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Ravi Mistry ◽  
Megan Leung ◽  
Nikhita Varma ◽  
Sanghya Venkatesan ◽  
James Holt ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S1) ◽  
pp. 1039-1053
Yongming Luo

This research study aimed at the analysis of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s political discourse (his speech) delivered via video link at the annual General Debate of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The focus of analysis is the president’s speech using Norman Fairclough’s modal of three levels or dimensions of discourse. Results show that the speech uses anaphora and pronouns which position an inclusive society of togetherness with differences and competitions among nations, as part of natural order of things. Social determinants like the need to belong, the use of politeness in a context of formality and the appeal to class sentiments against social struggle. These practices contribute in gaining legitimacy and power in the speech. While the speech is considered a powerful tool in unpacking the speaker’s ideologies, behind the personas – international persona as juxtaposed with the national persona, the realities of political struggle, national or international, the stabilization of power and the struggle for multilateralism remain a challenge.

2021 ◽  

Recorded via video link for the Emmanuel Miller Memorial Lecture and Conference 'Child and adolescent mental health: what have we learnt during the Covid-19 pandemic? Looking back, Looking forward' on Friday 19 March 2021. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.

2021 ◽  
Terry Hutchinson

Young people in detention (10–17) are routinely appearing in court via video link. There is little research on the use of video-link technology for court appearances for this age group. This project maps current practice through systematic courtroom observations, backed up by interviews with judges, lawyers, police, court personnel and others involved in the youth justice system. It identifies strategies to improve current video-link processes and changes to protocols needed to minimise the risk of adverse outcomes for the children appearing via this technology.

Syifaul Fuada ◽  
Marhamah Marhamah

Besides writing skill, reading skill is one of the students' basic competencies at the kindergarten level. During online learning, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers should to create the right learning media; thus, the students still have this competency with the assistance of parents at home. However, based on observations, teachers at Aisyiyah Kindergarten apply a monotonous learning mechanism for all materials, including students' reading mastery competence, which was limited to assignments in WhatsApp messenger in a virtual class and no home visit activities due to unsupportive circumstances. This education-based community service aims to help teachers provide learning media for reading topics through read-aloud videos uploaded by Youtube. In this video, we told the contents of the Fable genre book. The learning process was carried out by ourselves with the class teacher's permission in the WhatsApp group. The video link of Youtube was shared with ten parents in the WhatsApp Group, then students, accompanied by their parents, listened to the Read Aloud video. Ten students who successfully sent videos about retelling the story's contents in the WhatsApp group will be given a poster card as a reward. The results showed that students liked to read aloud videos, helped increase concentration and understanding of the book's contents (in this case, the stories in a read-aloud video), self-confidence, how to communicate verbally as well, and encouraged students' motivation in online learning. By using our read-aloud video, teachers can be helped to provide proper learning media to the children. Later, online learning at Aisyiyah Kindergarten can be more varied.

2021 ◽  
Vol Volume 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-129
Zeeshan Ashraf Qureshi ◽  
Hafiz Muhammad Usman Nawaz ◽  
Mirza Shahid Rizwan Baig

The paper is ensuring the efforts of Supreme Court of Pakistan to launch e-court system through video link connectivity for proceeding of cases through its different registries and, LHC and IHC have launched CMS and Mobile Applications for development of E-courts in Pakistan. The main objective of this research article is to propose a road map, how the existing ICT, E-courts can help Pakistani judiciary technology-driven approach with increased transparency. Moreover, how Pakistan can develop its model of E-courts to manage legal knowledge with integrity, quality and faster distribution of information, making the access to Justice easier and speeding up the whole judgement process. This research is based on a qualitative methodology to conduct a depth literature review and develop a conceptual model of E-courts through secondary data collected from libraries and internet sources. Ecourts, working in different countries established through the utilization of the internet to ease the judicial proceedings for the litigant and all the other stakeholders in the process. The efforts specially targeted to help the poor. The E-courts has mainly provided a platform for the alliance of the ICT organization in the courts. In Pakistan E-courts model can be adequately adopted through computing machinery efficiently, more services, beyond as envisaged in the world for judicial proceedings must develop accordingly

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