 ET and EEFlux) across different rainfall years (2008 to 2019). Their outputs were validated, where possible, with limited ground-based scintillometer data on the Krom palmiet wetland, which indicated that MOD16 and EEFlux were most representative of ground-based measurements. We also compared the small pixel size EEFlux data over three wetlands with ETa over increasing buffers of land cover (100, 500, 1000 m) in order to validate the perception of these wetlands being high water users. While larger wetlands had slightly higher evaporative demands than adjacent areas, ETa over a small wetland was similar to neighboring land cover. The results indicate that palmiet wetland ETa is highly variable and dependent on external factors such as climate, wetland size and seasonality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 139-144
Francisco Javier Aznar ◽  
José Monterde-López ◽  
Samuel Aunión-Díaz ◽  
Harry J Lehto ◽  
Elena Circella

Avian pox is a disease caused by Avipoxvirus spp. that is known to produce self-limiting, proliferative epithelial lesions in over 275 bird species from 70 families. Although generally benign, this emerging disease can sometimes provoke significant outbreaks of mortality. In rallids, there is a single serological record of Avipoxvirus. In this study, we report on field evidence for two avian pox-like outbreaks in Eurasian coots, Fulica atra. In Utterslev Mose, Denmark, 17 birds were found in the winter and early spring of 2006 with putative signs of pox-like lesions on the frontal shield and bill. Similar lesions were detected in a population of c. 30 Eurasian coots from a small wetland in eastern Spain in the winter of 2018. Birds with active lesions were detected up to 73 days after first finding, and percentage of birds with lesions also increased in this period (from 9.1% to 69.6%), then declined. Lesions of individual birds were observed to heal in 2 weeks. Three young coots exhibited severe lesions that hampered breathing. In other 17 wetlands from the same region, pox-like lesions were detected in 8 out of 843 Eurasian coots from three localities (maximum prevalence: 18.8%) and 1 of 8 Crested coots, Fulica cristata, in one locality. Reports from European birdwatchers describing coots with abnormal frontal shields suggest that some of these birds likely suffered also from avian pox. This disease, unnoticed thus far, could be geographically widespread, thus its potential population impact should not be underestimated, especially in Crested coots.

2019 ◽  
Vol 88 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-22
Andrea Simoncini ◽  
Daniela Papi ◽  
Enrico Ruggeri

This work presents the first assessment of the birds of the Entella river (Genoa, Liguria), a small wetland embedded in an urbanized matrix. Data were collected through standardized in situ censuses from April 2012 to June 2017 and integrated with historical and recent data from other verified sources. A total of 278 species are known from the site; 53 species (19.06%) breed in the area, whereas 62 (22.30%) species are vagrant and 81 species (29.14%) are included in the Annex I of the Birds Directive (79/409/CEE). We determined the following indices: NP/P ratio = 1.48, O.V.I. (Ornithological Value Index) = 20.53. In-depth data are provided for vagrant species and for species of conservation concern, to prioritize conservation efforts. The results underline the importance of the Entella river as a local biodiversity hotspot and suggest a possible role of the area as a stepping stone in the regional ecological network. The study highlights a dichotomy between urbanization and high bird diversity in the area and acts as a first step towards its conservation and implementation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 88 (3 suppl) ◽  
pp. 1625-1633

ABSTRACT The fourth instar larva of Dasyhelea mediomunda Minaya is described for the first time and a complete description of the pupa is provided, through use of phase-contrast microscope and scanning electron microscope. Studied specimens were collected in a pond connected to a small wetland "mallin" on the Patagonian steppe, Chubut province, Argentina.

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